Strange behavior

Late at night

Strange behavior was what Himchan had been displaying all day long. It had started early in the morning where he had just played with his food rather than eating it what was strange for someone who normally showed no mercy when it came to food. Daehyun had told him that Himchan apparently had nightmares previous night so he first thought it might be the reason why he behaved that uncommon for him but he normally forgot his bad dreams rather quickly but this time this was not the case. He had barely talked all day long and Himchan loved to talk like no other person he knew not even Daehyun could talk as much even if he most of the time came quite close. Another thing that was strange was that Himchan's skin seemed to be itching all day long especially on his arms. Yongguk thought that Himchan might be allergic to something but as he had asked him on their way home Himchan had denied it and told him he had not even noticed that he ahead been scratching his arms. When he had asked him what was wrong with him he had answered that everything was totally fine which had been the only comprehensible behavior that day because Himchan rarely admitted  that something was not okay. Everything got even more suspicious as he told one after another of the members that they could shower first. They did that once in a while if they saw that the youngest where really tired or if they had something to do before they could shower but neither of that was the case today. They had come home relatively early and Himchan was doing nothing except starring at the television without even noticing what was playing. As everyone had taken a shower and it was finally Himchan's turn he still did not move.

"Himchan, go take a shower," he told him.

"Yeah, in a moment," he answered and Yongguk noticed that everyone was in the living room right now following their conversation. He hadn't been the only one that noticed that Himchan was not his usual self at the moment and everyone was curios and maybe even anxious to know why.

"Who of you bought the new songs that is in the washing room?" He asked.

"It's mine. It's one of those natural sponges that are good for your skin," Youngjae answered.

"Can you put it away?" Himchan asked him.

"Why? It's still all wet and absorbed with water," Youngjae said.

"Just put it somewhere I can't see it. Please." The last word came out almost like a plea and Youngjae immediately went and removed the sponge from the bathroom.

"What's wrong with the sponge?" He asked Himchan who waited until Youngjae returned.

"It has holes in it, lots of tiny holes. I hate them," Himchan whispered to him.

As Himchan had finally made his way to the bathroom he grabbed this laptop and started to research the fear of small holes. Apparently this fear was called trypophobia and persons found things with tiny holes in it disgusting. They felt their skin crawling, they shuddered, they felt their skin itching and sometimes they even became physically ill. Yongguk had never heard of something like this so he started to look some articles up. He noticed that Youngjae was now sitting beside him on the couch reading with him while the others were immersed into a show on television.

"Ever heard of it?" he asked Youngjae.

"No, I would never think that Himchan could be afraid of the sponge. I mean it's just a sponge," Youngjae answered.

"Yeah, but it’s Kim Himchan," he told him.

 "It's says that the primitive part of the brain associates it with something poisonous or dangerous," he quoted on of the articles.

"What's so dangerous at a sponge?"

"Well, you have to agree that some of the pictures do look kind of disturbing," Yongguk admitted.

They had now opened up the picture search for trypophobia and looked at pictures where someone had painted tiny holes in their body. Yongguk found that even stranger. Some pictures of plants with tiny holes such as lotus seed heads or some strange kind of animals he had never seen. Suddenly he heard someone gasp behind him. They were so engaged with those pictures that neither him nor Youngjae had noticed that Himchan had finished showering and now stood behind him, apparently curious at what they were looking at. He looked panicked but was frozen and just starred at those photos. Youngjae reacted first and closed the tab as fast as he could. Himchan’s eyes even started to look teary and Yongguk finally understood that the sponge had bothered Himchan all day long and he had not wanted to admit that.

"I'm sorry," Yongguk said to him.

"Never look that up again if I'm in the dorm, too," he said.

"Is it this bad?" Youngjae asked, still doubtful.

 "It's disgusting. It's as if something was alive in the depth of those holes," he told them his voice shivering.

"I'm sorry, won't happen again'" he told him. Himchan's breathing was still a bit uneven Yongguk wondered if his face was wet because he had just stepped out of the shower or if had broken out in cold sweat.

"Come here," he said and made some room for Himchan between him and Youngjae. He knew Himchan was the kind of person who carried negative thoughts around for quite a whole so he had to do something to distract him.

"Let's look at something more pretty," he told him and opened up the folder of the most recent pictures Himchan had taken during their last concerts. Himchan’s face started to light up in an instant and he began to talk with his usual loud voice about with of the photos he would post and how he had to edit them. And even if the others were clearly disturbed in watching whatever they were watching no one said anything because they were all used to an endless talking Himchan and that was just how it should be.

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BlueeWings #1
Chapter 15: #JusticeForBAP I like it :)
Rachmi94 #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Yeah!!! Thank you for the stories authornim~!!!!
You are jjang!! :D
I hope your promise become true, because I like your drabble stories in here^^
Make another like this in the future~ thank you~ :D
Chapter 15: Thankyou for these drabbles!

I love how banghim never really rushed anything that happened between them in your drabbles and just let it flow :D

Rachmi94 #5
Chapter 14: Aihh~~ I think I know what photo is that photo~^^
Dae's instagram photo right?? :D
I miss them TT
Chapter 13: kyaaaaa so cute hohohoho <3
thankyou so much for these banghim fics <3 all are so wonderful and warm-hearted, you are my most favorite banghim fics author <3 i loove the way you potray them in stories, it's not too 'imaginative' or romantic. thankyou very much <3
Chapter 11: The interaction between HimDaeUp was a cover for Yongguk posts and well i thonk the same Yomgguk maybe was frustrated because the company doesn't want him to write songs that are dark and well scary but thats reality anyway Reality its just something dark and scary and thats what Yongguk wants to write :/
Orange93 #9
Chapter 11: awwww. i just thought the same too! himchan, jongup, and daehyun posting & interacting in twitter were just to cover yongguk's posts~ gotta love them
Coffeemilk1013 #10
Chapter 10: i love all about banghim and your stories ofc <33