
Yo, Excuse Me Miss(ter)

The club blasted music through its speakers. Bodies swayed wildly as the club beat pulsed through them. The club was usually packed but even then there was room enough to make a small open circle in the middle of the floor. 

In the middle of the circle was the dancing prodigy of the club, Kai. Every Saturday night you could find the tanned boy mesmerizing the crowd with his move. He usually choose one lucky person to be his fling of the night, it was no secret he was as much as a player as was he a dancer.

People gawked in trance as Kai danced as if he was possessed by the beat. He made eye contact with a girl across from causing her to blush deeply. With a smirk he pulled the girl in the middle of the circle with him earning her envious glares from the people around her. The girl didn't care though, she was in a state of bliss that she was chosen tonight.

She put her arms around Kai's neck, grinding her body against his eagerly. The danced for a few minutes until something made Kai look away from her, towards the entrance of the club door. 
His body froze as he took in the sight in front of him.

A group of boy just entered the club but one stood out among the rest. He had big owl-like, red-ish hair styled upward. Even through the club lights he could make out that the boy was wearing tight ripped black jeans that hugged his body. On top he wore a simple black v-neck which went with his plain black boots. 

Kai hadn't noticed that he was staring at the boy so intently until a hand waved in front of his face. Kai looked down to see the girl frowning at him.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

Kai gave her an apologetic grin. "Just got a little side-tracked." 

They started dancing once again but Kai couldn't help but to let his eyes search for the unknown boy. He came to the club so often that he practically knew who was new or not, and the unknown boy was definitely someone new there.

His eyes finally found the boy. He was sitting down in the corner of the club chatting with his friends. The boy was in the midst of listening to something his friend was saying when he suddenly turned his gaze towards Kai's. 

Kai felt his heart stop as those big eyes held his gaze. The boy gave him a smile before turning back to his friends.

Kai didn't know what got into him but he felt like he just had to go talk to the boy. Kai left the girl in the middle of the floor (despite her protest) and started to make his way through the crowd towards the boy. 

'How should I approach him?' Kai thought as he stopped in his tracks. He moved over to the open space by the bar, eyes never leaving the boy's location. He saw some of the boy's friends get up and walk to the dance floor leaving the boy with one other friend.

'Should I ask his friends to help me meet him?' He shooked his head. 'No, that's not the way to go.'

Kai was a master at playing this game of approaching  and he knew with this boy thats not the way to go.

He watched the boy smile and say something to his friend before getting up and starting to walk away.

Kai was quick on his feet, speeding his pace a bit to catch up to the boy.
Kai's mind was once again racing on what to say. 'Maybe I should talk about his smile? He probably got that before... Maybe his style? No, that's too obvious...'

His eyes widened when he saw the boy reach the club exit.

'Here goes nothing.'
Kai reached out and caught the boy's wrist. 

"Yo," Kai blurted out on a whim then proceeded to mentally slap himself.

The boy turned around, his eyebrow cocked up as a amuses grin played on his face.

Kai held his breath at the sudden eye contact but continued to talk. "Excuse me mister, I'm sorry but I don't know your name. I mean I saw you from across the room and..." He trailed off.

The boy gave him a bright smile. "Kyungsoo. My name is Kyungsoo."

The boy's voice sent butterflies in Kai's stomach.

"I'm Kai, but you can call me Jongin."

"Jongin," Kyungsoo let the name roll off his tongue, deciding he liked the way it sounded.

Kai smiled as he heard his name flow from those soft pink lips. He looked down and realises he was still holding his wrist. 

"Sorry about that," He quickly let go of Kyungsoo's wrist. "Were you about to leave?"

Kyungsoo nodded. "Honestly, my friends dragged me here with them but I feel like I don't fit in with the club life."

Kai chuckled. "Some people are like that at first until the loosen up a bit. How about one dance before you go, to test it out y'know."

Kyungsoo smirked. "Are you asking me to dance with you, Jongin?"

Kai felt his face heat up a bit. "I-If you want to, then yes."

Kai felt his image crack as he stuttered, but it was something about Kyungsoo smiled at him, something about him that made him want to say...

"Yo, Kai." the bouncer snapped Kai out of his daze. "He went back inside already."

Kai looked around and saw that Kyungsoo was indeed gone.

"Thanks man." Kai said as he walked back inside. 

He spotted Kyungsoo leaning against the bar and made his way towards him. 

Kyungsoo glanced at Kai when the boy came to a stop next to him. "You know, I don't really dance."

Kai smirked. "Don't worry about it."
Kai tool his hands and led him into the crowd. The beat wasn't really that fast to Kai's standard, so he thought it would be okay for them to dance to.

"Just go one, two, step," Kai instructed, never letting go of other's hand.

"One... Two... Step." Kyungsoo repeated to himself as he tried to copy Kai's moves. He repeated the steps a few more times until he got the hang of it.

"I got it!" Kyungsoo's face lit up at his accomplishment and Kai couldn't help but think of how cute he looked at the moment.

The music started to pick up pace, making Kyungsoo frown as he kept messing up on the steps.

"If the music is moving to fast, just grab my hand a bit tighter." Kai pulled the latter closer to him, their bodies pressed against each other. Kai looked down at the blushing boy. "Don't be afraid to move a bit closer." 

The blushing boy nodded as the two began to dance against each other, losing track of time as they flowed together. It wasn't until the club announced it was closing soon did the two realized how long they've been dancing.

The next song was a slower one making the crowd cool down from the fast-paced beats prior.

Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Kai's neck as Kai wrapped his around the latter's waist as the swayed gently to the beat. 

"I never knew dancing could be so... Romantic." Kyungsoo said, playing with the strands of Kai's hair.

Kai sighed in content. "Dancing can always be that way... If you're with the right person."

Kyungsoo pressed there foreheads together as he looked into the other's eyes. "I guess you're right..."

They stared into each other's eyes before leaning into one another.

The kiss was different than what Kai was use to from his flings. It was a simple kiss, gentle enough to set off emotions deep inside. 

The moment was cut short as Kyungsoo's friends began to call out for him.

"I have to go." Kyungsoo whispered out before reluctantly breaking apart. He was about to go when Kai grabbed his wrist again.

Kyungsoo smirk at the familiar action. "No 'yo' this time?"

Kai's face heated up as he thought back on his embarrassing actions. "No, I wanted to get your number this time." He gave the shorter a shy smile.

Kyungsoo bit his lips to prevent the wide smile that was beginning to form on his face. He held out his hand as Kai got the message and handed over his phone.

"Text me." Kyungsoo gave him a final wink before running off to catch up with his friends.

Kai watched the boy's retreating figure until he was out the club. Kai made his way out the club too, walking over to his car. He got inside and chuckling to himself. " 'Yo'... "

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stDO007 #1
Chapter 2: awww so romantic, :3
Chapter 2: sequel! sequel!
Chapter 2: yo! yehet! (er sorry that's thehun)
kkk that was so cute...
i'd love to read the sequel...
great one!^^
Chapter 1: Yo! That was so cute ^^
Chapter 1: Sequel please! Yo!
Chapter 1: omg sequel please!
k0j3t4 #7
Chapter 1: Made a sequel for this! ^^
bohyemi #8
Chapter 1: SEQUEL!!!!!!!
quincy85 #9
Chapter 1: sequel please....
faraaaaaahemilia #10
I'm looking forward towards this story :)