



Ames Starr is poor, well, her parents are actually. She is just the off springs, and since young she had always wanted to know what it fills like to be rich and have everything she ever wanted.

Ames has a twin sister, Melody. Her sister is kind and fun to be with, you could forget the time talking to her. But for Ames, she is cold inside and out. Her heart isn’t as pure as her sister and she has a pretty twisted mind.

There was no doubt that Ames is smarter than Melody but she acts like she couldn’t care less about her results when she actually does. She just doesn’t want to show it, she didn’t want others to know what she can do. She is just that selfish. To other people’s eyes, she is Melody’s cold twin who shares the same face as her but is different nonetheless. And she hated it, she wanted to change, be better than Melody for once. And so, she opted for arranged marriage into a rich family and become a happy wife. Or so she thought.

It has been 2 months since her graduation from high school and already she was meeting the son of Nam Hyosung, owner of Nam Enterprise. It was an arranged marriage, she was the one who begged her parents to find a rich suitor for her.

Ames wasn’t at all nervous about her first meeting, in fact she was frantic to get this marriage over with. All she needed was the money and she was good to go for the rest of her life.

Ames put on a smile, totally different from her usual straight face. If she wanted to get this right, she needed to be Melody for one day. If he sees how ‘pure’and ‘kind hearted’Ames is, he’ll begged her to marry him.

She was currently sitting in a caféshop, her mocha latte untouched as she stared out of the glass window waiting for her suitor to arrive. She spotted a guy with handsome features in a smart suit. He was holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a box of Switzerland chocolate in another. It was him, she saw his picture before. Nam Woohyun.

Ames’s lips curled into a smile as she eyed the guy entering the café. One thing she was right about, he wasn’t too happy about the entire idea. But then she couldn’t care less, she was just that greedy and selfish. She found that she can’t fulfill the empty space in her heart which can only be done by material things, in which currently she was lacking off. But it won’t be for long.

Ames gave a gentle smile as Woohyun stood in front of her, “Ames Starr?”the said girl pretended to shy away by lowering her head and nodding softly.

Woohyun smiled a little, this was it. The end of his bachelor life, he was only 20 years old and here he was giving away his freedom to an 18 year old who he hadn’t met until now. As much as he wanted to walk out of the caféand never come back, he couldn’t defy his father’s orders. Hyosung wanted grandchildren, and Ames has quite the blood he wanted. A mixed between a Korean and British, the baby will be truly beautiful.

The man sat on the seat opposite to her but not before handing over his gifts. Ames thanked him, putting the gifts away. “You shouldn’t have.”

Woohyun forced a smile, he had to but he wasn’t going to say it out loud any time soon. “Think of it as a first meeting present, I mean since we’re gonna be spending the rest of our lives together I think it’s fair to at least be presentable on our first date.”

Ames frowned for a bit, she then proceeded to fiddling the spoon of her mocha latte. “You…don’t want to get married, do you?”Ames asked slowly, her head lowered slightly.

Woohyun’s expression softened, the girl before him was obvious nice but here he was being an and reminding her about how he was being forced into the entire thing.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…”He didn’t know how to reply. Typical Nam Woohyun.

There was a moment of awkward silence, it wasn’t until Ames had spoken after a little over 5 minutes. “My parents…”she started out.

Woohyun listened attentively, not wanting to break her words. It was the least he could after being such a jerk. He wasn’t always like this, you couldn’t even consider himself as a gentleman to the ladies but then who wouldn’t be pissed after landing themselves in a situation like this.

“It wasn’t my idea to ever get married, ever. I mean, I’m only 18 and there are tons of things I haven’t experience before.”Ames started to explained. Which ironically none of which was true, she needed sympathy from him so she can get in easily. But first, softening his heart was her first priority.

Unwillingly, beaded tears dripped down from her face and landed on her fingers. She didn’t bothered to wipe it away, she wanted him to know she cried but that would be too obvious. So, she lowered her head a bit and stifled a silent sob.

Woohyun noticed the tears as he rummaged through his pocket and handed her his handkerchief. She accepted it as she patted her tears dry, it was working.

“They were struggling with financial problems these past few years and we didn’t think it would get any worse. But it did,”Ames stopped for a bit as she blew her nose wiped the rest of her tears off. “my dad got fired 2 weeks ago.”She finally made eye contact with him. Her eyes were slightly puffy but it made Woohyun’s heart beat slowly nonetheless.

For some reason, the girl in front of her felt true. She was a beauty as far as looks goes, and she was responsible as a daughter if it meant sacrificing the rest of her life to be with some stranger. He could relate to her. And even though it was no more than an hour, his heart was already yearning for hers. He wanted to so much as to protect her, and he knew it. He was already starting to fall for her. The annoyance he had before had extinguished and all that was left was a dim light of concern.

“We couldn’t pay anything without my dad’s job. My mom hadn’t worked for a while now and she’s pregnant at the moment.”Ames nodded, inwardly impressed at how she managed to pull this off. “My sister, Melody, is starting college in 3 months and her application will be cancel if we didn’t pay the semester fee. She has worked so hard for this spot, I don’t want it to go to waste.”

Woohyun could pretty much piece everything together by now, “You volunteered yourself in this arranged marriage so you could pay the rent and your sister’s tuition.”

Ames nodded in reply, she was getting to him. “I’m not smart, I barely got out of high school. I wanted to at least do so much for my parents.”Her eyes not making contact with him as she gripped on his handkerchief, it took everything not to smirk in triumph. To him, she was some poor girl who takes care of her family. But Ames knew herself better than anyone.

Woohyun placed his hand on top of Ames’s, Ames looked up. She was genuinely surprised, she didn’t think he would. Regardless, she still smiled at his comforting words.

“Don’t worry, you have me now.”

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