
No Tomorrow

Chanyeol nervously tugged at his tie, his eyes scanning the crowd of people.

Luhan ran over to him. 

“Hi!”  He beamed.  “Go ahead over to your table, everyone’s here already.” 

Chanyeol smiled as he handed over the bottle of champagne. “Congratulations Lu.”

Luhan melted.  “Ohhhh thank you so much Chanyeo-SEHUN YOU BETTER NOT HAVE JUST BROKEN THAT VASE RIGHT NOW I SWEAR-“

Chanyeol quickly slipped past him and into the room.

“Yo” Tao waved his glass of wine at him from the table. 

Chanyeol took his seat next to him and Suho. 

Kris leaned in to make eye contact with him before jerking his head to the left. 

Chnayeol turned towards the direction.  He spotted Chen, facing the other way talking to another guest.  Next to him was Baekhyun.  Chanyeol guess he had a few drinks, his cheeks were slightly flushed and glowed under the dim lights. 

Suho nudged him back. 

“So Chanyeol, this is my girlfriend Krystal” Kris draped an arm around the girl seated next to him. 

“Babe, this is our drama queen Chanyeol” 

Krystal giggled.  “Hello Chanyeol, I've heard a lot about you."

Chanyeol glared at Kris before smiling back.  “Hi, nice to meet you.  Don’t listen to Kris.  He’s actually the drama queen here.” 

Everyone laughed. 


The ceremony started and Chanyeol couldn’t help but keep look towards Baekhyun’s direction.  He always had a problem with Baekhyun drinking alcohol when he wasn’t there to watch over.

Towards the end of Luhan’s tearful speech, Chanyeol knew Baekhyun had had one too many glasses of champagne.  Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows as Baekhyun leaned on Chen for support.  Baekhyun was never one to drink so carelessly, especially at an occasion like this.


It was time for the Bride and Groom first dance so everyone was on their feet, scattered around the room. 

“Hey, you okay?”  Suho asked for the fifth time that night as he refilled his cup. 

Chanyeol cleared his throat.  “Yeah I’m fine.”  He chugged his water and placed his cup on the nearest table.  He was not fine. 

By the time the wedding cake arrived, Chanyeol couldn’t take it anymore.  He made his way to the other side of the room, towards Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun was still sitting, too tipsy to stand.  Chanyeol reached him, and Baekhyun looked up.  He looked neither surprised or shocked, and they looked at each other for the first time in two months. 

“Hello Chanyeol.”  Chanyeol heard him whisper through the loud music and laughing. 

“Get up.  Now.” 

Chen was over in a flash.  “Hey what’s going on?”  He asked cheerfully, but Chanyeol could see his eyes turn sharp. 

“Byun Baekhyun, get up right now.” 

Baekhyun remained seated. 

“I think Baekhyun wants to stay.”  Chen’s voice, though still cheerful, dropped a note. 

Chanyeol reached over, wrenched Baekhyun’s drink out of his hands and shoved it at Chen.  Slipping an arm around Baekhyun’s waist, he raised Baekhyun on his feet and dragged him out of the building. 

“Looks like our Chanyeol finally learned how to man up”  Tao whispered to Kris. 

Kris leaned in.

“About ing time.”


Chanyeol half threw half pushed Baekhyun into the shotgun as he slipped into the drivers seat. 

He started the engine and roughly pulled out of the parking lot, into the streets. 

“Why did you drink so much?” Chanyeol pulled into the direction of Baekhyun’s house.  He still remembered where it was; he had visited during Christmas break. 

“I could’ve drank more, if you didn’t interrupt me.” 

Chanyeol almost laughed.  Leave it to Baekhyun to throw a comeback like that. 

“Why didn’t you ask?”  Baekhyun asked. 

“About what?” 

“Before you left our room….about Chen.  Why didn’t you ask” 

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes.  “There really wasn’t anything I had to ask about.” 

Baekhyun leaned his head on the cold window. 

Chanyeol glanced at him. He looked thinner up close.  His cheeks looked more sunken in and his skin looked a slight ashy gray. 

Why hadn’t he asked? 

Baekhyun raised his head.  

“Chanyeol, have you been sleeping well?”

Chanyeol kept his eyes on the road. 

“Yes I have.” 

“That’s good.”

Baekhyun leaned his head on the window again.

“I’m glad.” 

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Geraltihista18 #1
Chapter 17: Too much indulgence with Baekhyun, it was his fault from the beginning
Chapter 17: I know this fic's last year but i just want to say that i pity baekhyun but i think he still for abandoning chanyeol at first. I mean even if he's busy n making a surprise he shouldnt have left chanyeol alone n act like he's the one who's hurting the most when he did that to chanyeol first. Hehe that's just my opinion. Lovely story though.
Chapter 17: I love beagle line so much, so when i found this story it was so lovely!!! I already read 'lotb' and now it makes me more addicted... i want more and more!!!! So sweet~
Please write more, you're amazing^^
Chapter 17: Aww ^_^ This was such a cute story, author nim! Chen Chen :'(

Amazing work, author nim! :3
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 17: Horayyy.. nice story writer-nim love it .. *^O^*
exomia #6
Chapter 17: Yayyyyyy nice story thor
Chapter 17: Ugh,so sweet....
chanbaek_12 #8
Chapter 17: Aw this is so sweet! Love it!!!
iiamdada #9
Chapter 17: You should try writing a Suchen some story. Lolol. XD NO pressure thou. (:
Chapter 17: Aww such a cute ending!
I enjoyed reading this <3
And suchenn omg I wish that you'd elaborate more on them huhu

Thanks alot for writing this!
/and sorry for being a silent reader till now >_<