
All That Matters


All That Matters


It was not his mother that he expected to see at the airport. When Choi SeungHyun walked past the gates and out to where there were crowds of people awaiting the arrival of their loved ones, the first person his eyes scanned for was a black haired, small-built younger boy. His smile reached his eyes because he really does miss Seoul, and the people he had left behind. While he had fun studying overbroad in Europe and made a vast amount of friends while he’s at it, he could never have called it home the way Seoul is to him. Three years was a very long time.

He breathed in the air-conditioned air and even though it wasn’t the fresh, mesmerizing Seoul air he had been craving to in, it was still refreshing. His smile wavered, however, when he found himself standing in the same spot for almost ten minutes and the expected boy was nowhere to be seen. He frowned as he fished out his cell phone from the pocket of his jacket, checking for messages or missed calls. There were none so he keyed in his friend’s number to call and ask where he is. He was just about to press dial when he heard it.

“Hyung! SeungHyun hyung! Over here!”

SeungHyun whirled to where the voice came from and his eyes caught a familiar boy with light brown hair and oversized sweater. The boy was running towards him, his petite frame made for quick steps of his feet and his eyes were framed with black-rimmed glasses. SeungHyun couldn’t help but notice the large print of the word ‘EXO’ across the front of the boy’s sweater. If it wasn’t for the sweater, he would’ve taken a minute or two longer to recognize who exactly was running to him with open arms threatening to engulf him, not that they would be able to; SeungHyun was tall and definitely bigger than his best friend. The grin that colored his lips hurt his cheeks as Byun Baekhyun finally reached him and soon they were locked in a tight embrace.

“Oh my God! You’ve turned into a giant! Where’s my hyung?!” Baekhyun exaggerated, letting his small mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as he pulled away from the hug, eyes scanning SeungHyun. The taller laughed and shoved one of his bags into Baekhyun’s arms, the latter stepped back from the force and scowled up at the older, pouty lips and all

SeungHyun could only laugh. “Let’s go home first. I miss my bed.”


When SeungHyun first came home to their shared apartment three years ago with the acceptance letter clutched in his hand, he had not run inside the apartment unit to call his mother; he had gone to wake Baekhyun up roughly from his sleep just to tell him of the good news. It was noon, he felt no guilt when Baekhyun scowled sleepily at him. The frown on the younger’s lips faded just as quickly as it had come when SeungHyun shoved the piece of paper into his face. Well, after he read what’s on it, of course. SeungHyun was certain Baekhyun had looked happier than he did. Baekhyun also cried, but only for a short while because he said he would miss the older.

SeungHyun remembered particularly how it was not his mother who had given him a hug he needed most at the airport. It was coming to end of summer, and it was Baekhyun alone who had stood behind and waved at him until he couldn’t see the younger anymore. Well, long story short, he has a mother who isn’t exactly a fan of what he likes to do and just what he has become in general. So because she wasn’t a fan, she kicked him out of her house and wouldn’t take him back. SeungHyun was only lucky he had met Baekhyun at the fast food restaurant they worked at and became closer than he’d imagined. Baekhyun took care of him instead of the other way round. And it was Baekhyun who had offered him a place to stay when he had nowhere to go.

“Oi, I miss your blue hair. Why’d you color it black?” Baekhyun was asking as he sat and unpacked his belongings back to where they were three years ago. His room hadn’t changed one bit, except that he could see how Baekhyun constantly swept the floor and wiped dust off his furniture even when he wasn’t there. He had shot the younger a grateful smile earlier.

He sighed now and shook his head, placing neatly folded clothes into his wardrobe. “I miss your black hair. Why’d you color it brown?” From the corner of his eyes, he could see Baekhyun cross his arms and rolled his eyes, annoyed at him for answering his question with a question.

The shorter male dropped onto SeungHyun’s bed. “Sehun likes it brown.” There was a change in the tone of Baekhyun’s voice when he said it, and SeungHyun could only guess it was because Sehun is involved. He smiled as he hung up the remaining of his clothes before the closed the wardrobe doors, joining Baekhyun on his bed and shooting the younger a knowing smile.

