Becoming her Savior

Saving her

{Story being narrated in Kikwang P.O.V}


I look up from my phone screen and I notice how she is happily dancing with her friends. Her blond hair bobbing up and down and sideways as though she is trying to imitate the dancers in a club. She is a happy pill among us. Heck, she is one of the reasons why her group of friends are always laughing and always seem to have fun. I don't know why but whenever I see her smiling and being so cheerful, it gives me a nice feeling. A feeling where I myself am not sure whether I am happy to see her or that she makes everyone around her feeling happy and cheerful. Call me a creep but somehow I notice that she isn't like that whe she is alone. her cheerful smile soon drops to a slight frown and a sigh will escaped from as soon as she is alone. 

I continue to secretly observe her and how she is a completely different person from when she is alone and when she is with people she is comfortable with. Her actions are brave and strong. Her can't be bothered attitude completely makes me turn on when she is most of the time being last to be picked as partners. Even though she doesn't show it but I can see how her smile actually potray her feelings. Whenever we have after-party or dinner, she tries her best to be the one entertaining all of us but as soon as she is out of her comfort zone, she looks terribly left out. Alone. 

When I look over to her friends who are busy enjoying themselve to the fullest, I keep askin myself. 

"Do they know that she is not feeling great?"

From my perspective it seems that they apparently take her lightly and as a source of happy pills. I look around and see her quietly leaving the room. I put down my wine and walk towards her direction. 

"Annyeong Hyoyeon-ah"

"Ah! Aish, it's you. Annyeong."

"What are you doing out here? Where's the rest?"

"They're busy. What are you doing here?"

"Just needed fresh air."

She nodded and slowly, she left the balcony. I look over my shoulders and I saw her leaving the place. Right now, I needed to be close to her. But seeing how she had built a wall all around her, it's going to be difficult. All I ca do is to slowly get to her before se decide to do anything stupid. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can still see her again. 


the end



Author's Note :/:

Hopefully, you guys understand. Please comment and subscribe and talk to me. I feel lonely here :(

Kwanghyo couple is cute :>

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Kim_MinYeon #1
Chapter 1: Love this couple! Can't wait for the next update.
kim_032 #2
Chapter 1: Update soon ^^
LovingHyo16 #3
Chapter 1: It's been a long time since the last time I read a hyokwang fanfic so i really looking forward to this^^ update soon neh?