Chapter 29

Staring from afar

As the day progressed, the gang became more and more restless. The clock showed that it was already 3pm. Every one got off their butts and stretches their body to get rid of the knots I their body. “Mum, have you made lunch yet?” Hongbin yelled from the living room but he got no reply. Hongbin went to the kitchen and found a note stuck on the fridge.


Hongbin, mum had to go to work suddenly and you all look engrossed with your work so I didn’t want to disturb you. Money for lunch is in the money box. Mummmy loves you dear.

Hongbin took the money out and counted. “Ohk $80, for lunch… that is a lot.” Hongbin went back to the living room to inform the gang there was no lunch. “Er guys my mum had to go to work but she gave us money to buy food. So do you guys wanna order in or go out to eat?” and in unison all of them replied with “Order in.” Hongbin took the phone and went to make the order. “It will take about half and hour so do you guys want to continue to study?” All of them shook their heads and sat on the couch and some sprawled on the floor and went to watch television. As they were watching some variety show, the door bell rang. “Order for Mr Lee Hongbin?” the deliverly man asked. Hongbin greeted the man and took the food in and paid the man and as they settle the food on the coffee after putting the books aside, they began to tuck into their food.

The day went quite fast and night came along and everyone gathered their things to get ready to head home as there was school tomorrow. After everyone had left for their homes, Hongbin went to his roo and get ready to sleep.

The sun was shining very bright that morning when Hongbin left his house to go to school. He met Ravi at the bustop and they had their morning coffee with a side of smooching before walking into the school compound where they met N and Leo snuggling under a tree with their notes on their laps. “Morning guys.” Ravi and Hongbin greeted the sunggling couple. “Morning!” they give cheerful smiles in return. “Do you guys have to do so much PDA under a tree?” Ravi teased N and Leo. “You’re no better Kim Grease.” Hongbin laughed at the comment and Ravi gave his all so famous pout. Hongbin just gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek and pat him on the head. “We were just testing each other on Organic Chem. Need to get ready for the test for 4th period. Well until Leo decided that Organic chem was boring at that he rather work on our chemistry instead.” N told Hongbin. Hongbin just laughed and sighed. The bell rang which signalled that School was going to start soon and the 4 boys walked to class.

The day went by smoothly, the test was manageable, their math teacher didn’t come so they had a substitute and for lunch they had gogi bibimbap. So yeah the day went really well. “So guys, we only have about 3 weeks till our entrance exams huh?” Everyone nodded. “Well let’s do our best and work hard.” Ha Nuel cheered. After saying their goodbyes for the day they all went their separate ways.

Ravi and Hongbin made a detour before they head home. They decided to drop by the mall to do some distress shopping. Ravi and Hongbin went from shop to shop looking at clothes to shoes to stationaries to everything else in between. After walking for along time, a clothes shop cause Hongbin’s eye and he dragged Ravi into the shop. Inside the shop, Hongbin looked through the racks of t-shirts. “Hey baby, this would look good on you.” Showing Ravi a blue graphic tee. Ravi nodded in agreement and Hongbin went to ask Ravi to try it on. After a while Ravi came out. “Hmm, it feels alittle tight baby.” Ravi mentioned to Hongbin. “I think so too but it outlines your body shape and might I say it looks good.” Hongbin told Ravi and gave him a kiss. Ravi laughed. “Ok fine I’ll get you a size bigger kay.” While Ravi was struggling to get the shirt off of himself, Hongbin came back with a shirt a size bigger. “Omg! Ravi have you been working out? Your abs looks more defined that last time.” Hongbin traced Ravi’s abs with his fore finger. Ravi shivered under Hongbin’s touch. After getting the t-shirt and paying for it, both boys exited the shop and headed to get something to drink and went home.

N and Leo were sweating throught their shirts. “Damn I feel so good right now.” N half moaned half sighed. “I know right.” Leo replied almost breathless. Both boys were sprawled on the studio floor after a hard core dance session to release their stress. “I’m glad you dragged me to the studio that time.” Leo looked at N and smiled. He sat up and suddenly rolled over onto N and sat of his stomach. “Leo what are you doing?” N asked by Leo didn’t answer. “Leo, Le….” And N’s lips was sealed by Leo’s.They shared an open mouth kiss before Leo decided to stick his tongue down N’s throat and N moaned into the kiss. The kiss went on until N broke off the kiss to catch his breath. “Ohk, Wow.” N sat up and so did Leo. “Wow was right baby. Wow was right.” Leo got off the floor and helped N up. “Come on, it getting late. Let’s go.” N got his ipod from the ipod dock and stuffed it in his bag and took Leo’s hand and they walked out of the room hand in hand.

Hyuk and Ken were in their room siting on the bed, Ken playing with his phone while Hyuk was strumming his guitar trying to get the chords right. After getting this hang on the chords for the song that he was learning, he started singing and as soon as he did, Ken put his phone down and listened to Hyuk play. Ken loves it when Hyuk plays his guitar. Its something that helps him calm down while listening to Hyuk play and Hyuk calms down by playing his guitar. After the song ended, Hyuk looked up to Ken ad lifted Ken’s chin and gave him a kiss. “Liked the song baby?” Ken smiled and nodded. 

The night was very peaceful for everyone and that night everyone had a good nights sleep.

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can u please kindly share me the link for ur background picture *_* <3 I enjoy the story ^_^ Thanks for the story~ pretty please for the pic ^0^ cuz I'm bad at finding XD
ThisIsProbablyTaken #2
Chapter 23: At least Ha Neul isn't beingthat huge of a anymore :P
YunHee_VIXX #3
Chapter 18: WTF!!!! Who would do that Hongbin?!?! Poor him!!! Is it Haneul?? Aish! I hate her already!! That !!!
Btw, update soon~ Good job.. Love all of your stories!