“Why? Sehun doesn’t like you when you have black hair?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the older. “Sehun loves me, okay? At least, I think he does. Ugh, I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Don’t change the subject.”

SeungHyun’s eyebrow shot up at the slightest hint of insecurity in Baekhyun’s voice. For the seven years of knowing the younger, one thing SeungHyun learnt about Baekhyun was that the latter was rarely insecure, proud of everything he does and never ever doubted himself. So when he heard that slight break in his voice, he knew he should be concern. He doesn’t know  this Sehun kid; Baekhyun had called him in the middle of the night when he was in England just to tell him that Sehun whoever had kissed him and they were finally officially a couple. SeungHyun wasn’t too shocked. He had always thought Baekhyun wasn’t gay like he is since the younger spent most of his time just ogling this very pretty girl named Chaerin who was and still might be a regular customer at their workplace. SeungHyun was only speechless for a second or two because he had been too sure Baekhyun would finally ask Chaerin out.

This Sehun kid came out of nowhere. SeungHyun trusted enough for Sehun to take care of his dongsaeng properly or he would have no choice but break his face. “Are you having problems with this Sehun? If you are, tell me.”

Baekhyun waved it away dismissively, shaking his head. “No, we’re okay. You must be tired. Go sleep. Tomorrow we have brunch with Sehun and his friend.” His infamous grin was back as he gets up from SeungHyun’s bed and headed for the door.

“We?” SeungHyun arched a brow.

Baekhyun nodded and winked, bidding him goodnight and the closing the door behind him.


It wasn’t hard for SeungHyun to quickly fall into deep slumber when he turned off the lights and snuggled comfortably under the blanket he had so missed. Memories of his dorm room and white girls and guys visited his dreams and he knows he missed his friends in England but he had missed Baekhyun more. He smiled in his sleep as he remembered his graduation days, its pictures now framed and placed beside the one of him and Baekhyun on his bedside table.

SeungHyun stirred awake when he felt a weight pressed down onto the space next to him on his bed and then there was an arm wrapped around his torso, warm breath tickling the nape of his neck. He smiled with sleep still heavy on his eyes as he recognized Baekhyun; the younger is the clingiest man SeungHyun had ever known. He turned to face the ceiling, eyes still closed and Baekhyun rested his chin onto SeungHyun’s shoulder. The younger sighed.

SeungHyun managed to mutter a ‘what’s up’ with his eyes closed, breathing calmly and waiting for Baekhyun to respond. He opened his left eye when the latter kept quiet and saw that Baekhyun was watching him closely. He was used to this much of skin contact with Baekhyun, and he didn’t mind it not because he liked Baekhyun that way, but because he just cares for the younger like his very own younger brother. Baekhyun sighed again, tightening his arms around SeungHyun. They stayed like that in silence for a minute or two.

“I’m scared I’m not good enough for him, hyung.” Baekhyun finally break the silence. “It’s just too good to be true. I don’t think I deserve him. He’s so perfect.”

SeungHyun took a moment to consider this. Baekhyun was just… weird. It must be that thing called love. He blinked sleep away and open his eyes, not looking at Baekhyun when he spoke. “Nobody could be that perfect, you know? He must have his flaws.” He glanced at his best friend from the corner of his eyes, smiling softly. Baekhyun scowled.

“He’s flawed, alright. He gets into unnecessary fights and his temper is going to kill him one day but I love him, hyung.” Baekhyun sat up and looked down at SeungHyun, who sighed again and got up to sitting position as well. “His imperfections make him perfect.”

The older tried to understand this. He’s had his fair share of heartbreaks and good memories of something people could call love. His first boyfriend was Kang Daesung, a guy with dyed blonde hair who sings a little too loud in the shower and sleeps a little too long. Kwon Jiyong was a little too in love with his clothes and spent more time on them than his boyfriend, which at that time, was SeungHyun. Then it was Dong Yongbae, black haired mohawk style, talked about nothing but dancing, dancing and dancing. Well, SeungHyun would admit that they never really went official, but hey, Yongbae kissed him, sloppy and disgusting but he liked it.

