What a way to end the day


Jasmine's POV 

How dare that man!  All I wanted was a signature....that's it.  What was so frickin' hard about that.  Five seconds of the man's time.  After fuming for a few minutes more, I noticed Taemin staring at me.

"You okay?"  He asked.

"I'm fine.  I've never worked around anyone that  acted like that.  Was I in the wrong?  No.  I was not.  This is a place of business, as such, business was accomplished. Was it so hard to take a few seconds out of his day to sign a piece of paper?  I think not."  I rambled.  

"I can see why your called a shark.  You are very brutal."  Taemin replied.

""What I didn't like was that I had to resort to that just to get a signature.  I'm usually more professional then that." I assured him.

"I believe you.  Jiyong seems to bring out the worst in you."  Taemin replied.

"I will not allow him to effect me in that way.  We work for the same company, therefore we act like businessmen." I declared.

"Okay businessman, let's get back to work."  Taemin laughed.

"Yes sir!"  saluting him as we walked into the elevator.

The rest of the day was uneventful.  At the end of the day I was dropped off at home by Taemin and walked into my thunderously quiet home.  I fixed a quick dinner, showered and went to bed.

The next morning I decided to wear a black pencil skirt, a red blouse and red and black leopard print pumps.  I lightly did my make-up and headed out the door.

The day started out well until YG appa called me into his office.  I had just had a seat when his office door opened.  Ji walked in and sat down in the chair next to mine.  What was he doing here?  I looked back at YG appa, waiting for him to explain.  This can not be good.

"I called you two in today because I am going to have Jasmine work with you Jiyong."  He announced.

"What!!!!!!"  we both yelled.

Oh dear God in heaven, please let this be a nightmare that I'm going to wake up from any moment....Please....Please.


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Exospirit002 #1
^^ it shoukd be nice.Update soon
Chapter 12: Authornim.....yah, if ur going out of town u better add 2 chapters b-4 u go. :)
Chapter 1: Ok so I know u got 5 chapters, forget what I said and just put them all out. :) good so far.