
Prince in disguise

It's a nice day to stroll down the park or go to shopping and eat everything until your full would be everyone's thought today because vacation is coming but there's a certain person that beg to differ, meet Byun Baekhyun. Yes it's a nice day but he is definitely not into strolling down the park nor shopping and eating everything until he's full because a certain brown-haired good looking male might block his way and ruin his day once again, or maybe his whole week if he's lucky. He's experiencing this torture for a week now and no matter how attractive the guy is, you can't blame the sassy man to be crept out. 

Oh please, being chased by him along with his group of friends isn't funny. Not really funny when they are doing it everyday. Baekhyun is not a celebrity nor an online sensation and obviously not the president's only son so having a fansite (he'd love to call them like that to lessen their creepiness) to follow you every single seconds of your life is really scary. 


And that's how Baekhyun came storming one day at his shared dorm with Minseok and Kyungsoo.

"I am so done with them I swear!" Baekhyun hissed, flopping down the sofa with a pillow on his hand. "I am just a simple music major student in a simple university living in a simple dorm with my simple friends and living a simple life, what's with them following me?" He voiced out a desperate whine and Kyungsoo couldn't do anything but to pat the poor boy's head.


"Don't even start, I'm experiencing the same." Kyungsoo confessed, biting his lips with teary eyes. The two idiots dramatically grab each other and shared a hug full of whines and tears.


Having all the luck in the world, A tired Minseok entered the dorm only to witness his friend hugging each other like their lives were depending on it and whoever will let go first will slowly die in a miserable, painful death. How funny.




A loud shout, half whining of course, echoed around the dorm. His two dongsaeng ran towards him and tackled him down with their bone-crashing hug. Minseok would be happy if the hug is filled with happiness but it obviously screams help us hyung. He sighed and decided to pat the two head as he leaded them back to the sofa. He waited his two bestfriend to calm down before asking them to explain what is the wailing all about, thinking of talking to a crying Kyungsoo or an irked Baekhyun made Minseok's stomach turn because that's not really a good scenery. 


A few sob was heard and then Minseok took the silence as his time to speak.

"So, care to explain you two?"

Before Kyungsoo or Baekhyun go hysterical, the bun boy already thrown his hands in front of them and shuts his eyes close.

"—I really meant care to explain Baekhyun there." the emphasis of Baekhyun's name was intentional. Minseok wouldn't want to have another turn, in his brain this time, because of the mixed whines. Baekhyun nodded before pouting his lips, placing his hands on his thighs.

"Hyung, My life is in a deep mess. A great great mess that even my sassiness couldn't do anything to fix it!"

The eldest spotted a hint of frustration in his sassy friend's voice while he is spilling his thoughts out and he knew himself that there's something happening to him. That saddens him as the older brother. He is the oldest, so taking care of his dongsaengs is his top priority. Not only taking care but also making them happy and comfortable. Do Minseok fail his role? 

"You know, having an attractive guy chasing you everywhere would be exciting but it's getting creepier as time passes by." whines Baekhyun and added, "The first time I saw him was in the bubble tea shop, I find him attractive at first but I never tried flirting okay. I never did, well just a little bit but that's another story." He coughed to shoo away the judging stares from the other two and continued, "Then the next was at the school grounds, I thought I'll be happy 'cos oh my god a cute guy in the same university as mine but seeing his face straight a week wherever I go is definitely insane."

Baekhyun lets out a frustrated scream and drops his attention in his hand laying on his lap.

"I never asked for a cute stalker. And will never do that. You know me hyung."

Seeing Minseok furrowing his eyebrows and throwing him questions like oh really? are you sure? made Baekhyun roll his eyes and mentally throws daggers at him. This hyung could be crazy at times no matter how serious the matter is. Wow, matter.

"I'm serious hyung."

Baekhyun glared at his hyung.

And his hyung gladly glared back.

Baekhyun pouted.

"I seriously need help hyung."

That made Minseok laughed slightly.

"I know, I know." 

Minseok looked at Baekhyun with reassuring look and averted his gaze to Kyungsoo who is currently staring at space. He knew that this is not the time to adore how white-rich his saeng's eyes is so he shrugged the thought away and called the other attention by tapping the table between them. The other instantly snapped out his flying thoughts and focused on the older.

"Hyung... I am just admiring my hero's face while sitting in a cafe when a random guy randomly approaches me with his random talk and his random face is randomly, awfully, painfully familiar to me." 

Minseok nodded, slowly processing all the adjectives Kyungsoo have mentioned and snapped his fingers for Kyungsoo to continue.

"Then after that day, I am always seeing him on my way home, grocery, university, mall and dorm and I wouldn't be shock if I'll see him on my way to toilet one day!" 

