your silence calms me down

love song drabbles

chen (exo) x krystal (f(x)) // fexo // 971words.

genre; angst

song: breath - sm the ballad (japanese ver.)

“Hello?” he said as he picks up his call.

No answer.

“Who is this?” he asked.

No answer.

He waits and waits for an answer.

He found nothing but a sound of a girl crying.

“Who is this? You’re not trying to prank me, right?” he asked cautiously, remembering his dearest friend Byun Baekhyun who would pull at least one prank to anyone every day. Today’s not his turn, right?

He still heard nothing but a girl’s cry. A suffocated breathe. And that’s when it hits him. Soojung.

The one and only Soojung. The sun of his day, the moon of his night, the princess of his fairy tales, the melody of his music, the moves of his dance, the life of his life.

Jongdae’s life could never been any better with Soojung in it. Soojung is his life and his everything. He knows that he needs her in life, but one other thing that he knows but he forgot to take notice is the fact that happiness won’t last forever. He saw it coming, after more time flies, they constantly grew tired of each other and the love they built is crashing down.

They changed, and so does their love.

He can see it in her eyes, the way she look at him was different than from the first months they were together, there are no more loving gaze or shy glances. She can see it, too, in his eyes. And so one day, he came up with an answer “We are sick of each other, and the only reason we keep this relationship going is because we’re fond of each other. It’s not even love anymore.”

So, he called it off one day. With her agreement as well. “We should just forget each other,” “We are not meant to be,” “It’s better for us to part,” and such stuffs are said and they part in their way back home, back to their lives before them.

They promise not to call each other for forever, cause even though they hate to be together, they hate it more when they are parted. They are cowards. They afraid the feelings they left will grow once again. So, Jongdae erased her number, because he will always memorize it by his heart. But as time goes on and they moved on, Jongdae eventually forgot her number.

Yet Soojung is a different one, even after months had passed, she still saved his number. ‘In case something bad happened,’ she had thought.

Soojung made a bad decision for keeping his number, though. She had a trouble every night of sleeping with the thought of calling him. Even after months passed and everything has changed, she still longs for him.  

On that one night, Soojung was a mess. Life depressed her once more and the thought of calling him came up again. She tried to hush it away, just like the other times. But this time her thought goes overboard, and unconsciously she’s calling him. ‘Just once… just once.’ she thought as she pressed the call button.

“Soojung is that you?” he called.

She was just going to say hi to him, asked how has he been, and general stuffs. But after hearing his voice, only tears can manage to fell down, and she knows she had made a wrong decision. She can’t take it anymore. It’s too suffocating. It was a bad decision. Why can’t she think carefully? Why did she let her heart take an action? Because once it starts, it’s hard to end.

“Shhhhh… Soojung, it’s okay. It’s okay. Don’t cry,” without any other words, Jongdae begin to calm her down through the phone.

He knows her too well.

“Soojung, don’t cry,” she can feel him smiling in the other line.

But even with his encouraging words, even with the picture of him smiling in her mind, she can’t stop her tears. Stupid, Soojung is stupid to call him.

He sighed and remains silence afterwards. He knows she just wanted it. She just wants to feel his presence in the silence.

After a while, Soojung calms down, even though tears are still falling to her cheeks. But what she does not know is Jongdae, on the other line had let his walls down and without himself knowing, tears had fell to his cheeks as well and he regret picking up the call.

So they just stay there. Listening to each other’s breath throughout the phone, feeling as if they were together in each other’s arms right now. And then it hits both of them, that they missed each other too much. That the word moved on was never really happened to both of them. That they’re longing for each other. That they just busied themselves to forget each other, when the truth is they never forget.

After a while, Jongdae tries to speak. His voice trembles and he struggles on finding the right words,

“Long time no see, Soojung,” he tries to smile in the midst of his tears.

Soojung can’t manage to say anything. She nods even though he can’t see it, he can surely feel it.

“I… I… miss you, you know,” Jongdae had never stuttered in words for his whole life.

Soojung cries again, even harder this time. As if replied Jongdae with a word ‘I miss you too,’

Soojung then managed to find her words, “Please let me just feel you tonight. Let me just hear your voice, your breath, and feel your existence. Please,”

Jongdae nods. And just like that, both of them stay silent until they grew tired –for crying, not for each other- and fell asleep.

As they woke up, they find the call has ended. They recall what they did last night and bitterly smile to themselves.


There’s no such thing as eternal happiness.


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yoonjo06 #1
waiting for an update !! :)
Seems interesting~ oh I like it~