Daddy in Training

Daddy in Training - Suga

A bundle of blankets settled in your arms as you unhooked, your newborn baby boy, Carter from his car seat as Suga, your husband, held open the door for you as the little boy whined in your arms before falling back asleep happily.

"I’ll get the rest of the bags, you head inside." Suga said in hushed tones as he leaned in and kissed your cheek, minding the little miracle in your arms as you nodded and slowly headed into the shared apartment.

Opening the door slowly, you smiled as you missed the smell of home, the warm morning light flooded into the living room as you made your way over to the couch. Carefully sitting down, you leaned against the back of the couch as your little boy curled against you as his fingers gently let go of the light blanket as his eye lashes fanned above his plump cheeks and soft pink lips as they moved against each other. Black hair stood proudly on his head, as you smiled and brushed your fingers across the back of his hand as a small smile curled on his lips as his small tongue his lips as you couldn’t help but think how much he looked like Suga.

The warm sun shifted and laid over your legs as it warmed you up, relaxing you as your head rested on the back of the couch cushion as you fought to keep your eyes open but it was no use.

Suga set the bags in the entry way as he went back out to the car to get a few more bags before he locked the car and came in for good. Taking your bag to the bedroom and moving Carter’s things into his bedroom.

Putting some things away and opening others, he smiled to himself as he put the diapers into the little basket and the new bottles into the kitchen as he looked over at you. Setting the formula and new bottles in the kitchen he came over and took a seat next to you as his hand gently rubbed over the proud hairs as he leaned down and kissed his little boy’s head. A soft whine came from your lips as he looked over at you, fast asleep. Smiling brightly, he kissed your forehead as he gently rubbed your arm as your eyes fluttered open.

"Ah… sorry, I just closed my eyes for a second." You mumbled as you looked at Suga.

"Don’t worry, you must really be tired. I mean you did do eight hours of hard work." He chuckled as you rolled your eyes. "Why don’t you go get some rest, I can take care of him while you are sleeping."

"Y-You sure?" You asked him as he nodded and looked at you with soft and loving eyes.

"If it will help you feel better, you can take the night shift." He said knowing that you don’t like him to do everything, making you feel helpless.

"Okay" You gave in as he opened his arms to take Carter. Shuffling over the sleeping baby, you got up as you kissed his lips sweetly. "If you need anything, you can wake me up." You said as he nodded, yawning you walked back into your room as you quickly showered, changing clothes before slipping into bed. Relaxing to some music, before you knew it you were out for good.

"It is just you and me, little man." Suga smiled as he rocked side to side with Carter still sleeping in his arms. A few minutes later, his phone buzzed from a text as he slowly moved to take out his phone from his pocket.

Are you home with the baby? - Jin

Yeah, he is sleeping right now.

Where is he sleeping? - Jungkook

In my arms :)

Awwwwwwww - V

With every buzz and the movements of Suga’s arms moving, woke up Carter as he was calm for a few seconds but then his face scrunched up and tears began to build in his eyes as his body tensed with the surrounding blankets. A whining cry came out from his mouth as his body gently shook, Suga looked down at his little boy as his mind went blank.

"Shhhhhh, please Carter." Suga begged as he set his phone down on the couch and stood up as he moved Carter to his shoulder as the cry got louder and more desperate as Suga tried to rub his back to soothe him, he unwrapped him from the blanket thinking he was hot, he smelled his diaper thinking that he needed to be changed, yet his little boy kept crying and getting louder with each passing minute.

Looking back to his phone, he saw the screen light up.

Where are you? Respond! - Rap Monster

Bending down, he dialed Jin’s number as he put it up to his ear as he tried to bounce Carter, still trying to get him quiet.

"Yeoboseo?" Jin picked up as he heard a screaming baby on the other line.

"Leader, I need help, he won’t stop crying." Suga pleaded as Jin pulled the phone away from his ear to try and save his hearing from the loud desperate cry from the baby.