An uncomfortable silence filled the air but Kyungsoo snapped it away soon after.

"No that's not the point. I am so done with the guy, I want him to get lost and let me stare at my hero's perfect zeus face peacefully."

Cricket sounds.

"Okay I'll let the zeus thing slip first," Minseok started and stare at his two friends in front of him. "I'll help you guys. I'll do everything to help you." A lovingly smile appeared on the older's lips, and that alone made the other two to sigh in relief. Though they are aware that they aren't still safe yet, but hearing these words in their hyung's lips turn their frustrations away.

"Thank you hyung." They said in unison.

And as adorable they could get, they also hugged Minseok at the same time earning an 'aww' from the bun.



The next day, the three idiots decided to go to school together. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun convinced the older to go with them because they want some bonding time again but the truth is they don't want to get stalked alone again. Being sandwiched by his two dongsaengs, Minseok linked arms with the two before whispering,

"Are you guys trying to kill me?"

That alone automatically moved the two to give their hyung a space to breathe. Minseok thanks all the highness when he felt the wind hitting him again because there's no Baekhyun and Kyungsoo bread slice anymore.

It only took 20 minutes until they arrived to the bus stop. Minseok waddles towards the bench to take a sit, and also a rest because he's somewhat exhausted. He left his dongsaengs standing there, waiting for the bus to arrive. The hyung smiled to the scene he is witnessing.

Aw such a cutie pies look at them— and oh why are they running towards me, Minseok thought and before he could ask them, the two hurriedly ran to where their hyung is sitting at with a questionable horrified expression.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Instead of answering their hyung's question, Baekhyun turned his head to look at Kyungsoo.

"Did you see him?"


And both of them stayed quiet and drops their head down, clutching at their pants.

"Are you guys okay?"

The two nodded and Minseok decided to not ask again because that's not the best thing to do right now, he might ended being sandwiched with them again but with a loud whining this time. He just sighed and lift up his wrist to look at the time. After knowing that there are still 30 minutes left before the class starts, Minseok drops his wrist and looked ahead to check if there's a coming bus, but instead of a bus, he found a brown-haired deer-like boy staring at their direction with a thin smile, or more like a smirk to him, or to them? Minseok doesn't know. 

After a few minutes of having the same guy staring at them and waiting for the bus, an empty bus came and stops in front of the bus stop. Minseok hands shakes his two friends' shoulders and rose up, walking towards the bus. The two soon followed the elder and went inside the bus with his hyung. Baekhyun didn't let his hyung to sit in a seat for only two people so he dragged them to the back.

Having Baekhyun near the window, Kyungsoo in the middle and Minseok sitting protectively on the side, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sighed in relief not until they caught the person they hated the most walking towards them and aiming for the back seat. Soon after, the guy is sitting beside Minseok with a mysterious smile on his face.

And then the bus started to move. Hell, this is the first time Minseok received a pure silence from his two loud friends especially Baekhyun. He should call it as a miracle but is it a good thing to call it a 'miracle'? Nope, he doesn't think so. With a confused face, Minseok pokes Kyungsoo's shoulder whom flinched too obvious at the older's action.

Weird. That's what the only thing lingering around the bun's head.

"Hyung." Kyungsoo called, leaning closer to his hyung's ears.


"Look to your right. What do you see?"

"My shoulder."

"You dumbo adjust your shoulder away for a moment!"

Minseok just shrugged his shoulders and turn his head to the right to get a clearer view of what is his bestfriend talking about.

"Now what do you see?"

"Oh, I see a pair of deer eyes looking at us?"


Sadly, the bun boy still didn't get it. So he just nodded and looks straight ahead blinking.

"I still don't get it." Minseok suddenly blurted out, earning a what, why, how dumb are you hyung from the other two.

After a moment of contemplating more, Minseok only ended up with a thought,

Oh man that guy is attractive, I'd tap that!

Yahooo an update! sorry for taking so long for this ;;;; ily all cries sdkjasfklsdtugcklvbjcx

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Pwincessusagi1 #1
Chapter 2: Wow u amazing authornim!!!! Please update!!! This story is legendary!!! Hehe I'll be waiting, fighting ^0^/
kimxiuhan #2
Chapter 2: you're right,minseok..
PrincessxSchaniel #3
Authornim, when u want to update ur story? Please update! I'm waiting ♥)
misslilmoon #4
Chapter 1: oh man oh man oh man I can't wait
Chapter 1: I meant wait
Chapter 1: Omg can't wIt for the first chapter xD
xiumin21 #7
Chapter 1: this is really funny and at the same time interesting... i hope you could update pretty soon...
Chapter 1: hahaha!!!! I'm so excited for the next chapter :D