Let me tell you something

Being Wind

You know, being wind isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And I would know, I am the wind, after all. I mean sure, you get to blow people off the streets and knock them off their feet but that’s about it. Humans only ever want me when Summer decides to be a and heat them up to the point where they’re all sweaty and gross. They never want me around when Winter is being a cold oppressive or when Spring is hormonal (and trust me, he’s like that all the time).

However I would gladly take being used by humans any day, over being stuck with Jongdae or “Jack Frost” as he likes to dub himself, for all eternity. He’s constantly on my tail, forcing me to take him everywhere since he’s too much of a lazy to walk himself there. No really. Sometimes he makes me take him three feet. THREE FEET! All he would have to do is walk a few steps but no! He just has to call on me! I don’t like it. I don’t like serving people. It’s not my thing.

“So why do you do it?” that’s what you’re all probably asking, right? Well…truthfully, I don’t know why. I could always leave him stranded somewhere with no way to get back except walking (which sounds like fun, right?) but then I’d have Winter on my and trust me. You wouldn’t want Winter on your . He’s cold (ha, I made a pun).

“Since you have Winter, why do you need Jack Frost?” Good question. Why do we need Jongdae Jack Frost? Well I’ll tell you why. Because Winter is a cold, lazy , oppressive who doesn’t want to get blamed for all the snow storms that appear when Summer royally pisses him off. And I'm not just saying that about him. He really is a cold, cruel, oppressive, lazy . So whenever some poor defenseless town is thigh high in a white blanket of snow, Winter gets mad. Which in turn makes another town get buried in snow.

I'll let you know a fact about Winter (other than he’s a cold oppressive person). Winter’s real name is Wufan. I'll let you know another fact about him. Winter doesn’t like clean up duty. He absolutely despises it. He believes, and I quote “Why should someone of my royal status have to clean up what I didn’t create? Let those peasants do it themselves.” Unquote. See, here’s another thing about Winter. He’s royally stuck up. He likes to believe he’s “the ” and anyone who is “not my style” are way beneath him.

“So where does Jack Frost tie into this?”

I'm getting to that. Since Winter (Wufan) doesn’t like clean up duty, he made Jack Frost. Jack Frost was originally made to clean up the snow blizzards that left poor, nameless, tiny little towns buried in large white mountains. And he did…for the first five years. Then he decided that he didn’t like clean up duty. He decided he wanted to be just like his creator and bring blizzards and snow hurricanes to poor towns with no names.

Winter, of course, didn’t like this. He wanted to be the only one to doom little towns. So naturally Jongdae Jack Frost brought the matter up to Mother Earth. Mother Earth (bless his kind, loving heart) agreed wholeheartedly to Jack Frost’s idea. (Did you note the sarcasm?) Why not let there be two winters? One can reign over one side of the Earth and the other can have the other side. To say Winter was not pleased would be an understatement.

“But why? I don’t want to share with him!” Yes, Wufan actually said this. I was there, in the court room when it happened. No one really saw me though. (How could they? I'm wind for crying out loud!)

“Now Wufan, you need to learn to share. It’s not nice that you get to have all the fun while Jongdae has to clean it up.” You know, sometimes I wonder what would happen to Mother Earth if I were to suffocate him. Would the small people who lived on Earth itself die?

“Yeah Wufan~ you need to share~”

“Shut your face, Jongdae.  No one asked you!”

That’s pretty much how it went down for the remainder of the time before Mother Earth snapped. I think a few towns were destroyed when he did.

“Wufan you will share your element or so help me I'll strip you of your powers and make you clean up Jongdae’s mess with just a spoon!”

That shut them up instantly. Me however…I laughed. I swear that was the first time I’ve ever laughed so hard. And of course my ill-fated luck just happened to shine in that moment because suddenly all three of them could see me.


Oh I forgot to mention something about myself. My name’s Sehun and despite the fact that I'm probably older than Mother Earth himself, I look young. Like…really young. So you can say I was startled when Mother Earth called my name. No one ever calls my name. (Mainly because they can’t see me!)

“Oh…hey Kyungsoo…”

That’s Mother Earth’s name. Kyungsoo. A cute, squishy looking guy with big eyes and an equally big heart. But piss him off and his temper is just as big.

“What are you doing here?”

“Uh…just…hanging around?”

“Mother, who’s this?”

“This is Sehun, dear. He’s wind.”

I waved. “Yo.”

“Wait, you’re wind?”

 “Yes, I'm wind.”

“Like…you’re wind itself? Or…?”

“Yes. I'm wind itself. I go wherever I want, whenever I want because I'm awesome.”

There was a pause. No really. They both were silent for five whole minutes. I thought I had broken them or something.

“Mother can I be wind instead? Jongdae can be winter.”

Uh, no. There’s only one wind and that’s me. So yeah, nope. Not gonna happen.

“You can’t be wind, Wufan. Only Sehunnie can be.”

“But why?!”

More whining and complaining from both of them, Mother Earth losing his temper, small towns getting destroyed, etc. You know, I think they have something against small towns. Because in all the years that I’ve known them (and that’s quite a long time) small nameless towns are always hit the worst. If some freak snowstorm hits the world then you can guarantee that somewhere a poor little town is buried under layers of snow.

“Hey wind!”

Oh great, he’s back. I thought he was off saving the world from Pitch Black with all the other useless guardians?


Lalalalala! I can’t hear you!


What now? Can’t I have one century without Kim ing Jongdae disturbing my peace?

“Take me home, Sehun!”

You know what sounds good right now? Smothering him. With a pillow. And tape. Yeah…lots and lots of tape.

“Come on! I know you can hear me! Please Sehun!”

I refuse to be used anymore. Yup. I'm done being his horse. I shall not move him another step. No sir. I will absolutely-

“I’ll buy you bubble tea!”

 -take him anywhere he wants to go. (Shut up, don’t judge. Bubble Tea is my one weakness.)

Yeah...I don't know what I did either. Meh...whatever.

Peace! n_n

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it's weird but also funny on the same time. :D
btw, why you choose wufan as summer? because i think he is too "cold" for summer.
Chapter 1: Haha oh my gosh this is so funny XD
Its really cute ^^ and I love Sehun's character :)