Letting Go

No Tomorrow


“Mr.Park currently has a sprained ankle, three broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, and nine stitches.”  The doctor said to the circle of boys as he looked through his clipboard. 

Luhan, Suho, Sehun, and Tao looked disapprovingly at a bandaged up Chanyeol on the bed.   

“He’s knocked out from all the pain killers, but he should be up soon. You teenage boys heal quickly.  He will still probably need 24 hour assistance for a week or two.”  The doctor patted a very sick looking Luhan and left the room. 

“Man he looks like a wreck..” Tao sat in the chair next to the bed. 

Luhan leaned close to Chanyeol’s face.

“Poor boy.” He shook his head as he saw tear stains down the sunken cheeks. 

Suho sighed as Chanyeol jerked in his sleep. 

"NO... No...my fault...dont leav... Baek.. no.." He jerked again slightly before falling back to sleep.

Suho sat down.

“So who wants to spend the night here first?” 


“Hey Baekhyun!” 

Baekhyun looked up from his textbook and bowl of cereal. 

Minseok sat across from him and put his tray down. 

“Why are you eating alone?”  Minseok asked. 

Baekhyun shrugged.  “I havent really seen anyone these few days.  I think everyones been oversleeping these days or something.” 

Minseok bit into his toast. 

“Oh, they’re probably all still at the hospital.”  He mumbled, his mouth full of crumbs. 

Baekhyun frowned.  “The hospital?” 

Minseok nodded.  “You haven’t heard?  Chanyeol got into a car accident night before yesterday.” 

Baekhyun felt his blood run cold.  No one had told him.

“Is…is he hurt badly?”  He asked nervously. 

“I visited him last night for a few hours.  He has a few broken bones I think. And a few stitches down his shoulder.”  Minseok said, chugging down his orange juice.  “Oh, I’m so sorry, do you feel uncomfortable talking about your ex?”  Minseok looked at him worriedly. 

Baekhyun forced out a smile.  “No, no, its fine.” 

“Yeah, you have Chen now anyways.” 


Luhan jerked as his head snapped up from dozing off in his chair.

He looked at a sleeping chanyeol.  Chanyeol had been in and out of sleep for the past two days,waking up mostly because he was in too much pain and needed more pain killers. Suho had spent the night here yesterday, and he had volunteered next. 

The clock beeped 4AM.  He yawned and stretched as the door slid opened. 

Visitors at 4AM? 

He turned and his eyes widened. 


Sehun and he had not spoken since the phone call two days ago; they had no time to talk, Chanyeol had occupied all their time.

"Go back to the dorm."  Sehun said gruffly, throwing his bag down on the table. 

"You have an exam tomorrow."  Luhan said, not moving. 

"It's okay."

"It's not okay." 

"Just leave.  I told the cab driver to wait outside, take the cab and go." 

"Sehun-"  "No." 


Baekhyun sat in front of his computer, trying to write his history paper.

“Baekhyun?” Chen called from the bed. 

Baekhyun looked up from stating off into space. 


Chen put down his book. 

“You haven’t typed a single word in the past hour.” 

Baekhyun looked back at his blank computer screen.  Had it been an hour already? Where was Chanyeol now?  Was he awake? 

“Oh….haha….writer’s block” Baekhyun swallowed hard. 

Chen looked at him.  “Really?” 

Baekhyun laughed dryly.  “Yeah….. you should sleep first, it’s getting late.” 

He wondered if Chanyeol had hurt his face--his beautiful flawless face.  Had he broken a leg? An arm?

He didn’t notice Chen slip out of the bed and pull over a chair next to him. 


Chen slightly smiled as Baekhyun jumped from his voice. 

“Oh! Chen, when did you-“ 

Chen reached over to turn off the computer. 

Baekhyun looked at him, confused.

“Are you worrying about Chanyeol?” 

Baekhyun froze.  “I… No…Chen…....”

Chen shrugged. 

“It’s not that its bothering me, Chen… Really.  I just… I don’t know.”

“Hey, hey, its okay.”  Chen put his hand on Baekhyun’s. 

Baekhyun looked at him. 

“You still love him…. And that’s okay.” 

Baekhyun shook his head as he felt his eyes burn with tears. 

“No, I don’t….. I don’t love him. Chen, don’t-”

Chen pulled him close. 

“Come here baby” 

Baekhyun crawled into his arms as he sniffled.  Chen pet his hair. 

“Baekhyun, you know I love you.” 

Baekhyun nodded. 

“More than anything.” 

Baekhyun nodded again as he buried his face into Chen’s shirt.  His smell was comforting. 

Chen sighed.

“So I’m going to let you go.” 

Baekhyun looked up at him with tear stained cheeks.  Chen wiped his face with his palm. 

“I want to help you live your life the way you want to, not hold you back.” 

Baekhyun shook his head so hard he felt dizzy. 

“No… no no no no….” 

Chen held him closer, his own eyes feeling watery.  Was this the last time he would be able to hold Baekhyun in his arms?

Baekhyun sobbed.  He loved Chen.... But he loved Chanyeol.  He loved them both.  Which one did he love more?

Chen reluctantly pulled him away. 

“Visiting hours are over but they’ll let you in if you tell them you’re his dormmate.” 

He pried Baekhyun’s frantic fingers off his shirt and kissed them. 

“Off you go, love.” 

Baekhyun felt hot tears drip off his chin. 

“I always will love you, Chen.” 

Chen smiled.  “I know.” 

Baekhyun quickly wiped off his tears as he got up. 

He looked again at Chen uncertainly. 

Chen nodded as he pulled a sweater off the back of his chair and put it around Baekhyun’s shoulder. 

“Quickly, before it gets later.” 

Baekhyun let one last tear slip down his face as he quickly ran out the door. 

Chen slightly swayed in his position before he crashed on to the floor.  He stayed on the floor, letting out the sobs he was holding back.

He had let the love of his life leave again, for the second time. 

He blindly reached for his phone on the floor.  He dialed a few numbers. 

“Hi, I need a taxi cab to the university campus.  There’s a boy with red hair running towards the main hospital, please pick him up.” 


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Geraltihista18 #1
Chapter 17: Too much indulgence with Baekhyun, it was his fault from the beginning
Chapter 17: I know this fic's last year but i just want to say that i pity baekhyun but i think he still for abandoning chanyeol at first. I mean even if he's busy n making a surprise he shouldnt have left chanyeol alone n act like he's the one who's hurting the most when he did that to chanyeol first. Hehe that's just my opinion. Lovely story though.
Chapter 17: I love beagle line so much, so when i found this story it was so lovely!!! I already read 'lotb' and now it makes me more addicted... i want more and more!!!! So sweet~
Please write more, you're amazing^^
Chapter 17: Aww ^_^ This was such a cute story, author nim! Chen Chen :'(

Amazing work, author nim! :3
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 17: Horayyy.. nice story writer-nim love it .. *^O^*
exomia #6
Chapter 17: Yayyyyyy nice story thor
Chapter 17: Ugh,so sweet....
chanbaek_12 #8
Chapter 17: Aw this is so sweet! Love it!!!
iiamdada #9
Chapter 17: You should try writing a Suchen some story. Lolol. XD NO pressure thou. (:
Chapter 17: Aww such a cute ending!
I enjoyed reading this <3
And suchenn omg I wish that you'd elaborate more on them huhu

Thanks alot for writing this!
/and sorry for being a silent reader till now >_<