All Of Me


'Right when you pick up the broken pieces they may not last long'


"I've had enough of this nonsense!"

"I'm  only stating the truth. Please believe me"

"Leave me alone you creep"

"You can't pretend to be something your not"


I'm lost, confused and in desperate need of some answers. Ever since the day my only sorce of family left, died. I've been visited by strange unhuman creatures who call themselves VIXX. 


Am I really what they say to be? 





- Jan Di

-23 years old

- Stubborn, smart, Independent, vulnerable, kind

-Only Child

- Suspected to be a vampire princess

 (out of order)



-18 years old

-Quiet, strong minded, smart, youngest

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince 



-21 years old

-Funny, calm, pretty boy, smart

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince


-23 years old

- Smart, Eldest, Flirt, stubborn

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince


-21 years old

-Friendly, calm, smart

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince


-23 years old

-Second oldest, smart, arrogant, stubborn

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince


-20 years old

-smart, kind,  childish

-Brothers VIXX

-Vampire prince




maybe i'll update 3 new chapters instead of 1, lets just say it'll be a late x-mas gift


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marshmellow10 #1
Chapter 3: awesome please update soon:)
Chapter 3: wow cool please update soon
Chapter 3: Very short update :"<
But it's good :D hehe~ N you dirty minded boy lol
Chapter 2: Ooohhh~~ Seems interesting :)
Can't wait for the next update!
Automatic subscribe and up-vote ^^
Chapter 1: First things first: I'm reading on my phone and that font is REALLY big. I tested it with my sister and she could still read it from ~2,5 meters distance. So yeah.

Now about the chapter. Yeah, I liked it. Though it seems kinda weird to me that a supposedly mythical creature would just in public speak pretty loud about such things, overall it was an okay chapter. ^^

I'm looking forward to the next one!
Chapter 1: this should be fun! oh i like to call Leo 'yeobo' xD
Chapter 1: 'Call me yeobo.' wow,I think I'm gonna die of happiness if he actually says that to me!! XD