
Special Gift for My Husband



The water was boiling but I was grudgingly standing at least 4 feet away. With cautious steps, I got closer and closer to the stove. Spooky sounds could be heard all over the kitchen, sounds that made my blood freeze through my veins. To tell that I was scared would be an understatement.

Finally, after some more frightful steps, I was above the casserole. Opening the lid, hot smoke surrounded me, making me gasp and cough. I frantically winded my hands to the air to make the smoke disappear. Once I was able to see again, I picked up the potatoes from the counter and with a quick move, threw them inside the water. This only caused the water to splash everywhere, including my right arm.

I yelped and screamed in pain. Clutching my arm, I took a seat in front of the kitchen table and put my head upon it. My silent sobbing could not be heard but the previous screaming, definitely would attract everyone’s attention.

With my head resting above the table and my hands embracing it, I was unable to notice anyone invading my personal space. So, the two arms that s around my waist only managed to scare me that much that I flew off the chair and fell flat to the floor.

That was too much for a day that was supposed to be one of the greatest. A familiar figure hugged and rocked my body back and forth in an attempt to soothe my pain.

“What happened to you Chrisa?” a worried, manly voice that I had been used to hear asked me. His arms were draped around me and I was hiding my face to his firm chest.

“I can’t do this Donghae. I just can’t. It’s too frustrating” I said exasperatingly while wetting his shirt with my tears.

A soft chuckle filled the room and I wondered why. Why was he laughing while I was crying?

I raised my head and pouted at him. He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. Then, with me still in his tight hug, he made the both of us stand up. With his fingers, he placed a disheveled strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Didn’t I tell you that you don’t have to cook? I have been doing this for the past year and seriously I don’t mind doing at least that” he said with a calm tone, rubbing my cheeks to relax my facial features.

“But you always cook and I want at least today to make something for you!!” I said with my head hanging down. With a finger, he turned my head so I was looking now into his deep eyes. Those familiar orbs that I have been used to looking into and losing myself.

“You don’t need to. Did I ever complain about it? Just your presence next to me makes me feel alive, wifey! “ he smiled sweetly and took my hands only to lead me into the kitchen again.

It didn’t feel right and I wanted to protest but he kept dragging me even though I was holding back myself. When we were once again in front of the stove, he took a potato in his hands and showed it to me like I had never seen one before.

“This is a potato.” He said and I rolled my eyes. But it didn’t bother him much so he continued speaking.

“You open the lid and then carefully throw it inside the casserole. But not with much power or else you’ll end up screaming like before. Understand?”

I nodded my head like I was a loyal puppy and he smiled at me. He proceeded with the cooking while I was staring at his stark figure unravelling his various skills in front of me. And, oh how much I admired him! He has always been this sweet and caring and even though I am most of the times nervous or annoying he never loses his temper and has managed to somehow control me and calm my nerves whenever it is needed.

We have been married for exactly 1 year and saying exactly I mean exactly! Today is our first anniversary as a married couple and I am something much more than amused. Yet, I don’t seem like it because as always the thoughts of mine are not that pleasant.

Even though we are both working, he is the one to do the cooking and the cleaning in the house. I don’t understand how a vet like he is, a very good one to say, manages to get on like that. He never complains about anything and moreover scolds me when I come back from the TV channel I’m working at.

When it is time for me to leave the channel, I usually bring some work at home because I have, as a journalist that I am, to arrange the news and categorize them to social, political and economic news as well.

But Donghae has his own work to do and I just know that he is tired too. When I try to help him with the house chores, he wigs me and advices me to do my work because I have to get ready. But this, instead of appeasing me, it certainly angers me.

I don’t want him to bear all this burden on his shoulders and I want to do everything only to make him a little less busy and let him take some rest. But how can I do it when he is so assertive in this case?


It wasn’t long ago that we finished eating our dinner and now we were lying peacefully at the couch, with my head resting upon his lap with watching some sitcom. The volume on the television was low enough that I could hear Donghae’s steady breathing. I heaved a breath that I holding and for a moment closed my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked out of the blue, without stopping caressing my silky hair.

“Nothing’s wrong” I said nonchalantly.

“I know something bugs you Chrisa, so tell me.”

And as I knew that we had to solve this problem, I started explaining.

“It’s just…” I released a deep breath “you never let me help you with the house”

“That’s because you have work to do. You know you must finish the arranging for the next day or else you’ll risk losing your job. I don’t want that”

“You’re right but a little help won’t make me lose my job. I want to do it. Please?” I said pleadingly.

“Your job goes first. I can handle the rest.” He said sternly.

“Pretty pretty please?” I repeated while batting cutely my eyelashes.

“Chrisa~ that won’t work to me.” He said and pinched my cheek.

I arrogantly then stood up and stomped my feet to the ground.

“Then I’m not going out with you today.” I declared and help my head high while pacing to our bedroom, locking the door.


I heard a soft knock on the door and I lowered my glasses to take a glance at the locked entrance. Deciding to ignore it, I proceeded to read my book but another knock distracted me. Huffing some air, I put the book on the mattress.

“Baby~” was heard from the other side of the door and shook my head.

“Please open for me?” he asked softly and as I couldn’t be angry at him for long enough, I replied.

“What for?”

“To talk with you?” he inquired and I shook my head while I made my way to the door, finally unlocking it.

He grudgingly got inside but I had my back facing him while I walked back to the bed, sitting upon it with my arms keeping my legs close to my chest.

“Won’t you change your mind?” he asked softly.

“I don’t intend to. I mean what I said and if you don’t accept it then I’ll do what I said. And that means, not going out on our first anniversary”

“You know you are really stubborn, don’t you?”

“I’ve heard before” I shrugged.

