
Imagine a Drabble

They both turned to the loud sound of glass breaking, suddenly forgeting the crowd of students that crossed the hallway.

Hyukjae gulped, reaching to the totally broke glasses on the floor, a piece of it falling when he was lifting it. He glanced at the person they belonged to, expecting to be yell or scolded in anger. But the other one, a tall guy, dark brown hair and really pale skin, just stood there, looking somehow in the direction of his hand but at the same time it was like he was looking into the space. The guy didn't even move when he tried to approach him with his other hand.

Kyuhyun got startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder, his mind coming back as Hyukjae, the boy he had fell for since the moment he saw about two weeks ago, was now looking to the floor while mumbling something. He shook his head and asked the skinny boy to stop talking. Hyukjae stopped, not wanting to get the latter even madder, because he knew that he, being the clumsy one that made Kyuhyun fall to the floor and lose his glasses in the process, had to be yelled at.

He didn't know what to say, he wasn't mad, he was actually grateful that those damn horrible glasses had finally broked. He wanted ones that went with his personality after all.

But he wasn't happy either, how was he supposed to play videogames at home now? His mother wouldn't allow him to even glance at his PSP without glasses because he might worsen his eyesight.

- I-I'll pay for the n-ne-new o-ones... - that little voice reminded him of who was in front of him.

The thin and shorter male was standing in front of him, fidgeting in his spot, head hanging really low trying to avoid a possible mad gaze at him. 

- You don't have to buy them.

Hyukjae involuntarily looked up, mentally sighing in relief because the male didn't looked mad.

- But you know... - Kyuhyun continued, making Hyukjae stiffed in his place - I won't be able to get new glasses for at least two weeks.

Hyukjae widen his eyes, already opening his mouth to apologize.

- Don't apologize - Kyuhyun stopped him. -, I wasn't paying attention while walking too.

And it was true, because the moment Hyukjae appeared in front of him, he couldn't keep his eyes away from the blond male. His mind going wild, daydreaming of talking to the smaller, of being close to him and spending a lot of time together.

Hyukjae was now biting his lips, nervous because the taller made his stomach twirl in something like emotion, and he could feel his cheeks a little hotter than usual. He lifted his head, now looking at Kyuhyun, that was again facing him, but it didn't look like he was actually looking at him. 

He can't have such a bad eye-sight, right?

But of course! If he hadn't, he wouldn't be using this big and thick eye-glasses. Having such a handsome face, he must be doomed to this and not been able to use contacts!

And Hyukjae felt even worse, because now the handsome boy was left blind because of him.

What if he bumps into a lot of people? Would he be able to even reach his classes? He won't be able to see the board!

- I guess we have one option. - Kyuhyun said, taking Hyukjae's attention out of his thoughts.

- And what is it? - he was hoping to help, he really felt bad about leaving the boy blind.

- You'll have to accompany me until I get new glasses.

Hyukjae backed away instantly. Taken aback for the suggestion. He couldn't just ditch his classes, he had dance practice as well and couldn't take the luxury of missing it, they were getting ready for the International Championship!

- Ah, you know, I have classes too - he tried to excuse himself, but seeing Kyuhyun's face falling to the ground, he felt bad for the boy. He bit his lip, trying to continue his excuse, and declined the boy's suggestion without sounding rude.

- I see... then I'll make my way to my class on my own. - Kyuhyun continue walking, leaving Hyukjae behind him. He was expecting the older to actually feel bad about breaking his glasses and keeping him company. He sighed, his plan didn't work.

- Yah, wait for me! - a few steps away from him, Hyukjae was now following him. 

Guess I can always rearrange the dance practice.

- Now, where's your next class so I can help you get there?

Kyuhyun smiled, aswering the older's question. A flustered Hyukjae grabbing Kyuhyun's hand to lead him to his next class. The taller could just beam in happiness, his plan worked. Because he didn't need Hyukjae's assistance. Truth was, he could see very well, he only used glasses when he was reading or playing video games in the comfort of his room, all lights turned off. But he wasn't planning to tell that to Hyukjae, nor getting glasses soon.

This is my chance, I'm taking advantage of it.


A/N: The idea wasn't this, but I really wanted to see this scenario. It's really not good. But oh well. Hope you still enjoyed it or that it even makes sense for you xD

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Zimteulee #1
Chapter 1: I Like it really
Chapter 1: hihihi Kyuhyun, you sneaky kid.. xD I enjoyed reading this. thank you :D
Chapter 1: Kyaahh!!!
why dont u check first before agree to help?
just ten seconds late and u will know that Kyuhyun wasn't that blind actually.
but anyhow.. its a win-win situation.
or more to Kyuhyun's win..
But at least you get to know Kyuhyun more after this..
thanks for sharing~
yrfszf #4
Chapter 1: Haha...Kyu is a sneaky guy. Taking full advantage on gullible hyukkie. Tks bb for writing this fiction.
leevalentine #5
Chapter 1: this is so good! and cute!
Chapter 1: this is gooooooddddd....and cute at the same time hahaha..kyu just dumbstruck by love haaahha..who can resist hyukkie tho...thank kyu u for come out with a great idea neeehhh ^^
BubbleTrouble #7
Chapter 1: yaachh evil kyu is back..
lemon-deulop #8
Chapter 1: Oo You can't leave it at that- no, it's impossible. I want it all, the falling in love, and the prettiness that is KyuHyuk. You can't leave me with this. NO! ;-;

I did enjoy it, now go off to write more about this~ <3 NOW. (You don't /have/ too, but I would like you to.
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 1: Its actually pretty good and fun to read^^ haha:D