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" I'm home!", i said as i entered the house. Hearing my voice, Jungkook oppa -my brother- rushed over to me to greet me. " hey saeng." He grabbed my bag and placed it at the corner. 


" oppa, where is mom and dad?" I searched the whole house but there wasn't even a sign of them. " they are out for 2 weeks. Like usual, to America for bussiness purpose." My mouth made an 'o' to him. Both of my parents are into bussiness and since they are.. Me and Jungkook oppa don't often meet them. Sometimes for parents meeting, Jungkook was my guardian.


" Oppa, i'm hungry.. Can you cook me something?" 

" what do you want?"

" Um.. Anything?"

" Sure."


He stood up from the couch and went over to the kitchen. It was always like this. Jungkook cooking for me, feeding me, despite his very busy schedule. I'm his top priority. If anything ever happened to me, he'd blame himself for letting it happen. Ever since i was a baby, Jungkook was the one who took most care of me. My parents were only a quarter part  of my life. So to put it simply, oppa is my brother, best friend, guardian and parent. 


" say 'aahh'." Everytime oppa does that, it indicates that he wants to feed me. I know i'm spoiled.. But balme him for it! He always says that he is my oppa so, he should spoil me. Every night, the one that tucks me to bed is him. Get my uniform ready, wash my clothes.. It's him. That's why i s

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