The best boyfriend he had was Lee SeungHyun. They had the exact same name and it was one of the reasons why he was attracted to the other at the first place. It was just fortunate that younger SeungHyun grew up with a nickname, Seungri. Seungri was adorable, y and romantic at the same time. He made SeungHyun felt worthy and wanted and at that point of time, SeungHyun thought his relationship with Seungri would last longer, but then the younger went to college and met another, probably better looking than SeungHyun, a younger Korean named Kim Minseok. SeungHyun hadn’t loved Seungri that much, but it stung.

Now, he tried to understand Baekhyun’s feelings. He couldn’t, not at the moment, so he sighed again and looked at his dongsaeng. “Does he ever complain about you not being good enough?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, again. “What kind of boyfriend would say that kind of thing even if it’s true? Hyung, let me repeat, he’s perfect. He makes me feel perfect.”

SeungHyun frowned. “Then what’s the problem?”

“You’re impossible!” Baekhyun smacked SeungHyun’s arm with a pillow as he yelled out of frustration. The older laughed as he dodged away from being smacked again with the pillow. He finally caught Baekhyun’s wrists, stopping the younger from physically harassing him.

“I’m sorry, okay? But honestly, I don’t see a problem. You love him, he loves you. You guys love each other. No problem, right?” He clutched the pillow to his chest and Baekhyun sighed.

“I hate him, too. He makes me so nervous, and I lose all my confidence when it comes to him.” Baekhyun’s voice softened and he looked at his fingers.

SeungHyun bit his lower lip, couldn’t help the spark of happiness in his chest because his best friend is in love. “It’s a good thing. Now, sleep. Didn’t you say we have brunch tomorrow?”

Baekhyun didn’t need to be told twice. He didn’t leave SeungHyun’s bed either, but the older didn’t mind it. He lies down and let the younger male cuddle at his side. He was just too tired to think further, so as soon as he closed his eyes, he was back again in dreamland.


There was no question to why Sehun is not flawless. The lanky young male was clad in white tank and worn-out jeans, a seemingly old tattoo of numbers on his right arm and a barcode at the back of his neck. His dyed blond hair was purposely set in a tousle and when he first entered the café, his face wore no emotions and his eyes were almost half closed, as if he was bored out of his life. SeungHyun had stolen a glance at Baekhyun, and the latter only looked back apologetically.

Sehun was accompanied by a dark haired boy wearing a black leather jacket to top his white t-shirt underneath. His jeans looked better than Sehun’s and he looked more presentable, albeit a little bit clumsier – his entrance had attracted everyone because instead of walking into the café, he had tripped – and he wore a smile as soon as he saw Baekhyun. SeungHyun had sighed and hoped for the better. He did manage to take a few seconds to wonder what group of friends Baekhyun had gotten himself into. From the look of Sehun alone, SeungHyun could guess.

Fortunately, Sehun wasn’t as bad as he had thought. He looked really young, younger than Baekhyun, even and when he smiles or laughs, his eyes turned into half-moons, like Baekhyun. SeungHyun couldn’t help but notice the otherwise hidden similarities between Baekhyun and his boyfriend; the way they liked their coffee and how they abandoned the drink once it gets a little cold. When Baekhyun talks, he touches Sehun’s knee and SeungHyun wanted to grin at the seemingly perfect match before him but he only smiled.

Sehun’s friend was introduced to him as Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol of the leather jacket and wide eyes when he gets engrossed in the conversation. Call SeungHyun creepy, but he was good at observing people and their habits and imperfections. Chanyeol’s ears are a little too big but it made him look kind of perfect. Well, as in it matches his face. He had a deep voice and he laughs a little too loud. SeungHyun learnt during brunch that Chanyeol was only a few months younger than Baekhyun and Sehun had just turned twenty – SeungHyun wasn’t surprised; it was very like Baekhyun to date someone two years younger than he is, not that there’s anything wrong with it.

