
No Tomorrow

“SO YOU DIDN’T EVEN TRY?” Luhan hurled a pillow at Chanyeol’s face. 

“Awrghhihj” Chanyeol replied with a mouthful of pillow. 

Sehun laughed at him and put an arm around Luhan’s waist. 

“I don’t have the right to hold him back anymore; I’m going with his decision.”  Chanyeol grumbled, tossing the pillow and stretching out on the couch. 

Luhan smacked his legs off the cushions.  “I just dusted these off yesterday.” He snapped. 

Chanyeol groaned as he slid himself off the couch, facedown onto the floor. 

“You are so pathetic” Luhan tsked. “If it wasn’t for Minseok, you would still be in your ignorant little bubble, you sad piece of—“  

“Hey, hey, that’s enough” Sehun shushed him. 

Luhan closed his eyes and massaged his temples.  He opened his eyes again. 

“Talking about Minseok, we’re going to a cooking club today.  Any of you guys wanna join?” 

“Cooking club?  Since when did you join a cooking club?” Sehun removed his hands.

“Since today.  Are you giving me an attitude Oh Sehun?”

“You’re getting a little too friendly with Minseok these days aren’t you?” 

“Oh yes, because talking about cooking together is oh so friendly” 

“You know what, why don’t you just go date Minseok and his awesome culinary skills, huh?”

“Sehun, are you being jealous right now?”

“Jealous?  Who’s jealous?” 


Chanyeol wished he could bury his face deeper into the carpet. 


Baekhyun looked up from his journal and sighed.

Chanyeol wanted him back. 

Chanyeol wanted him. 

“Hey there” 

Chen walked by, placing a juice box next to him.

Baekhyun smiled as Chen placed a small kiss on his cheek. 


Baekhyun could never hurt Chen.  Not when Chen was so good to him. 

Baekhyun loved Chen, but not the same way he loved Chanyeol. 

He loved Chen because his head told him so.  It was only logical that he loved Chen.

He was in love with Chanyeol in the……non-existent magical, fairy tale, happily ever after way. 

“Visit me later at the bar?”  Chen asked as he picked up his bag. 

Baekhyun smiled and nodded.

“Great.  See you later” Chen walked out of Baekhyun’s dorm. 


”C’mon, let’s go out tonight.  Just ONE drink.”  Suho pulled on Chanyeol’s sleeve. 

“Nooo” Chanyeol buried his face into his pillow. 

Suho huffed. 

“You’ve been in bed all week Chanyeol.  You PROMISED.” 

Chanyeol sighed and got up. 

“Only one drink.”  He said firmly. 

“Only one.”  Suho nodded solemnly before he broke out in a grin. 


The club was fairly empty as Suho and Chanyeol made their way to the bar. 

“Hey” Chen waved a drink at them before he placed it infront of the only person sitting in the bar.

Chanyeol and Suho took a seat. 


Sehun turned to look at them.

“Why are you here alone?”  Suho asked, puzzled. 

Sehun grinned and shook his head.  He was definitely not sober. 

“He’s been sitting here for the past two hours drinking by himself.” Chen said.  “I think he had a fight with Lu.” 

Chanyeol patted Sehun’s back as Chen placed their drinks on the table. 

Another person slid into the opposite seat next to Sehun. 

“Hi, sorry I’m late!”  He gasped at Chen. 

Chanyeol recognized the voice immediately. 

Suho peeped his head in.  “Hiya there!” 

Baekhyun’s kohl-lined eyes widened.  “Hi Suho! Hi….Chanyeol” 

Chanyeol smiled back.

“Hey babe” Chen said, placing an apple juice in front of Baekhyun.  “How was first day of Greek Mythology class?” 

Chanyeol could picture Baekhyun’s eyes sparkling like they did when someone mentioned anything in his interest. 

“Oh it was fun!  We learned about the names and origins and…”

Chanyeol almost felt like Baekhyun was speaking to him, back at their dorm last year. 

He slid his chair back and stood up.  Baekhyun stopped talking. 

“I’m going to…take Sehun back to the dorm.”  He forced a smile.  “He’s really wasted. 

Chen noticed the spark in Baekhyun’s eyes go off. 

“Hey Suho, Im gunna take him to our dorm, I don’t think Luhan wants to deal with this tonight.” 

Suho nodded and waved him off. 

“Lets go Sehun” 

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Geraltihista18 #1
Chapter 17: Too much indulgence with Baekhyun, it was his fault from the beginning
Chapter 17: I know this fic's last year but i just want to say that i pity baekhyun but i think he still for abandoning chanyeol at first. I mean even if he's busy n making a surprise he shouldnt have left chanyeol alone n act like he's the one who's hurting the most when he did that to chanyeol first. Hehe that's just my opinion. Lovely story though.
Chapter 17: I love beagle line so much, so when i found this story it was so lovely!!! I already read 'lotb' and now it makes me more addicted... i want more and more!!!! So sweet~
Please write more, you're amazing^^
Chapter 17: Aww ^_^ This was such a cute story, author nim! Chen Chen :'(

Amazing work, author nim! :3
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 17: Horayyy.. nice story writer-nim love it .. *^O^*
exomia #6
Chapter 17: Yayyyyyy nice story thor
Chapter 17: Ugh,so sweet....
chanbaek_12 #8
Chapter 17: Aw this is so sweet! Love it!!!
iiamdada #9
Chapter 17: You should try writing a Suchen some story. Lolol. XD NO pressure thou. (:
Chapter 17: Aww such a cute ending!
I enjoyed reading this <3
And suchenn omg I wish that you'd elaborate more on them huhu

Thanks alot for writing this!
/and sorry for being a silent reader till now >_<