Chapter 2- Breaking News

Love Again

 “Kyuhyun, take cover NOW!!  She screams, “There’s an earthquake!” What should I do? Should I hide or at least say good bye to Sungmin? I think, after a second of thought, I decide.

                “Minnie, I’ll talk to you la-“as I was about to finish my sentence, something heavy falls on top of me and everything turns black~


~Sungmin POV~

            When I arrive to work the next day, my best friend, Eunhyuk, who is also my secretary, come towards me. Instead of giving me the usual cheery greeting, she greets me by telling something that breaks my heart…

            "OMG, OMG!! An 8.9 earthquake hit Japan yesterday!" She yells in my face.
            "What?!" I exclaim, "No wonder..." The last part was mostly to me.
            "No wonder what?" She asks me, as some tears start to form in my eyes. "What's wrong, Sungmin? I haven't seen you cry since Ky-" she drifts of, a second later, I could practically hear the clues in her mind click together.
            " Wait… Isn’t Kyuhyun, oppa there? Oh my god..." No the tears in my eyes are flowing down heavily.
            "Yeah he is. He called me yesterday but he got cut off by the earthquake." I couldn’t continue talking anymore because my tears were starting to drown me and the more I thought about him, the more tears formed, making my vision blurry. She comes closer and pats my back softly, trying to comfort me.
            "There, there. Don’t worry, he'll be OK. He won’t die, even if he gets trapped under blocks of wood and bri-" She gets cut of my loud wail.
            "Never mind, forget I said that... "She says quickly, "Why don’t you go home today? I don’t think you'll be in any mood to work."

             “No, I should work,” I say in a weak voice, “I’m fine.”

            “Sungmin, I’ve known you since we were five, I’m not stupid. Now go home before I get Donghae here and drag you home!” She threatens me. Donghae is her boyfriend of 2 years, it was actually because of him I meant Kyuhyun, but that’s another story. [Which I might... MIGHT, write]

            “Ok, OK! “I chuckle half- heartedly. ”Fine... And thanks” Without another word, I turn around and walk out the doors of my office.


~A day turns into two and before you know it, a week has passed…~

“It’s been a week since I’ve last talked to Eunhyuk and been to work.” I write in my diary, “It’s not that I don’t want to go to work, it’s because I don’t and can’t lets anyone, EXPECIALLY EUNHYUK, see me in this state.” All, I’ve been doing this whole week is lying on my bed, writing in my diary as I listen to music continuously and crying non-stop. You’d think that I would have run out of tears by now but no, there are still gallons and gallons of tears just waiting to escape from my eyes.” I close my diary and start tell let my mind wander about Kyuhyun... What if Kyuhyun- I cut myself off from my “what if” thoughts. Nothing will go wrong, okay? Gosh, you worry too much... Kyuhyun is and will be FINE. He promised you he would never leave you, remember?


“Happy anniversary, baby! ~ I say as Kyuhyun comes home [OUR home then but now it’s just me myself and I] from work, “Come here! I got you something!” I squeal. Hehehe, I sound like a little kid. He chuckles at my childish act and then becomes nervous.

            “Minnie… I’m so sorry but I forgot about our anniversary! I‘ll make it up to you somehow. I promise! Please don’t get mad at me!” He says, nervously and pleadingly, afraid that I would get mad at him.

“Oh, its fine, Kyunnie. As long as we’re together, that’s the best thing you’ll ever give me!” I reply, “Just promise me one thing and that promise will be your gift to me.” Sure I was a little disappointed but still, he is mine and that’s the best gift in my life I could ever receive.

“Anything, I promise.” He says, relaxed now, that I didn’t get mad at him.

“Promise me that you’ll never leave me, that no matter what happens, you will always love me” I say.

“I promise you, Sungmin.” He swears.

“Hmmm, I don’t believe you...” I pout, trying to . Before I could say another world, I feel his warm and soft lips and mine, as we share a short yet passionate kiss.

“Now do you believe me? “ He asks while a smirk starts to form on his face.

“Mhmm,” I replied weakly as I feel my cheeks getting redder.

“Haha, you looks so cute when you’re blushing, Minnie!” He laughs. I stick my tongue out at him. “And it is because of your cute face and your bubbly personality that I have fallen for you. I love you Sungmin. “

“Awww, I love you too, Kyunnie!” I yell as I swing my arms around his neck, enbrasing him into a hug and a kiss on a cheek.

“Now, let’s go eat dinner! I made your favourite!”

“Ok” he says as his fingers interlace with mine. “Let’s go”

~End of Flaskback~


It’s 2am right now and I’m ust lying down on my bed, trying to fall asleep when my phone rings. Could it be Kyuhyun? I wonder. I race t the phone and pick it up.


            “Hello? Sungmin?” This is Kyuhyun’s mother.”

~End of Part 2~

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would you please finish this story? :)
dreamymoon #2
update soon please!
eudaimonia #3
tsk Yesung again >__> always be the er