
We're All Going To Struggle

Hi guys. I'm sorry that I'm such an awful writer. I've been leaving you guys hanging for maybe years I'm not sure but I'm for sure feeling very bad to ever do that to you guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating my stories and since I can't make excuses and I for sure can't lie to you guys I'm going to tell you exactly why I haven't been active.

These past years, I have been very busy. There's a lot of things I need to do, assignments, schoolworks, and a lot of other things. My parents, thou they're both very supportive and very kind, and are my sources of happiness, have been putting me under a lot of pressure. The stress I've been going through had probably put this semi permanent writer's block and I couldn't seem to write anymore even though I have clear ideas about my story. I used to be very active in writing, i write about a lot of things and suddenly i just stopped. Because my words never seemed right anymore.

But not to worry, because i believe i will be good again, and i will come back with fresh batches of new chapters and stories. I'm very thankful to each and everyone of you who reads and commented on my stories and clearly showing signs of anticipations of new chapters! Thankyou for your patients because i will definitely be making you guys disappointed by this note (false alarm, im sorry this is not a new chapter :( )

Thankyou for your understanding. Also i really don't mind if you guys want to unsubscribe, bacause i, myself, dont know when I'll be better again.

I love you guys, see u later~♡♡

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joanna20 #1
Chapter 2: I wish u all the best!!!!
Chapter 1: This is really good ^^ I hope you continue~ thanks for writing
Chapter 1: Aaaaagh!!! I wwanna see the next chapterrrr... I hope you're still working on this~ Good luck author-nim!!!! :D
Chapter 1: I miss you honestly! ur writing skill are even better
Chapter 1: you're back? yay!!!!!! I missed this story!!!
joanna20 #6
Chapter 7: U r rewriting from chap 1? Will b u please post & tell that the rewrite chap have been updated. Ty! Fighting!
Chapter 6: Palliiiii update
deebo339 #8
Chapter 5: Ahhhh please update!!!
Joonseobfic #9
Chapter 6: please update soon okayy. can't waittt moree
silvermist1116 #10
Chapter 6: Aww Baby Hyukkie. He should run away from home and hang out with Jae for awhile.