What SeungHyun couldn’t comprehend was why he was finding himself looking, no wait, staring at Chanyeol throughout lunch. The younger speaks with life, as if everything he wants to say is the best thing could ever be said and there was nothing bad coming from those plump lips even though he jokes at his friend’s mistakes and laughed at every little thing. Chanyeol listens and went quiet when SeungHyun talks and he find that good because not one of his ex-boyfriends ever really listened to what he had to say. Not that he was imagining Chanyeol as his boyfriend. No. Well, maybe but that’s beside the point. He was just remembering.

After an hour and a half spent at the café, the four decided that they should leave. If it was not for Baekhyun pouting and begging them all to go follow him, maybe they would have parted ways and SeungHyun wouldn’t be able to see Chanyeol again. He was kind of glad that Baekhyun had successfully pleaded Sehun to bring Chanyeol along. He highly suspected that Baekhyun kind of already know he was kind of already into Chanyeol. It was just not very like him to ask someone out on their first meeting; he only asked Jiyong out after a year of fantasizing the boy.

Maybe it was fate, or luck or whatever. The cashier had mistakenly put Chanyeol’s items into SeungHyun’s bag. The younger didn’t mind it, only asked if he could just take his things then he’ll be good to go. SeungHyun had watched Baekhyun shared a goodbye kiss with Sehun and then the four parted ways; Chanyeol with Sehun and Baekhyun with SeungHyun. It was not until later that night when SeungHyun found a phone number on the receipt in the plastic bag.

He had smiled then, his fingers already flying across the keypad of his phone and keying in what could only be Chanyeol’s number.

They never stopped texting since then.


The texting turned into calls in the middle of the night and meet ups during the weekends. It was two months later when SeungHyun finally voiced out what he practiced since the first night they met; he asked Chanyeol on a date. It was amazing because Chanyeol said yes almost immediately and the date went better than expected. First kisses are cute, and when it was three months later, Chanyeol and SeungHyun were officially a couple, which could only mean those sweet, playful kisses turned into hot and wild make out. SeungHyun learnt that Chanyeol tastes like peppermint mouthwash and smelled like smoke with just a slight whiff of watermelon shampoo.

In the six months of their relationship, SeungHyun also learnt that Chanyeol grew up with his foster brother, a Chinese male named YiFan who looked like he would rather be somewhere else than where he actually is. Chanyeol’s parents passed away when he was fifteen and it had been his brother and him along with an aunt ever since. SeungHyun doesn’t particularly like Chanyeol’s group of friends; a bunch of tattooed guys who spend most of their time hanging out and doing nothing, Sehun included, but he didn’t mind. He does wonder sometimes how he and Baekhyun had been fated to meet and fall in love with people like Sehun and Chanyeol, although there really was nothing terrible about it. SeungHyun just thought that his ideal type would be someone who has his kind of sophistication, someone who craves perfection like he does.

Chanyeol was not even close to any of that.

In fact, Chanyeol is sloppy and clumsy, leaving doors opened for SeungHyun to close and messes for SeungHyun to clean up after. He held no class like SeungHyun does; he talks a little too loud and has no job or education to save his life. He smokes his heart away in the day and parties at his friends’ places in the night. SeungHyun follows him sometimes, but he couldn’t stand under one roof with a particular friend of Chanyeol’s; a heavily tattooed guy named YiXing. He was infuriating and SeungHyun doesn’t like to deal with his anger. So most of the time, SeungHyun just stayed home whenever Chanyeol couldn’t come over. Baekhyun was always there. Sehun rarely goes to the parties Chanyeol goes to and sometimes he would come over and cuddle Baekhyun. SeungHyun couldn’t help the envy but he can’t seem to do anything.

See the thing is, no matter how tiring Chanyeol could be, no matter how much he angers SeungHyun most of the time and no matter how frustrated SeungHyun felt, he couldn’t let go of the younger. Chanyeol was different, and although he was all that; a sloppy, smoking mess with no goal in life, Chanyeol also makes SeungHyun feel the most special and loved. And he never forgets to tell SeungHyun just how much he loves the older. SeungHyun could never let go.

