

The day passed as any normal day would in school, the usual happenings such as Jessica getting scolded for falling asleep in the middle of Algebra class, Tiffany being forced by our teacher to bite onto a pencil for being too talkative during Physics, and me sitting in between it all, getting strange looks from all of our other classmates. I have mastered the art of lowering my head in such a manner that I would still have sight of the board, while avoiding everyone else's gazes. Everybody thought we were an odd trio, after all.

Then, gym time came. We all changed into our respective attires-- jogging pants that were red and plain white shirts that were cotton-based. After the assembly in the gym, we proceeded to make our jogging rounds. Sixty times around the whole field, as usual.

"Ah, really, this Mr. Jun. Making us jog sixty times around this huge field while he just sits and watches television from his little phone there." Tiffany whined, in which Jessica nodded slowly in agreement. I shrugged my shoulders along, unable to contain the laugh threatening to escape my lips.

"Hey, of all people, the ever-lethargic Kim Taeyeon should be the one who's complaining the most." Jessica then joked, playfully bumping her elbow against my shoulder.

I only shook my head as a response and gave her a look, and I knew that she understood by th subtle nod she gave towards my direction. This whole jogging thing is the best for my frail health, which is a topic I'd rather not dwell on right now. Not yet, at least.

Thirty rounds later, and there was this noticeable slowing down of almost everyone in the class. Everybody was a mess of sweat, others panting haphazardly for air. Me, Jessica and Tiffany did slow down a bit-- heck, it could've been considered walking, at the pace we were going at-- and moved towards the side so that we wouldn't be in anybody's way.

"Let's hang out after school!" Tiffany declared in a tone that was as if she hadn't been jogging for the past minutes. Sometimes I really wonder where this girl gets all her energy from.

"I can't," I muttered under my breath, gaze lowering onto the pavement, "it's Wednesday."

I had always joked and reasoned out that I had to go directly home every Wednesday since it was my sacred day-- since it was somewhat the middle of the week. Truth was, every Wednesday, I had someone at home that I simply couldn't leave waiting.

Tiffany look downcasted at my words. She then slowly turned her head towards Jessica, and though I couldn't see it, I was pretty sure that she had her lower lip jut out in a pleading pout, so that Jessica would force me to come with them.

"We can't force Taeyeon," Jessica started, flipping her strawberry blonde locks from hanging on one shoulder to the other, "she has an appointment with the devil she sold her soul to every Wednesday. If she misses even one meeting, it could be the end of her. They'll drink out her brains with a straw, or something."

I glared at Jessica, especially since she spoke with such a serious tonality, that I was pretty sure Tiffany was about to believe her.

"... Tiff. I'm kidding." Jessica utters, and Tiffany just lets an anxious laugh erupt from , mumbling, "I totally knew that."

And on that rather awkward note, gym class finally ended. Thank goodness my noodle legs didn't give away, though I was pretty sure they were about to.

We changed back to school uniform before making our way home. Since Tiffany and Jessica had planned on watching a movie together while I get to my little every-Wednesday-appointment, I had to ride on the train by myself. It wasn't lonely, though I was alone. I kept myself busy by reading our History book in advance, also to prepare myself for a graded recitation we were sure to have some time along the week.

I hopped off the train at my stop, and I squeezed my tiny framed self in between the multitude of people.

As I exited the terminal and started walking along less crowded sidewalks, I felt a familiar vibration from the phone in the pocket of my skirt. I slid it out to see that it was Jessica.

From: 바보싴 "Home yet? Not going to watch a movie with Fany anymore just going to hang at her place ㅋ be safe say hello to dad for me"

I could only laugh, since it was quite well-known among not only our small group but within the entirety of our class that my phone is there for the sake of just being there. I never had the credits to reply to text messages anyway.

I slid my phone back into my pocket, then glanced over at my wristwatch. It was nearing five o'clock, and I needed to be home quick, or else I'd be in big trouble.

After a few more minutes of brisk walking, I finally arrived home. And the familiar green family van was parked across the establishment I call home. I smiled to myself, and paced quickly towards the gate. Despite my being tired, I knew I had to have a bright expression on for the sake of the kids.

The sight of the children I call my brothers and sisters huddling up against the knees of the man in a long lab coat softened my heart. "Hey," I called out to get their attention. Their heads turned in sync, only makinh the situation about twice as funny. "I'm home." I muttered in a softer voice, now opening the gate and entering. The twins, Youngdeuk and Youngjae, were the only ones who unlatched themselves from the man to walk towards my way.

"Hey Deuk, hey Jae." I made sure to greet both of them, so that no jealousy would arise. I've heard from the other kids that they've grown particularly fond of me ever since they arrived.

"Taeyeon." A voice, soft yet low and velvety, called out. I raised my gaze to look over at the man who wore the lab coat, flashing a bright grin before replying, "Doctor Jung. Nice to see you again."

"Alright kids, head over inside for supper. Sister Seo already prepared your meals." And in a heartbeat, the five who had clung onto Doctor Jung disappeared into the home.

"Yah, you two go as well. I have to talk to Doctor Jung. In private." I had to emphasize the latter, knowing how stubborn and witty the twins were. Though their expressions were evidently sulky, they limped quietly towards the door, closing it quietly behind them.

"So," Doctor Jung started, as he crosses his arms over his chest, "have you been taking your medication properly? No side-effects whatsoever?"

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sorry I took so long ;n; chapter 4 is up!


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Chapter 4: update soon please
Chapter 3: update soon please
Chapter 3: what does it have to do with med ? is Taeyeon sick ??
wellingwang #4
Chapter 3: Curiosity eaten me..... please update soon... love this taengsic...
norevS #5
Chapter 3: Is tae sick??? Im intrigue with your storyline... taengsic... hehe...
Chapter 2: aww , my taengsic heart ! ^^ haha update soon author and plss make it taengsic ~~
Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
thanks for your update
Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
thanks for your update
Chapter 1: update soon please