Hate + Love = HLOVATE

Flowers in bloom; sun shines brightly. Indeed it was such a beautiful Saturday morning before this happened …

A scream echoed across the house & soon, followed by footsteps running inside the house from the backyard.

“Yah! I’ll kill you once I get you!!”
Byun Baekhyun’s sister –you-, ____ was chasing after Chanyeol & to the surprise, you were all soaking wet. Chanyeol, in the other hand, was laughing his out while trying to run away from you who look certainly angry as your face was all flushing red in anger.

Chanyeol immediately hurried towards Baekhyun & hid himself behind him –he didn’t even care how tall he was- while Baekhyun, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai & of course, Sehun were all changing a what-in-the-name-of-Merlin-is-going-on look. And at that moment, you were making your way towards them while gritting your teeth as you tried to hold onto your anger before it explodes. You approached nearer towards your brother’s direction when you saw Chanyeol behind him. And when you were about to pull your brother away, Baekhyun flicked your forehead, hard. You whined & for awhile, you forgot about ‘killing’ Chanyeol.

“What was that for?” You asked as your rubbed your forehead gently. Baekhyun’s flick was not a joke. It stung. “Why on Earth are you soaking wet, Byun ____?” Baekhyun asked furiously at his sister –you- & he even called you by your full name. Hearing that question, Chanyeol once again burst into laughter while you were giving him a death glare when you heard his so over-reacting laugh. Then, you turned your gaze away to look at your brother who waited for an answer. You rolled your eyes in annoyance while answering, “You should ask your so-called best friend if you want to know what’s on Earth just happened.” You mocked your brother by imitating his word ‘Earth’ just now.

Chanyeol was still laughing so hard until he didn’t even realize the others were looking at him confusedly as they didn’t know what just happened between him & ____; you, of course. Then, Suho, the eldest, made his way towards Chanyeol & slapped his arm lightly to ‘wake’ him up. Chanyeol  stopped his laugh abruptly & looked around only to find that everyone’s eyes were on him.  He cleared his throat & acted cool as if nothing just happened or shall be translated, he was embarrassed for a moment.

Suho nudged Chanyeol & the boy look down at his hyung –since he’s taller than him- while raising a brow in curiosity. Suho gave him a look, he said, “Why are you looking at me like that?” Chanyeol shrugged & replied, “I thought hyung want to say something.” Suho lets out a breath before saying, “Care to explain what just happened, Park Chanyeol-ssi?” He asked formally to Chanyeol.

Upon hearing that, instead of answering or explaining, to be exact, Chanyeol’s lips curled up to form a playful grin. You, in the other hand who were feeling burning in the inside, answered, “He pulled on a prank on me. Look! I’m all wet because of him, throwing a water balloon at me.” You blurted furiously in a breath while glaring & pointing your finger at Chanyeol. As you finished, both of your best friends, Kai & Sehun were laughing like crazy. They even high-fived Chanyeol & shed a tear from their eyes due to laughing as if it was some kind of a joke you were saying. Meanwhile, Suho, Kyungsoo including Baekhyun were trying their best not to laugh & instead they were grinning while trying to hold onto their laughter.

Feeling annoyed by the unexpected reaction you received from your best friends, you turned & left the living room stomping your feet angrily all the way towards your room to get change.

** **

“Stupid Park Chanyeol!”
You burst your anger inside your room, still feeling mad about the incident just now. You didn’t dare to get out of your room because you know they; Chanyeol, Kai & Sehun would be laughing over it once they see you. Hence, you decided to stay in your room for the rest of the afternoon while having a deep thought about something. Something you really wanted to do once you get out of your room; a revenge, of course. You never liked Chanyeol; indeed you hate him. In fact, you also never called him by the name ‘Oppa’; not even once, not even in a dream, not at all. Repeated, NOT.AT.ALL.

*knock knock*

A voice called from the outside. It’s obviously your brother’s. You really don’t feel like answering him because you want to be alone; just for a moment.

Again, he called. But you just shut your mouth & covered your up ears using the pillow. You shut your eyes tightly & waited for Baekhyun to shuffle away from the door.

“Leave me alone!”
Finally, you spoke –shouted, actually-. You waited a few minutes & when there’s no sign of Baekhyun, you opened your eyes & threw away the pillow you used to cover up your ears. You sighed in relief to know nobody’s going to bother you, for now. So, you sat back up & began to think deeply again.

** **

That evening, you’re still sticking yourself in your room; there’s no sign of you to go out & have a meal at least since your stomach was growling as if it was singing ‘Growl’ by EXO; one of the K-Idol boy group everyone was talking about. You still can’t come up with an idea for the revenge on Chanyeol so you’re being stubborn to stay in the room until you come up with something fascinating.

*buzz buzz*

Your phone signaled a new message. You turned your head to it. Staring at it, you reached out your hand & grabbed it. You unlocked it & saw a new message from Baekhyun. You lazily read it,
‘____-ah, I’m out with the rest. If you’re feeling hungry, Kyungsoo cooked for you. Just heat it if you want to eat. See ya, sis.’

The line ‘Kyungsoo cooked for you’ made you smiled. You always love Kyungsoo’s cooking. Smiling like an idiot you are, you left your room immediately & rushed to the kitchen.

** **

Again, here you are; lying yourself down on the comfy bed of yours, still having a brainstorm about the revenge you’re going to have on Chanyeol. You want to do something thrilling but your head isn’t working the way you want it. In the end, you gave up & soon, dozing off into a sleeping beauty.

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SimMi123 #1
Chapter 2: so cute.... plz update authornim!!!!! .......
I luv the plot:):):)