The HeartBreaker Begins.

How To Be A HeartBreaker

“Its alway the same. Chaerin. I really thought he was the one.” Minzy was at Chaerin’s house as usual for their Friday movie nights. Chaerin was sitting on the floor stuffing her face with popcorn while Minzy was lying down on couch looking up at the ceiling. Her mood was down, and the only person she could depend on to make her feel better was Chaerin. They've been best friends for who knows how long. But when desperate needs called for desperate measures, Charein would always be there for Minzy.


“Man, I don’t know what to say Minzy, I gave you every advice in the book. I really thought Taemin was the one.” Chaerin spoke out, wiping the popcorn crumbs off her face. Chaerin was still occupied watching her drama. “No Run. Where is JongSuk when you need him? I can’t believe this serial killer! Omg Minzy he’s going to kill her mom. I can’t watch this!  I’m going to cry!”  She launched onto Minzy’s lap closing her eyes in horror.


Minzy snatched the remote off Chaerin’s hands and turn off the television for her sake. “Lee Chaerin! Can you please listen to me for once? Who cares about this drama? The mom dies, but I can assure you that it ends happily. Can we come back to my reality now?”


Chaerin got off Minzy, glaring darkly at her. She sat flat on the ground with a new determination of listening to her dear friend, once again. “Okay, you didn’t have to spoil the drama for me. But what’s up doll?”


Minzy felt the pit in her stomach drop. Tears were threatening to follow down her eyes any given moment now, but she held them in, just like always. “I didn’t think he would show up to our engagement party with a e. I have never been so embarrassed in front of my parents. This was the last straw for them, now I will never find the right one. Every single guy I’ve been with betrayed me in the worst possible way. And you know what? I am through with it! I don’t even feel sorry for myself anymore. Its my fate. Forever alone. I might as well go buy some cats to accompany my pitiful life.”


“Aww come on, Don’t give up yet, Minzy. You’re bound to find someone who’s way better than the rest of those losers”


“SOON?!?! Chaerin, have you listen to anything I just said? Were you even there last night? I ing lost it. Now everyone thinks I’m a serial killer.”  Minzy stood up, grabbed the popcorn next to her, and stuffed some in . Bitter, she thought. Just like my life.


“ be honest, you did look like a psycho throwing those plates at his face. I’m surprised no one called the police...or the ambulance.” Chaerin lightly laughed. She also stood up from her spot to go hug her miserable friend.


“He deserved it...I just wish I threw one at the e though, Damn it! I missed my chance. Could have aim a good one at her.” Minzy mumbled.


“Minzy do you hear sound psychotic.” Chaerin eyed Minzy, as if the girl has lost her mind.


“What do you expected all the guys I dated one after another dumped me. Some for no reason, other for stupid reason. Its ironic, isn’t it? I tried my best, I really did. But no one accepts me for me.” Minzy whispered as a tear escaped her eyes.


“Minzy, don’t say that. I accept you.” She pulled in Minzy closer, tightly wrapping her arms around her.


“I mean as an affectionate lover. I quit. Falling in love and being in love .” Minzy tried to giggle it off, but ended up failing as more tears escaped her eyes.


“Dittos to that. Although I think you should give it one more shot, before giving up completely. You know,I do have one last idea, but I don’t think you’ll be up for it.” Chaerin wiped the tears off Minzy’s face smiling to herself. Her plans had always either turned out a miracle or a disaster. But this time she was determine to help her broken hearted friend, no matter how silly this plan was.


“What? Anything! Please I need help! ….I mean, what do you have planned?” Minzy calmly asked.


“Well...its kinda extreme. Are you a good actress?” Chaerin wickedly smiled.


“I don’t know, it depends” Minzy was kinda scared now and it didn’t help her when Chaerin was smiling like the wicked witch from the west.


“Okay you might think I’m crazy but, you know how in Mean Girls Regina George had a burn book for all the people she dislike in her high school? Well, why don’t we make a burn book for your ex-boyfriends?” Chaerin walked across the living room and took out a black thick book titled “Rules On How To Be A Heartbreak ; Minji Edition.


