Old man

You and the 7 Helpers

haru haru acoustic version - YouTube


 You POV:

It was a cold rainy day when your parents kicked you out the day after your graduation. You knew this day was coming, but didn't know it'll happen so soon.


Your startled  5 year old brother ran into your arms for protection. Tears ran down his hazel nut eyes.  

You knelt down and kiss his forehead good bye. You grabed all you clothing & shoes into two bags, you barley had any like your friends, and left.

You had no umbrella, but you didn't give a crap. You walked with uneasy stepstears freely flowed with the rain drops that ran down you cheeks.

You found a restaruant and sat in the empty area. You thought the area was empty you double check behind you. A single tear escaped your eyes, but you didn't hesitate to let out more.

 When you turn to face forward and old man was sitting in front od you sipping his tea. You jumped in shock.

"Excuse me, but where did you come from? I thought no one was here." You asked with a shaky voice.

"You are out on your own now are you not?" He said without looking up from his tea.

"Yes i am, but..... H-How did you know?" He hestitated to answer while sipping his tea.

"I heard yelling and saw you walking with out an umbrella. I want to help you." His tone of voice was solid and clear for an old man. 

"I can do well on my own, i don't think i'll need help because i pepared for this kind of day-"

"You didn't.... I have to tell you 3 things before you leave. You have to remember and and understand."

You couldn't refuse either it was because you were obediant or felt a strong force holding you down.

"Al- Alright.........." He finished his cup and picked up four small tea pots and an extra cup. Last time you checked there wasn't anything set out under or over the tables and chairs.

"Do you know what love is, feels, and looks like?" He said as he poured the green tea in his cup and gave the empty extra one to you. 

You gave him a puzzled look but relized you picked the cup up. 

"Trust. Trust is not easy access you have to know them well and believe what they are or who they are. Right aren't I? Trust can not be gained by luxurious things. Trust is before loveYou nodded everytime he paused. You understood every word and remebered word by word. It felt ike you were forced to understand and remember.

He poured blue tea you regularly drank it like it was cold and undescribible.

"Finished? I will continue then. Love is something you need for the rest of your life you would always feel is where ever you are. Someone will treat you as you desired in someone. They can not be controlled to love you in a certain way you want. You have to choose in the variaty of people. Only one is a soul mate and one is a partner. The only way you can change your soul mate is if you truely love your partner and they love you back. The other kind of love is flesh and blood or someone you dearly trust. Like any siblings, bestfriends, and family. That's what love is and how it feels."

He poured red tea in you cup. You took a sip and looked up like it was sweet from heaven. You continued drinking it untill there wasn't anymore. The old man was looking at you with a fatherly smile.

"Lastly if you really need help or company make lemon tea and say these words after you sip I will know."

You suddenly relized who you were talking to. It was god. You felt stupid to ask, but it came out.

"Are you God???" You said in suprise. He looked at you with another fatherly smile and poured yellow tea. It tasted sour, but sweet. You closed your eyes as you chucked the tea down and looked in front of you. He was gone....

You took the cup with you becasue of an inside voice. And went to a appartment bulding to appy for rent.


LOL i'm a day late on this sorry i was sleeping. 


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Panda_Muffins #1
Thanks for your statement ^_^ I guess i will continue the story as it is Thanks :D
beomie #2
i think the story's going fine as it is<br />
but if you really aren't confident with<br />
it then i guess you should...
beomie #3
this sounds cool :D
lametardedx33 #4
Update soon~~ it looks really interesting!