I Love You

I Love You

YoungJae: "D-daehyun, Himchan said you wanted me?"

Looking up, Daehyun smiles at the sight of the younger male.

Daehyun: "Oh yeah... um, come over here."

Patting an empty spot next to him, YoungJae sits, Biting his bottom lip.

YoungJae: "Um.... wha-what did you want hyung?"

Smiling Daehyun mutters "You" quietly enough so that YoungJae couldn't hear.

YoungJae: "Huh?" Leaning in closer to hear the older male, Daehyun takes advantage of the moment and pulls the younger male by the collar and kisses him with out warning.

Wide-eyed, YoungJae puts both his hands on Daehyuns shoulders, trying to pull away from the kiss he felt especially weired about.

Failing at trying to escape, Daehyun keeps YoungJae in his arms and deepens the kiss, stopping to say something.

Daehyun: "I'm, I'm so sorry YoungJae. I...I just couldn't keep myself from kissing you..."

Bitting his lips again, YoungJae turns a deep shade a red. To his surprise he missed Daehyun's soft, smooth, lips lightly pressed against his.

Sitting up, Daehyun walks to a corner and sits facing the wall. Silently cursing himself.

Felling sorry for the older male, YoungJae also gets up and quietly sits next to Daehyun, catching him off guared by resting his head on Daehyun's shoulder.

YoungJae: "Don't be... please, i-if you don't mind.."

Playing with the hem of his shirt, YoungJae pauses to find the right words to say, "If you don't mind.. I, I was wondering if w-we can lay down t-together- But only if you mind..."

Smiling Daehyun nods and grabs YoungJae's hand leading him to his bed.

Now currently laying next to each other, Daehyun moves YoungJae's head on his chest and softly and slowly caresses YoungJae's jaw line.

Before closing his eyes, YoungJae quickly pecks Daehyun's lips, yet again restings on Daehyun's chest.

Both thinking to each other, I Love You

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