It only took him a few agonizing minutes to give me the answer that I wanted and surrender to my needs.

“Fine fine!! You can help me whenever you want” he said with annoyed face but I was too happy that I didn’t care. I stood up and run towards him but I stopped halfway when he raised a finger at me.

“But…only if you promise that you will only help when you have finished your work!”

I rolled my eyes and shouted a ‘promise’ before I resumed my running and jumped upon him. With my hands on his neck and my legs on his waist, he got extremely comfortable and buried his face in my hair, sniffing the fainting scent of my shampoo.

I mumbles a ‘thank you’ that could barely be heard, as I had my head hidden on his neck.

With careful steps he led us to the bed, until he let me fall and bounce upon the soft mattress. He hovered me like he was a hunter and I his vulnerable pray but at the moment I was more like his willing victim.

He crushed his soft lips upon mine with so much force that our teeth collided. It started with gentle and languid motions, lips brushing against each other. But as the clock ticked and the heat was rising, the kiss became rushed and needy, with our tongues fighting and our bodies filling the curves of one another. Just when the air started showing its essentiality, we parted and came to catch our heaving breaths.

He was about to dive in for another make out but I put my hand on his mouth and prevented him from going any further. It was a rather uncomfortable situation, an embarrassing and unnecessary for the moment one. It was our first anniversary and it was supposed to be a romantic situation.

As he knew me already too well, he understood that it wasn’t the time for that and he slowly slid off the bed. Extending his hand to help me stand up, I willingly accepted the invitation. He kissed my cheek and gave me the impression of serenity all over his face.

“Now that we solve this, shall we get ready for dinner?” he asked with a sense of sarcasm.

“As long as we have to” I replied mockingly and gave him a slight chuckle but he brushed it off.

“Then, you should wear what I bought for you. Open your closet and you’ll recognize it” but before I could retort something at him, he was already out of the room.

I opened the closet and indeed I recognized it immediately. It was so different from everything that was inside my closet that it caught my eye in an instant. I always bought cute and comfortable clothes like t-shirts, pairs of jeans, some hoodies and some dresses that were not too much, just cute simple dresses. But that was an exception.

It was a strapless dress that it hugged my body till my waist and then it continued with a skirt just with the right flow that was needed. It was so elegant and classy and it was definitely nothing like my own clothing. But strangely I somehow loved it. Maybe because of his deep blue color, maybe because Donghae bought it for me…I don’t know why but I surely loved it.




“I don’t want to drink.”


“Please talk to me?”


And he was right to ask. I was always a fan of alcohol. Not that much that I ended up wasted but only as much as it was needed for the alcohol to linger in my taste buds. I liked the feel of it and moreover the hazy and slightly tingling feeling it left in my stomach.

I was always in control of it but whenever we went out we would drink at least one bottle of wine. It was something that we both liked so it didn’t create a problem. But for me to not want to drink it was strange. So, yeah, he had the right to ask why.

“I don’t feel like it.”

“Don’t mess with me. You always feel like it”

“No, I don’t”

“Are you sick?”


“Does your stomach hurt?”


“Then why?”

“I don’t want to” I said sternly and for a few spare moments he was just staring at me, probably a futile attempt to figure me out.

But the silence soon broke.


“I said no”

“Either you tell me why not or you will drink”

My mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ but I soon recovered my composure and denied eye contact with him.

“I should be angry honey, not you. You are keeping secrets from me” he explained softly and tried to touch my hands but I shooed him away.

“Don’t touch me”


“Do you want our baby to be born distorted?”

Dongae’s jaw dropped and suddenly all the color was drained off his handsome face.

“Dongae?” I asked but I received no answer.

“Ehm baby, are you ok?” I snapped my fingers in front of him. But as expected, he was frozen at place.

I pouted at his reaction and put my arms on the table, then resting my chin upon my palms, waiting patiently for my husband to recover from the shock.

It should probably be a whole of 5 minutes that I had been waiting when a weak mumble was heard.


“I thought we cleared this out. Yeah, a baby” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“You are…”

“Pregnant…as far as I know for 2 months now”

And then another round of dead silence engulfed us. It was starting to become frustrating and seriously I was not in the mood for that. And most of all this wasn’t the reaction I was looking for.

I sat up from my seat, too tired to have a talk with a man whose tongue was eaten by a cat. I started walking frantically to the car with quick steps. I really didn’t expect this reaction.

But I had merely made it out of the restaurant, when I felt my body being lifted in the air. Donghae came at the speed of lightning and carried me bridal way all the way to the car.

“Let me down!!” I yelled at him but he was deaf. He just kept repeating his own thoughts out loud.

“I’m going to be a father...”

“I’ll have probably a strong boy…”

“Or even better the sweetest daughter…”

“We must prepare the baby’s room…”

“Or probably find the perfect doctor…”

And I was sure that he was able to talk all night long about the plans that had to make but I wouldn’t let it happen. So, the only solution I had was to shush him with my lips.

It was a sweet and tempting kiss, exchanging all the love we had for each other. He stopped walking and held me tighter for me not to fall. I clung from his neck for dear life as he devoured me and left me breathless.

“You never stop…” I said while breathing heavily.


“No. Surprising me!”

And I gave him another kiss, the same with the ones we always shared and we would always cherish.

That is how our night started.

With the sweetest kisses…

Early baby-related talks…

And endless love making.



Chrisa, I know you asked for Maria to do this for you but I really hope that you will like it!!!^^ <3

Also, to the other readers, how is it? :)) I know I usually write for EXO but as I said on the description...

I write whatever they ask me on the request shop!!!

Anyways, enough with the talking! It's not that much but I guess it's enough :D

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Love yaaaaa <3

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Chapter 1: Love it! Nice work! ;)