"Go wake up ______-ah!" Jimin suggested as Suga looked over to your bedroom.

"I can’t she is so tired and I need to do this, I am his dad." Suga said as it hurt him to hear his son cry like this especially in his arms.

"There are only some things that she can do Suga." J Hope said as Suga rolled his eyes.

"I know that, can’t all of you come over please." Suga pleaded as the member thought about it for a while before agreeing.

Hanging up the call, Suga tried to rearrange him in his arms again with a slight let up with the screaming, he felt a little relief as it started up again when the members knocked on the door. Jungkook covered his ears, thinking it was too loud already outside of the door.

Suga opened the door as a relieved look flooded over his face.

"Thank you for coming over." Suga let them all in as Carter watched all of them come in through his tear filled eyes.

s gathered around him and the new arrival as Carter got distracted at the moment by all of the new faces.

"You’re must be happy that he doesn’t look like you." Rap Monster teased as Suga hissed at him causing Carter to erupt in cries and screams. The members all covered their ears as they made funny faces as Suga relaxed a little and laughed at s.

"Have you tried seeing if he needed to be changed?" Jimin asked as Suga nodded.

"Have you fed him yet?" Jungkook asked as Suga lit up.

"We should try that!" Suga said as the members followed him into the kitchen.

"What do we do first?" Jin asked as Suga pointed to the bottle and the formula. Jin grabbed the bottle as  J Hope grabbed the formula.

"This is all powder." J Hope remarked as Suga nodded

"You have to add water" Suga said as V picked up the container and tried to read the instructions.

"I can’t see any instructions." V said as Rap Monster just grabbed it and put a few scoops in the bottle as he went to the faucet and some cold water and filled the bottle as he shook it.

"That doesn’t look right." Suga said as he had only seen the nurses feed him a few times.

"Everyone loves cold milk." Rap Monster remarked as he handed the bottle to Suga.

"I-I don’t think that is right, aren’t you supposed to test it or something?" Suga asked the members as they all shrugged their shoulders as he took the bottle and decided to give it a try.

Taking the bottle in Carter’s mouth, he took a few sips as he got quiet and the members had a proud smile on their face but before long, Carter pushed it aside and screamed louder.

"Maybe he needs to be burped now." Jin asked as Suga nodded, seeing you burp him several times after you fed him. Moving him onto his shoulder, he bounced him up and down as he patted his back. A burp came up but so did the few sips of milk that he drank. The members went to the other side of the room.

"Now I think about it, I think he acts more like you." Rap Monster said as Suga shot him a harsh stare.

"Maybe you should try changing him, you won’t smell anything if he only peed." J Hope said as Suga would try anything now to get his little boy to stop crying. Putting a blanket on the floor, he knelt down and got the diaper and wipes all ready as he undid the small diaper. Wiping then putting on a fresh one, Suga just couldn’t figure out which way the diaper would go on him. Trying it one way then the other, he just picked up his son as the crying seemed to never cease.

"Maybe we should try and make him laugh." V suggested as the member nodded almost trying everything as they all made funny faces and did tricks but it just made Carter scream more.

The bedroom door’s hinges creaked open as everyone’s head turned over to look at you as you rubbed your eyes.

"Suga…" You opened your eyes to find the members all staring at you and the little baby crying loudly.

"Jagi, he won’t stop crying." Suga walked over to you as he shuffled the baby into your arms as you looked him over a little before you knew what was wrong. "Please fix him." Suga said sadly as you smiled at him.

"Don’t worry, have you tried feeding him?" You asked taking your place on the couch as you grabbed a blanket to cover yourself as the whining baby laid on your lap.

"Y-Yeah we tried feeding him but he didn’t want any." Jin said as you looked over at the members as you lifted the blanket over your shoulder to cover yourself as you fed Carter.

"Can I see the bottle that you were feeding him?" You asked as Jungkook nodded and went to the kitchen as he handed it to you while closing his eyes cutely.

