
Zion Entertainment - Idol Groups

hey, sorry but, I will be stopping this story...i will open a new apply fic, but i will be closing this one...sorry...

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this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
gotler #2
Is this dead?
monkeyraia #3
oh...and one more thing...please stop applying as 15-year olds...give 16 and up some love! God!
monkeyraia #4
hey, raia'll be frank...i appreciate you applying but, please, fill up what i ask you to fill up, then make impromptu actions because i hate them. also, when i say pre-debut, i meant pre-debut. do you people even read the forewords? i specifically said debut photo, you can't and i mean CAN'T use a celebrities photo when she/he is already an idol...come one people! it's not that hard to find some pre-debut photos...i even went all through the trouble of finding pre-debut pics of tiffany and sooyoung...<br />
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i don't just look at the videos and photos, i also look at your ability to follow instructions...sorry if i sound rude but that is the truth...i must say what i must please...fill up what i will tell you to feel up...i even said:<br />
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Like an audition, you will go through a process. First, if you pass the auditions, then training comes next, then, debut and so on. In the auditions, I will choose the four other girls, but don’t worry; those who won’t be chosen will have cameos. There will be two sets of forms. The ones for the managers and C.E.O are different from the trainees.<br />
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So, if you’re wondering how you will know whether you are chosen, well, I will email you asking you to fill up something.<br />
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please...follow my instructions...thank you<br />
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-ChineseMonkeyRaia's 2nd account
rene_aoi #5
I've applied