
No Tomorrow

 It was the end of the semester, a week before summer vacation.

Despite the wonderful weather, the school library was jam packed with students.
Luhan crumpled up another ruined diagram of the human heart as Sehun looked up from his textbook and pat him on the back encouragingly.
Tao was on the verge of ripping out all his hair as he furiously solved away at his math problems, and Kris yawned as he stretched his cramped neck muscles.

The week before summer vacation meant Finals Week.

Chanyeol rubbed his tired eyes as Suho explained the chemistry equation to him one more time.
“I told you not to rub your eyes when you have contacts on Chanyeol, what if your eye sight gets worse and you can’t see my pretty face any more?” Baekhyun’s voice rang through Chanyeol’s head as he dropped his hands and stared off into the crowded library. As usual, his eyes started searching for the short brown haired boy, hoping to get a glimpse of the pale face before he would turn the other way.
“Yah, did you hear what I just said?” Suho tapped the desk with his pen.
Chanyeol looked at him and smiled. “Yeah, I understand, thanks Suho.”
Suho turned back to his textbook as Chanyeol stared down at the chemistry equation. He still didn’t understand.
Luhan looked like he was on the verge of tears as he ripped out yet another page of his notebook.
“I’m gunna fail this goddamn class” he threw down his pencil and covered his face with his hands.
Sehun looked at him with sad eyes as everyone gave him sympathetic looks. Luhan always took finals week the hardest.

To everyones surprise, Sehun reached over, pulled Luhan into his arms before kissing the side of his head.  Luhan blushed as Sehun murmured something into his ear. 
Everyone stared.  Luhan and Sehun never displayed affection in public, ever, no matter how much they were hurt.
“Woah…so are you guys like….you know….finally..?” Tao stammered as Kris closed his dictionary and whacked him on the head.

Chanyeol looked down again and smiled slightly.  At least there was one happy couple.


“I just ing bombed that final.  If I fail this class my parents are gunna disown me man..” Tao shook his head miserably as Chanyeol and he walked out of their 500 word history essay final.  Chanyeol laughed.  History was one subject he held pride in. 

Tao continued to grumble about the final as they walked towards the school exit. 

Chanyeol suddenly froze. 

“I swear I knew the year of the French and Indian war by heart but when I sat down, my mind became blank and—OUCH“ 

Chanyeol pulled himself and Tao behind a bulletin board, pressing them both against the wall so they were hidden. 

Two figures were slowly walking down the hallway. 

“Call me after your last final; I’ll come pick you up.”  Chen gave back the textbooks he was holding for Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun nodded.

It was time for Baekhyun to take his History of American Literature final.  Chanyeol knew Baekhyun’s schedule like his own. He stared at the unaware boys as Tao looked at him nervously. 

Baekhyun’s hair was a deep red now.  It looked good.


“Are you sleeping over again tonight?” 


Chanyeol froze.  Baekhyun sleeping over Chen’s?  To his dismay, Baekhyun nodded again as they passed by the hidden boys behind the board. 

“Until summer break.” 

Chen smiled and handed him a juice box. 

Baekhyun said something again but they were now too far for Chanyeol to hear.  He saw them crack up and Chen casually wrap his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder.  They turned at the corner and Chanyeol felt emptier than he had ever felt before. 

He returned to reality when Tao shoved them from behind the bulletin board. 

“Sorry” Chanyeol mumbled.

“You okay?”  Tao worriedly asked, forgetting all about his history final. 

Chanyeol felt himself straining every muscle in his face to force out a smile. 

“Yeah” he said, straightening up.  “Let’s go look for Kris, I have a feeling he’s attempting suicide after his Biology final.” 


It was the day before break and Chanyeol was in the dorm room alone, packing to go back home for the summer.  Suho had finished his last final exam yesterday and left early in the morning, and Chanyeol’s train was scheduled for the following afternoon.  Someone knocked on the door.  

“Who is it?”  Chanyeol looked up from folding his clothes. 

Chanyeol’s body froze along with his train of thoughts.  

“Hi” Baekhyun nervously walked in. 

Chanyeol didn’t reply. 

“Uh.. Sehun told me you signed up for American Literature in the fall.”  Baekhyun held out a textbook.  “You’re going to have to buy this textbook.  You can use mine.” 

Chanyeol stared at the textbook.  It was a familiar book; he had seen Baekhyun study from it many times throughout last semester. 

Their fingers brushed as Chanyeol accepted it.  Baekhyun shivered at the touch. 

“Thanks” Chanyeol tossed it on his desk as he continued to fold his clothes. 

Baekhyun looked at the floor quietly. 

“Have a good summer Chanyeol” He whispered. 

“You too.” 

Baekhyun looked at him for another second before he walked out. 

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Geraltihista18 #1
Chapter 17: Too much indulgence with Baekhyun, it was his fault from the beginning
Chapter 17: I know this fic's last year but i just want to say that i pity baekhyun but i think he still for abandoning chanyeol at first. I mean even if he's busy n making a surprise he shouldnt have left chanyeol alone n act like he's the one who's hurting the most when he did that to chanyeol first. Hehe that's just my opinion. Lovely story though.
Chapter 17: I love beagle line so much, so when i found this story it was so lovely!!! I already read 'lotb' and now it makes me more addicted... i want more and more!!!! So sweet~
Please write more, you're amazing^^
Chapter 17: Aww ^_^ This was such a cute story, author nim! Chen Chen :'(

Amazing work, author nim! :3
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 17: Horayyy.. nice story writer-nim love it .. *^O^*
exomia #6
Chapter 17: Yayyyyyy nice story thor
Chapter 17: Ugh,so sweet....
chanbaek_12 #8
Chapter 17: Aw this is so sweet! Love it!!!
iiamdada #9
Chapter 17: You should try writing a Suchen some story. Lolol. XD NO pressure thou. (:
Chapter 17: Aww such a cute ending!
I enjoyed reading this <3
And suchenn omg I wish that you'd elaborate more on them huhu

Thanks alot for writing this!
/and sorry for being a silent reader till now >_<