Dabbling the cloudy fluid on your arm, it was way too cold and too concentrated as you the dot of milk up from your hand as you made a face.

"Hey that was the same face that he made." J Hope said as he pointed to you.

"What did we do wrong?" Suga asked as the members all looked at you with big eyes.

"The bottle needs to have warm water, but not too hot so that it will burn him. Also it is one scoop per two ounces, this is way too concentrated." You said as Suga listened carefully taking mental notes. "Nice job with the diaper." You smiled as you felt the diaper on correctly, just a little loose.

With silence filling the air, the members worked in the kitchen trying to clean up the spilled formula powder as Carter finished feeding.

"I guess Carter doesn’t like me." Suga said as he cleaned up the make shift diaper changing station at your feet.

"He loves you, he just needs to be with you more. He has already been with me for nine months, we kind of are buddies." You smiled as he looked up at you with a little smile.

"C-Can you teach me how to take care of him, so that you can rest and I don’t have to wake you up?" Suga asked as he took the spot next to you as you nodded.

"Do you want to burp him?" You asked as Suga’s eyes got wide.

"I don’t want him to throw up again." Suga said holding up his hands as you shuffled Carter over to him.

"Don’t worry, he has little air bubbles in his tummy and you need to pat them out or it will hurt him." You said as you placed a burp rag on his shoulder before showing him how to burp him as some milk came up but not a lot and before Suga knew it Carter was fast asleep in his arms.

Getting up, you got rid of the dirty diaper and smiled at your husband as the members finished cleaning up.

"Thank you all for your help." You whispered as they all bowed.

"He really is cute when he isn’t screaming all the time." Jin said as you smiled.

"We’ll have to have you over another time  so that you can see him when he is a little bigger and happier." You said as they all headed over to the door.

Showing them out, you closed the door as you looked over at Suga on the couch.

"Suga?" You called as he turned his head.

"I’m sorry, I should have got you but I wanted to be a good dad." He said as you wrapped your arms around him as you leaned over the edge of the couch.

"You are a great dad, and a wonderful husband." You smiled as you kissed his cheek then down his jawline a little as he smiled and began to feel better.

"You still have the night shift." He smiled up at you as you nodded.

"Only if Daddy comes with me." You smiled resting your head on his shoulder as he smiled and kissed your head. Both of you watched the little bundle of joy that he held, fast asleep, so peaceful as both of you couldn’t believe the overwhelming feeling of love that was filling your hearts.

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babyxieee_ #1
Chapter 1: daddy feels
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute :)
Chapter 1: This was so cute and I enjoyed reading.
But you used the word as like thousand times it made me laugh xD
Chapter 1: so this is it! SO.FREAKING.AMAZING!I think this is my favorite so far (even when I love the other ones ♥ ) cuz I love babies and more when they play a big part in a fanfic :3 ♥♥♥♥♥
nabi_devi #5
Chapter 1: that was really cute!
ok so as someone that has read many of your stories, I've always noticed that you use the term 'as' a lot. I mean I don't want you to take it as me being rude but as someone who is studying education, I'm really picky with grammar.. anyways, I noticed the amount of times you used it in this one and some parts just didn't make sense to me like "yawning you walked back into your room as you quickly showered" which, to me should've been, '...into your room and then quickly showered...' anyways just a thought.
Chapter 1: I have to be honest, I had to put my phone down for a few minutes every time, because I was just a smiling and squealing mess. Cuteness overload, my poor heart haha. But I really loved this.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! So cute! I can imagine the other members trying to take care of the baby. C: Another great story!!!
Chapter 1: Suga is my bias in BTS>< You just made my day!!!
This was so cute that I had to squeal like crazy...
Thinking about Suga being a dad and how the other members are as helpless as he is:P
LOL... It was funny and sweet at the same time^^
Chapter 1: Aww. So cute! Hehe. It's quite funny how the other boys are so hopeless with the child. xD