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Dear Diary,

Today's the day! Today's the day that I'll tell them, I hope that they'll accept it. Do you think that they'll accept it? They're my bestfriends and I didn't tell them the second that I knew. Honestly, I think they're going to be mad. But, if they really care for me, they'll understand.



I sighed as I wrote in my diary, I only have 3 months left and I can't tell them. But, I have too and today's the day! I have a heart problem and the doctor said it's really fatal, I didn't know that I had it. I really didn't and by the time that I knew I had one year left. That was 9 months ago.

I closed my diary and put it inside my bag, I grabbed everything that I needed for school and rushed down for breakfast. By the time that I went down my cousin was already gobbling down the pancakes.

She looked up only to see me glaring at her, "Annyeong, Fina-ah!" she greeted, I glared at her, "Grace, how may times do I have to tell you to use formalities!?"

She counted on her fingers for a while, "Uh...17?"

"More than 17! And you ate all the pancakes..."

She blinked a few times before standing up and opening the fridge and pulled out pancakes, "Here"

"But they're not warm!" I whined, she rolled her eyes at me, "They're still pancakes"

I glared at her and just took the pancakes and ate them. Meet my idiotic cousin, Grace. She has tendencies to become bipolar, but most of the time she's just sarcastic. She's taller than me despite her only being 16.

As I finished up, I grabbed a glass of water and drank it. I put it down and looked at her, "Aren't you going to school?"

"Ani, school's canceled. The teachers went somewhere for their seminar" she said as she took a sip from her hot chocolate. I gave her a weird look and she returned it with a confused one.

"What?" She asked me, I pointed at the hot chocolate she was holding, "What sane person drinks hot chocolate on a hot day?"

She shrugged, "Who said I was sane?"

I blinked a few times before shrugging off her weird behavior and opened the door and walked out the house. I decided to walk to school since school was near where we lived.

It took me a few minutes and I finally arrived, I sat underneath the rubber tree of the school, my usual place. I pulled out my diary and doodled in it for a bit.

"Psst, psst!" I heard someone. I looked up to see my bestfriend, Lee Jinki, run towards me. I smiled at him and patted the seat next to me, he sat beside me and smiled.

"Ooh, is that your diary? Fina-ah, let me take a look!" he said as he tried to grab my diary, but failed since the bell rang.


Jinki and I had different homerooms, he got the funny and awesome Lee-sonsaengnim while I was stuck with the dramatic 'queen', Kim-sonsaengnim.

"Class, may I have your attention?"




"HEY, LITTLE DEMONS! LISTEN TO YOUR F'ING AWESOME HOMEROOM TEACHER FOR ONCE WILL YA?!" he yelled out, everybody was so silent that I could hear my own hair drop.

Wait, is that even possible?

He coughed and gestured someone to walk inside. That someone walked in causing all the girls to faint from blood loss because of all the nosebleeding, I rolled my eyes at them and looked at the person who walked inside, that's when my jaw fell open.

It was none other than my bully in my previous school. The handsome,gorgeous, breathtaking and almighty Kim Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong.

His eyes darted from one person to abnother until his eyes met mine, he smirked and wrote his name on the board not even bothering to introduce himself.

He sat behind me. Oh, joy.

This is gone be one long homeroom.

My first subject was Biology and I was actually looking forward to it since it's the only class I have with my crush, Kim Minseok was nothing special, he was cute and all, his grades were average, but something about him just made me like him.

I rushed out the door and hurried to the Biology classroom, I was halfway there when I noticed that Jaejoong was following me. I huffed and walked faster, he walked faster to catch up with me, but when he did. I was already inside the classroom.

I sat on my designated seat that was right next to my crush, Kim Minseok. I blushed at the thought of having him sit beside me for one whole hour. ONE WHOLE HOUR.

It wasn't long before Minseok arrived, I smiled at him and he returned it. We aren't as close as Jinki and I, but we're close enough to be called, good friends.

He sat beside me and smiled, "Annyeong!" he greeted, I blushed a deep shade of red at the sound of his voice and just hoped that he couldn't see it when I greeted him back, "Annyeong"

"Looks like we have a new student" he said as his eyes trailed at Jaejoong who was seated on the opposite side of the classroom, I groaned, "Yeah, I know. That guy's in my homeroom"

"What's with the tone?" he asked me, I sighed, "He was an old bully from my previous school"


The class soon started and the next thing I knew I kept staring at Minseok until class ended. When the bell rang signalling recess, I went directly to my locker and opened it, a note fell down and I read it.


Meet me at the school rooftop after classes.


I raised an eyebrow, 'Who could this person be?' I thought. I folded the paper and put it inside my pocket and walked to the canteen. As I continued walking I accidentally hit a person and fell flat on my .

"Ah, mianhae! I didn't see where I was going!" I apologized.

"Fina?" the person said. It can't be... I looked up and saw the one and only Kim Jaejoong.

I stood up and brushed the dust off and walked away from him, I was a few steps ahead of him when he pulled me back, "HEY!"

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him, "It's such a mystery of why I'm avoiding you...and only Sherlock Holmes can solve it"

His brows scrunched up, "Is it because I bullied you in our previous school? Listen, I'm sorry..."

"No, it's not the fact that you bullied me. It's the fact that you teased me, humiliated me, murdered my dignity---wait, did you just say that you were sorry?" I asked him, he nodded.

"I'll forgive you" I started, his eyes lit up, "Really?"

I rolled my eyes and walked away, "When grumpy cat smiles!"

After that encounter I decided to skip break and 2nd period to write in my diary. I know it makes me look like a stupid middle-schooler with my diary, but I need something to vent my thoughts into!

Dear Diary,

The unexpected happened. He actually said sorry! If you're confused of who 'he' is, it's the one and only, Kim Jaejoong!

He used to be my bully, remember? But, despite the fact that he bullied me for three years. I liked him, but seriously, I moved on from him ever since I left that damned hell-hole.

But fate never rests, it meddled with my life again. And, he's back, I'm not sure if I'm falling for him again, but I sure do hope not~!

Okay, enough of the boy stuff.

Remember what I said earlier about the today's-the-day-that-I'm-going-to-tell-them-day? Well, I'm pushing that date back. I am so not going to tell them!

2 Months later...

As I sat on my bed and stared out the window, I noticed a pearl-aqua notebook on the table near the window, I stood up and opened it. I then remembered that this notebook was my diary, I went back to my bed with a pen and my diary in hand. I flipped the pages and reminisced about the what happened the past two months that I couldn't write and decided to pour all my worries, emotions and thoughts on my diary.

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry that I didn't write for two months now, it's because school was getting to me. Remember that note I received two months ago? It was actually from Jinki, he called me to the rooftop to tell me that he's leaving the country. I didn't get to stop him because his flight was already this Sunday, I could only hope that he'll remember me and the friendship we shared.

But what the most is that on the day he left, he confessed to me. I never really thought that he liked me and it tore me apart knowing that

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Chapter 1: Such a sweet story & keep it up - Yuki