Of Doubts and Dates

Maybe, Maybe Not

"No," Sookyung stated, turning away from Baekhee and stalking back into her kitchen. She snatched her phone off the counter, checking her texts quickly before pocketing it and turning again to find Baekhee had followed her.

"Come on! It's just coffee. You can't say no to coffee," Baekhee argued.

Sookyung rolled her eyes. She could say no to coffee if Kim Kai was involved.  She hadn't seen the guy since high school and she had no intention to. Plus, her coffee addiction had only started her first year of college. Two years isn't that bad.

The boy was an arrogant prick. He was the popular kid, rich and stereotypical. Older by a few months, Kai, as he refused to be called by Jongin, thought everyone, excluding his small group of friends, was below him. He would order others around and spoke in a condescending tone to any underclassmen unfortunate to meet his displeasure. Sookyung and her friends were part of the few who were on the receiving end of actual pranks by the boy and his friends. So she had a right to dislike the boy.

"I know what you're thinking. 'He probably hasn't changed, arrogance and all.'" Sookyung rolled her eyes and passed Baekhee, who followed her around the apartment. "But! He's taken over his family's company and I heard from a friend he's not as bad. Come on, you get coffee and you haven't been on a date since high school."

"I have no need to date. I'm twenty-four, not forty! Just because you're honeymoon happy with Chanyeol doesn't mean that everyone else needs someone to be happy" she replied, slightly exasperated. "And coffee may be a valid arguement if it wasn't with him." Sookyung dropped onto her couch. Why was Baekhee so adamant about her seeing Kai when she had plenty of opportunities in the past to set her up?

"You're half of fifty! Don't you want to get out of this apartment sometime? And my relationship with Chanyeol has nothing to do with this," Baekhee glanced around the apartment. 

Sookyung studied the living room of her relatively small apartment. She had no need for a larger one considering she had few friends and the only person she felt completely comfortable living with was Baekhee, who lived with her boyfriend of three years.

"Why Kai? Why now? Why not someone else?," Sookyung questioned.

There had to be someone Baekhee thought could suit her more than Kai. She didn't mind her friend trying to set her up so much as the one she was trying to set her up with. It had been a while since her friend set her up. Though they never went past one date. The dates just never were successful, not for lack of trying. Just lack of interest.

She looked away, trying her hardest not to meet Sookyung's glare.

"Tell me, Baekhee. Now," she demanded. Her friend hesitated, contemplating her answer. "Byun Baekhee answer me."

"Ok, fine, Jeez, you sound way too much like my mother," Baekhee stated, sounding slightly apprehensive of her friends tone.

"As much as I aspire to be like your amazing mother, Baek, I'd appreciate it if you'd answer me."

"I talked to him the other day... We talked about his company and our lives... and he confessed he's a little lonely. He's gotten to be a better person and, well, I thought maybe he'd like to have coffee with you..." she trailed off, still not meeting Sookyung's eyes.

"Why me? Why not one of your coworkers? There has got to be someone lonely enough to go out with Kai." She argued.

Instead of replying, Baekhee shot her a look. The look clearly decared who she thought was lonely enough to date him.

"I'm not lonely," Sookyung mumbled. That didn't even sound convincing to her own ears. Her living space pretty much shouted lonely.

She didn't consider herself lonely. She'd made friends with the girls who run the café she frequents. The younger of the two has a few basic classes with her. She still hasn't figured out if they were a couple or the younger was just incredibly clingy. 

"Im just worried. The only times you go out is for work and other times I have to drag you out," Sitting down next to Sookyung, she spoke quickly, trying to get her point across. "Please, If he's rude then you never have to go out again."

 Sookyung slouched a bit in her seat and looked at Baekhee. She really doesn't go out often. She had just been to see her mother a few weeks back but she doubted that was what Baekhee meant. She honestly wasn't interested in finding someone until after college. But considering how she was living going out couldn't be that bad. Even if it was with Kim Kai. The worried expression on her friends face told her all she needed.

"Ok, but I can leave when I want," She relented. Her breathe left her as Baekhee tackled her into a hug on the floor.

"Thank you!" She shouted. "You won't regret it. I promise. Now lets find you an outfit!"

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