PSA: Please do read!


just a psa

more fanfics to come, just not now


Heya guys :) it's me. Been a long time.

I don't know if any of you guys follow along to Simon and Martina, but in the case you do (and if you saw one of their recent tweets), they're asking fans to share their favorite fanfic.

Now, if one of mine happens to be one of your favorite, I want to say thank you, but please, just this once, DO NOT GIVE THEM A LINK TO ANY OF MY WORKS.

There's a list of reasons why I don't want them to read or even see anything of mine, but it all narrows down to 3 things:

1. I'm still trying to improve - I'm not a great writer. Hell, I'm probably not good either, just average. I need to work on imagery. I need to work on diction. I need to work on carrying out a plot. I need to work on keeping the same tense. I need to work on so many things, and I'm the kind of person who takes criticism seriously. I do love getting supportive comments, but I'm really nitpicky, even to my own work. It's mostly fueled by my AP English teacher, but that aside, there are so many things I need to work on and get better at.

2. English is NOT my first language - if you have followed S&M for some time, you know they're have degrees in English. I don't know what their plan is with this request, but I'm not prepared to get their response. English is my second language. My first is Indonesian, my third is Japanese, and my fourth (if it even qualifies because I can't get past 3 sentences and a handful of words) is Korean. This point would explain why I need to work on so many things, as stated on the previous point, which brings us to my third and final point...

3. I'm insecure about my writing - in an ideal situation, I would have all the time in the world to practice writing. I would be churning out more fanfics in a span of time, and I would be getting better at how to make things work. But real life isn't deal; I barely have enough time to sleep as is with school on my shoulders. For an Indonesian to be taking AP English is like a dumb blonde thinking they can get lucky in multivariable calculus. It's not impossible, but it's really hard. Not only that, I'm insecure about a lot of things, and one of those things is trying to string together some thoughts and making it sound good. I've also said that I take criticism harshly; I berate myself a lot after rereading my writings. I have scrapped entire works because it doesn't feel right to me. I want to improve, but this little trait of mine makes it hard. I rarely beta my writings. I've almost never shown any of them to my friends. I'm already wary of trying to write something big and lengthy as is, don't make it any worse for me.

I don't want to cause any troubles. I appreciate you guys liking what I write, I really do. I just don't want to take a few steps forward only to be thrown back to square 1. I don't want to take any drastic measures. Please make this as painless as possible for me and for you.

tl;dr: do NOT, under ANY circumstance, give my work to them. I'm not giving you permission to, and this topic is not open for argument.


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