Minzy stared at Chaerin with a new profound confusion, “Really Chaerin? You think making me  a burn book will pop rainbows and cotton candies in my little demented life. Because that is the most stupidest thing out of all your advice you have given me.” Minzy stomped her way over to Chaerin, grabbing the black thick book. She flipped through the pages surprised to see all her ex-boyfriend’s pictures, hobbies, facts, how they dump her, where they dump her, where they are know, etc.


Amazed, Minzy turned around to Chaerin who was smiling widely at her. “Crazy right? I wrote everything you told me about them throughout the years. And I thought maybe one day you could get revenge on these douche bags. Starting off with your first love.


For the first time Minzy was speechless. Although Chaerin’s plan did seem stupid, it was smart at the same time. Getting revenge didn’t seem so bad at all. Minzy smiled widely back at Chaerin patting her shoulders. “You know what? This is genius. So what do I have to do? What exactly is the plan?” she asked, interested in dealing with all her exes.


Chaerin gladly took matters into her own hands, “Well sweety. Here’s the plan so there are a set of rules you must follow in order to break all your ex-boyfriends hearts. If you break any of these rules you’ll end up as a failure, or worst of all you’ll end up in the same situation you were before and you don’t want that, do you?”


Minzy shooked her head in response.


Chaerin continued on, “You are going to follow this book, wear whatever it tells you for certain exes, lure them all in, don’t get attached, and dump them the EXACT SAME WAY THEY DUMPED YOU. Break their hearts, don’t be sweet or kind, BREAK them, make them feel exactly what you felt when they tossed you aside. Make them feel abandoned, alone, and empty. But the key here is that you must dump them when they say those three lettered words. I love you. Once you hear that, that’s your cue to leave. Are we clear?”


Minzy nodded her head, “Yes ma’am”.


Chaerin beamed. “Good, let the games begin”  She handed Minzy the book back. “Turn to page one.”


Minzy did as she was told. Her heartbeat dropped, as her blood pressure increased.


“Calm down Minzy, loosen up your grip on the book. Its your friend for the time being. As you can see you are going to approach Park Chanyeol...your first love of a douche bag. As of now, he is a 23 year old male, who is working for his dad’s company. His parents are looking for the perfect wife, but Chanyeol is a party animal who won’t give up his ways and settle down. Your job is to get hired in his company-”




Chaerin raised her voice, cutting off Minzy completely, “YES. Don’t worry I have a friend who works there that will accompany you. I will notify her the plan. Anyways continuing on before I was rudely interrupted, you will go in for an interview. Flirt your way through.There is no doubt that he will remember you so your part here is to be strong and make him forget the vulnerable girl you use to be ,okay? Play hard to get, but with a little sass. Once you’re hired. We’ll continue to the next part of the plan.“


Minzy nodded her head once again. This was final .The plan to become the heartbreaker, not the other way around. She was finally going to give these boys a taste of their own medicine, starting tomorrow. And as crazy as it all may seem, she has never felt so thrilled in her life.



A/n : Wow 41 subbsribers already? Thank you guys so much, I truly appericate it ^^.[ps; i know there might be some errors in the grammer department, but I wanted to release this chapter as soon as possible for you guys...I'll come back later to edit.] What do you guys think about the story so far? I plan on doing one boyfriend for at least a chapter... so the first one is Chanyeol.

Important Question : Which EXO ex-boyfriend do you guys want to see next?

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Thank you!
Posting the first chapter tomorrow finally. ^^


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seemstobeadream #1
Chapter 1: Oh please update when you have time, it seems very interesting <3
Aera21 #2
Chapter 1: update plsss
Mindragon4Ever #3
Chapter 1: This was so good!
dntknw #4
Update plsss
Waiting for this!!
mairimzm #6
I like sehunzy
ezkimoism1 #7
Chapter 1: Oh this story sounds really interesting ^_^ tbh the beginning sounded over exaggerated and unreal, but minzy sounds more normal now (and honestly who knows wat any girl would do after their heart was broken 12+ times...) the start of a good story, thanx author!
zazazazzz #8
hahaha minzy's coool