Unexpected Guest and Unexpected NEWS!!!

Just One Mistake

Jin Ah POV

when I heard my umma called my name, I looked up and smiled widely! It was Mi Young unnie, my favourite unnie of all time.. It's been 12 years since I last saw her and I wonder if she still remember me.

"Miyoung thoughts: of course I remember you sweetie I just don't remember your mom and dad that's all"

"Unnie, do you miss me?" I asked and waited for answer "of course I remember you Jinnie, why wouldn't I not remember you? I remember covering your wound when you fell of your bike 10 years ago" I smile and laugh, she still remember me. I wonder if she still remember oppa?? does she still have feelings for him? I remember she stold me that she has a small crush on my oppa and I was to excited over that situation. But it all had to turn down hill when oppa had a girlfriend right after I know when Mi Young unnie has a small crush on oppa. 

Mi Young POV

Ding Dong! The door bell rang, "ah, it must be my son. he is always late for some occasion!" sohyeon ahjumma said and frowned, "sorry I'm late everyone~ " my eyes widen when i saw his face "YOU!!" we said at the same time, wasn't he the one that stole the old men wallet?

"Guy thoughts: wasn't she the one that kick my shink?"

""Sehun, that isn't the way you should greet the house owner... greet her properly!" so his name is Sehun, what a nice name but bad personality, how can he be rich but yet picked pocket people, what a shame to his family!

"Annyeong, Oh Sehun imnida" he hold my hand and going to plant a kiss there but I pulled away a fake smile him, " nice to meet you Oh Sehun, Mi Young imnida!" I go neared to him and whisper "nice to meet you again thief" I back away and smirked! His eye widen and make an 'O' shape. "Omo, Mi Young you still remember him?" remember him, yeah he was the picked pocket, " yeah of course he was~" before I could finished my sentence, sehun interrupted me " yeah, we met at the bus stop before going home right Mi Young?" he gave me the "you're-dead-if-you-tell-them" look, so I played along, wasn't that dumb to trust him " yeah, he was so suspicious when we met don't you think Sehun?" I said "suspicious? what do you mean Mi Young ah?" my umma asked me " oh nothing umma, come let go and eat, I'm starving!"

Sehun POV

We were having dinner when my father had an important annoucement to make, "attention everybody, today me and kim tan has disscuss something really important and I really think it my bring our two family closer and good business..." I frowned at my appa words before going back to eating my lasagne, "what is it jagiya?" my umma asked my appa while drinking her tea and continue eating. " Me and Oh Junseung have decided that Sehun and Mi Young will get married at the end of the month this year" my eyes widen after hearing what Kim Tan Ahjusshi said, I saw Mi Young spit out all the food she had in ... it was quite funny though but still arrange marriage with this girl! I must be dreaming come one... "Appa? I don't want to!" Mi Young said to her appa.....

Mi Young POV

"Appa? I don't want to.." I said to my appa sternly, " you have to whether you like it or not besides this will give you good benefits" GOOD BENEFITS you say, what good benefit i get when you are controling everything in my life? "WHAT GOOD BENEFITS DOES IT BRING ME WHEN I HAVE TO MARRY THIS GUY OVER THERE! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU CONTROLING MY LIFE APPA! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS MAKING MY LIFE MISERABLE? HUH?" this time he has crossed over the boader line I said! "YAH! IS THAT THE WAY YOU SHOULD TALK TO YOUR APPA MI YOUNG AH? PLEASE RESPECT ME AS YOUR FATHER" my appa said shouting at me "RESPECT FOR A FORCIFUL APPA LIKE YOU, IN MY YOU OLD SPANK! YOU DON'T EVEN RESPECT MY CHOICE!" I said leaving the table with all my anger still in me! This time I couldn't bare all the force he had put me in, what benefit I have by marrying that guy out there? Can't I have my own freedom for like once? I am sick and tired of being somebody doll, I just wanted to go somewhere peaceful and not have all this kind of problem in my life! "Yah! Mind you language young lady" I heard my appa shouted at me

to be continue....


A/N: I have nothing to say!!!

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LoveyDovey_MissKpop #1
Update more
Aleyna_Cortez #2
Chapter 2: please update more... i'm really curios what's gonna happen next!