Sleepy head

Late at night

Sleepy head was definitely a word that fitted Kim Himchan perfectly at the moment. The last time Yongguk had seen him awake was when Himchan had been going to sleep last night around 11 o’clock because he had been so tired he could not keep his eyes open as they were all watching TV in the evening. Now it was a quarter to one and he was still sleeping. Yongguk had banned the members from going into the room where Himchan was sleeping after he had seen that they were constantly going there just to grab something because he wanted that Himchan slept in as much as he wanted. Yongguk had never been a person that needed much sleep. If he tried to sleep early his brain would not calm down and his head began to run in circles so that he could not fall asleep anyway so he tended to go to bed when he could barely stay awake any more. It was a habit that he could not explain to Himchan for whom sleep was something important and he hated that the other always seemed to worry about him when he stayed up late at night. His body seemed to get used to his sleeping habits and he felt even better after he slept for five or six hours than if he slept longer which almost never happened. As an idol they had to live with only a few hours of sleep a day and Himchan was the member that had to fight with it the most. The younger members had a hard time at the beginning to but lately he got more and more energy whereas Jongup had the ability to take naps anywhere anytime. Himchan was often exhausted due to the lack of sleep. He had to take vitamins and other stuff to stay away from colds and Yongguk had often seen him falling to bed after a long day incapable of doing anything else. It always hurt him to see Himchan this tired and exhausted but there was nothing he could do about it beside wait until their schedule allowed them to have more time to use on their own. Then he had time to compose at night while Himchan could use the time to get as much sleep as he needed. Strangely enough Himchan often accompanied him when he went to compose. He would then lie down on the couch in the recording room and play with his phone to which he had an addiction to it while listening to Yongguk’s work. Once in a while he would make a comment but most of the time they just spent there in silence. Yongguk could never comprehend why Himchan would do this rather than spent his time sleeping or doing something else but he also never minded Himchan’s company. He often had to wake the other up because he had fallen asleep when Yongguk’s creativity kept him awake longer then planed but contrary to Himchan’s usual grumpy behavior when someone tried to wake him up Himchan got up immediately and they made their way back to the dorms together. He saw a glimpse of Himchan who made his way to the bathroom. He had managed to sleep for 15 hours straight which could be a new record. Himchan hadn’t been feeling well the last days so Yongguk was relieved that Himchan could sleep this long because hopefully he was now feeling better and got his energy back. It reminded his of his trip to Australia where he had been told that koalas could sleep for 20 hours. He could not hold back and decided to tweet that Himchan had almost reached the koalas sleep time. He had to smile as he noticed that it was as much sleep as they got on a busy week in only one day. Himchan did seem to have a certain talent for sleeping. As he was reading some other tweets he heard some commotion coming from the kitchen and decided to look what or better who was causing it. Youngjae was arguing with Junhong over something while looking for something in the cupboards.

“You can’t just call Himchan a koala,” Youngjae said to Junhong.

“Yongguk called him a koala as well,” Junhong opposed.

“He can say that, he is older,” Youngjae told him still rummaging through the kitchen.

“What is the big deal about it?” Junhong asked what Yongguk found a good question because he couldn’t understand what the problem was either. Junhong had finally noticed Yongguk standing there looking at them and looked at him with confused eyes. Yongguk just shrugged his shoulders.

“Himchan doesn’t like it when baby’s know of something he isn’t proud of,” Youngjae said.

“Then you should say something about my tweet not about Junhong’s,” Yongguk said, finally participating in the conversation.

Youngjae turned around surprised because he had not expected Yongguk to be there.

“You are the oldest,” Youngjae said.

“That doesn’t mean you are not allowed to criticize me,” Yongguk explained.

“Well, I think it’s wrong to call him a koala,” Youngjae explained to him.

“I still don’t get why it is bad to call him a koala, they are cute,” Yongguk answered.

“Who is a koala?” asked a deep and rusty voice behind them. As Yongguk turned around he saw Himchan standing there wearing a slightly too large grey hoody his hair disheveled with big dark eyes staring at them. Yongguk looked back at the others who apparently all were thinking the same thing as they all had to start laughing. Even Youngjae could not hold himself back because Himchan reminded them of some small animal that tended to sleep for hours.


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BlueeWings #1
Chapter 15: #JusticeForBAP I like it :)
Rachmi94 #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Yeah!!! Thank you for the stories authornim~!!!!
You are jjang!! :D
I hope your promise become true, because I like your drabble stories in here^^
Make another like this in the future~ thank you~ :D
Chapter 15: Thankyou for these drabbles!

I love how banghim never really rushed anything that happened between them in your drabbles and just let it flow :D

Rachmi94 #5
Chapter 14: Aihh~~ I think I know what photo is that photo~^^
Dae's instagram photo right?? :D
I miss them TT
Chapter 13: kyaaaaa so cute hohohoho <3
thankyou so much for these banghim fics <3 all are so wonderful and warm-hearted, you are my most favorite banghim fics author <3 i loove the way you potray them in stories, it's not too 'imaginative' or romantic. thankyou very much <3
Chapter 11: The interaction between HimDaeUp was a cover for Yongguk posts and well i thonk the same Yomgguk maybe was frustrated because the company doesn't want him to write songs that are dark and well scary but thats reality anyway Reality its just something dark and scary and thats what Yongguk wants to write :/
Orange93 #9
Chapter 11: awwww. i just thought the same too! himchan, jongup, and daehyun posting & interacting in twitter were just to cover yongguk's posts~ gotta love them
Coffeemilk1013 #10
Chapter 10: i love all about banghim and your stories ofc <33