Now, the strong smell of smoke radiated through the air and into SeungHyun’s apartment. He rolled his eyes because he knew it was Chanyeol. He was just grateful his boyfriend isn’t an alcoholic. It would’ve been harder to handle if he was. Chanyeol appeared at the opened door laughing along with Sehun, who walked into the apartment and greeted SeungHyun with a nod and a smile, quickly disappearing into Baekhyun’s room. Chanyeol dropped himself next to SeungHyun and heavily leaned against the older, reeking of smoke and sweat.

SeungHyun half-heartedly pushed him away. “Go take a shower. You smell.” It only made Chanyeol leaned into him further; his eyes closed as he purposely annoy SeungHyun.

“Hyung, shower with me.” He whined.

The older pushed him away again. “I just had my shower. You’re on your own.”

“But hyuung,” He dragged and sleepily looked at SeungHyun. “I’m too tired. I just wanna cuddle you.” He laced his fingers with SeungHyun’s, and the older didn’t pull his hand back because, well, he did miss the younger the whole day today, and cuddling sounded perfect.

He takes his hand away from Chanyeol’s grip only to wrap his arm around the latter’s shoulders. Chanyeol comfortably snuggled against him, burying his face into the older’s chest. It was silent for about ten minutes but then Chanyeol pulled away and gazed up at SeungHyun.

“Hyung, does it matter that I’m not the perfect boyfriend like Sehun is to Baekhyun?”

SeungHyun couldn’t keep the chuckle from escaping his lips. If only Chanyeol knows just how much Baekhyun complains about his ‘perfect’ boyfriend. “Sehun is far from perfect. And no, it doesn’t matter. You know what matters, Channie?”

Chanyeol’s brow arched at the question but he kind of already know the answer SeungHyun was about to give because even before the older finished speaking, Chanyeol was already smiling.

“You’re all that matters.” SeungHyun said, planting a kiss on Chanyeol’s forehead as the younger leaned further into him. Chanyeol muttered a soft ‘I love you’ and he said it back not because he had to, but because he wants to and he actually meant it.

So if you ask again if SeungHyun knows how Baekhyun had felt when he came into SeungHyun’s room and ranted off about how perfectly imperfect Sehun is, the answer is yes. 


A/N: C R A C K S H I P. Can you believe it? Can you?! Lol. Anyway. What do you think? Nice? Not nice? Should I or should I not consider writing another? I have tried implying this ship in Acceptance Is Key but it's on hold and heydoyourememberChannielikesthisotherguy? Lol it's 3K of word vomit without any plot so hope you liked it! Comments would be nice!

Now who wants a Sebaek sequel?!

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Kpopandjrocklover567 #1
Chapter 1: I mean the couple
Kpopandjrocklover567 #2
Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute I love Crack pairings and I even am thinking of doing these two later on. I also love Sebaek I don't read it alot.
Chapter 1: Awww. I'm loving Sebaek in here! And I love Seunghyun and Baek's brotherly relationship. Keke. This is seriously an unexpected pairing. Keke. But I still read it anyway *whispers: there's Sebaek in here* Haha!
bringnse-xsebaek #4
Chapter 1: Yeah it was an unexpected pairing but I still liked it~
but omfg. TOP dating everybody out of Big Bang first xD ahahahaha
iamtango #5
Chapter 1: Sebaek sequel .. Don't need to ask author .. Just do please LOL
Chapter 1: ME ME *raises both hands* i really want a sequel..Nw about this story well unique couple..n i love TOP..<3<3 It was funny to see that all the big bang members were his past bfs..n the way their relationship progressed is sweet too...:D

Thanks for sharing this story with us...^^
Chapter 1: This is a strange pairing but they are cute and ur story too hehe ^^ ME i want a sebaek sequel!!!! Haha ^_^
iamtango #8
Deep voice rappers .. Gosh I don't know where to start .. Subscribe first I guess !!
bringnse-xsebaek #9