Welcome to hell

Gohn forever

        There was so much blood... it was everywhere. Sehyuk blinked, he didn't understand what was happening. 'Dongsung...' He tried to call out but he couldn't seem to form words. It was cold. He was chilled and shivering. He wanted Dongsung's warmth. But Dongsung wasn't there. It was just Sehyuk and the cold concrete ground. Sehyuk tried lifting his head, the flashing lights were almost blinding. He tried to call for help again but he couldn't, his voice was gone and he just laid back down, closing his eyes as he took his last breath, alone, with no one to tell him it would be okay...

         Dongsung woke with a start, sweating buckets and breathing coming heavy. He looked over at the clock, the bright red numbers told him it was two in the morning. He sighed and kicked the blankets away angrily before burying his face in his hands. 
Sehyuk's car accident was almost three months ago. Dongsung has been plagued with nightmares every night after. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad for him If he was their for Sehyuk's final moments? Dongsung cast away that idea. Nothing could have made that better. 
Dongsung stumbled out of bed and to his bathroom, taking out the sleeping pills and swallowing three dry before looking into the mirror. His eyes were red and he had a bit of stubble growing around the edges. He hasn't kept good care of his appearance. What was he supposed to do when his only love died? 
             He looked down at Sehyuk's toothbrush, still in the holder, untouched since the accident. 'it wouldn't have happened if not for you.' A voice snickered into his ear, Dongsung looked up, in the mirror, right behind him was... himself. Taunting. Teasing. Telling him what he already knew. It wasn't what Dongsung needed. “Go away!” He screamed and punched the mirror. Spidery cracks formed across the surface and his hand bloomed with blood. Dongsung looked at his disoriented reflection and downed three more pills. The other Dongsung wasn't leaving. He downed a few more. 
He blinked, looking down at the bottle in his hand. These have been his escape for the past three months. But the few he was taking only relieved him for a few hours... What if he took more? He could be relieved for... forever. 
Dongsung his lips. 'Don't do it... You need to stay alive, for me.' Came another, softer voice. Dongsung looked up at the mirror. There was Sehyuk. Dongsung touched the mirror in awe. He came back... He's came back for Dongsung... He whipped around to face his love for the first time in three months but he was alone in the bathroom. 
His hand tightened on the bottle as a look of determination came across his face. Dongsung turned back to the mirror and pulled out all the prescription medicine he had and carried them all back to his bed. Sehyuk's soft whispers told him to stop, not to do this. Dongsung ignored it. “Sehyuk, I'm doing this for you. I need to see you again... Please understand.” He begged the figment. 
Tears were streaming down his face as he reached over for the box on the dresser. Inside the box was the engagement ring that killed his love. The night Sehyuk died Dongsung told him to come home. Told him to hurry. Dongsung swallowed hard and put the ring on this finger, it was slightly too small but he didn't care. 
Pill bottle after pill bottle Dongsung downed every last pill and curled up in a ball on the bed, surrounded by the empty bottles. “Sehyuk... I'm coming for you... Just wait for me... And understand...” He whispered to himself, closing his eyes as tears streaked down his face and onto the blanket. 

                 Dongsung Woke in a haze and sat up. He was on his bed. 'It didn't... work?' He thought in puzzlement and looked around. Desperation starting to creep onto him. Why didn't it work? 
“Oh don't worry, it worked.” A voice taunted. It was light and dangerous. Dongsung turned to the source, a thin boy stood in the corner, examining his nails before looking up at Dongsung with a smirk. “I'm Byungjoo. I have to deal with the people like you that decide killing themselves will make everything better.” He added, rolling his eyes. 
“T-This isn't heaven... I was going to Sehyuk. Sehyuk should be here... where is my Sehyuk?” Dongsung asked, panicking. Byungjoo let out a tinkling laugh. 
“You think you would go to heaven? Oh no no no, You are in hell. You committed a sin you know.” Byungjoo said, mock pity in his voice. Dongsung couldn't believe it. 
“Take me to Sehyuk. He's the one I came to see. I don't have time to be talking to you.” Dongsung snapped, not wanting to talk to the little creep anymore. 
“No can do dear little Dongsung. Your Sehyuk isn't here. This is your personal hell to deal with on your own.” Byungjoo almost laughed. No, that can't be right. Dongsung never did anything wrong. He just wanted to see his love. He grunted and climbed off the bed before storming past Byungjoo and out of the room.
That wasn't the best idea. 
A whirlwind of black awaited him outside his bedroom door. The wind disheveling his hair and clothes. In the center, in the distance he could See Sehyuk, white wings and all, looking sadly at him, reaching out a hand for him. 
“Sehyuk!” Dongsung screamed. Maybe he could get to Sehyuk after all. Dongsung leaped, saw Sehyuk get closer and smiled. He was going back to his love. They would be happy again. 
“Dongsung...” Oh how he missed how Sehyuk said his name. Dongsung made to grab Sehyuk's hand but everything went dark right before their hands touched. 
Dongsung blinked a few times before the lights came back on. The lights of his bedroom. 
Byungjoo snickered. “Welcome to your personal Hell. Enjoy it.” He chimed.

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ChiNoNeko #1
Chapter 1: This one is also good~ o u o
Hey gurl e w e