Let the battle continue.



"Shouldn't we stop this?"  Dae asked. 

"We will soon.  I want to see how this play's out."  I replied.

"My money's on Jasmine."  Bae said.

"Mine too.  Ji has met his match."   I replied.

"I think she's hot...and a bit scary."  Seungri put in.

"We need to find out what we can about her. "  Bae said.

"I agree."  I replied.

"So we get to keep her?"  Seungri asked.

"Boy, I told you she is not a pet.  I hope she stays.  She is going to make things very interesting around here."  I replied.

"I don't like that they are hating each other."  Dae said.

"Don't worry Dae, they like each other."  Seungri replied.

"What makes you say that?"  Dae asked.

"They are in each other's personal space and neither one is backing up.  Look at their body language."  Seungri replied.

"What do you know about that?"  Bae asked.

"I read about it.  Body language never lies they say."  Seungri replied.

"Who's they?"  Dae asked.

"Professionals.  There are government people who do it for a living."  Seungri explained.

"You use it to find women don't you?"  I asked, all ready knowing the answer.  

"Of course."  Obviously proud of himself.

"Figures.  Does it work?"  Bae asked.

"Sometimes.  I'm still learning."  Seungri replied.

"Look."  Dae said pointing at Ji and Jasmine.  "He signed it.  OMG!"

Jasmine bowed to us as she went out the door.  I couldn't help but laugh.  She was going to shake this place up and she's all ready started with Ji.  I looked over at Ji.  He was so pissed.  I looked at the others and we all started laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?"  Ji asked.

"No reason."  I said.  "What do you think of Jasmine?"  I asked.

"Don't even mention that woman's name in my presence." Ji spat out.

"She only wanted your signature.  Why did you resist so much?"  Bae asked.

"She could have waited until I was finished.  Never mind, I don't want to talk about her.  I need a smoke."  Ji said.

"I'll go with you."  I said.

Like I said.  Things are going to get very very interesting.  I laughed as I followed Ji out the door.

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Exospirit002 #1
^^ it shoukd be nice.Update soon
Chapter 12: Authornim.....yah, if ur going out of town u better add 2 chapters b-4 u go. :)
Chapter 1: Ok so I know u got 5 chapters, forget what I said and just put them all out. :) good so far.