They just left the building and Kathy went with a bunch of girls that are in their gang... When Hebe and Amy about to go home they saw the group of boys who is Fahrenheit just walking to where Hebe and Amy were at... Suddenly, Aaron went up to where Hebe was standing...

Aaron: smirk at Hebe.... "Well, well.. Hebe, what are you doing here.."

Hebe: "ugh.. Nothing... We were about to go home anyways.."

Hebe and Amy were just walk pass Aaron when he suddenly hug Hebe from the back... Hebe was shock when Aaron just suddenly hug her... Somehow, her heart just started to beat faster and faster.. She doesn't even know what is the meaning of it because she never have been in love before, so she doesn't even know what the feeling meant... Then she started to hear Aaron say something to her....

Aaron: "Don't go.." saying in a low voice and also blushing...

Hebe: shock and confuse... "Eh!"

Aaron: "Please, don't go.."

Hebe: turn around then she smell something that is coming from Aaron... "Aa-Aaron, are you drunk... 'looking at his friends' Hey! If he is drunk then why the hell you guys didn't take him home.."

Jiro: "Well! For your information, he just say that he doesn't want to go home.."

Wu Chun: "Yea, and plus he also say that he wanted to take a walk after he went to the bar..."

Hebe: "Eh! Are you guy crazy.. If you guy know that then why the hell ya didn't take him ho..." got cut off by Aaron..

Aaron: still drunk... "Please don't leave me, Anna..."

Hebe: "Eh!" was shock and confuse by it and then she push him off of her but she push too hard so he ended on the ground....

Calvin: "God damn it, nerd.. Look, can't you tell that he was drunk.. And why the hell did you had to push him into the ground.."

Hebe: smirk.. "Well, for your information he just call me by someone else name while he still hugging me.... Aaron, let me tell you something that I am not Anna and who the hell is that.... You got the wrong person, okay.. Plus my name is Hebe... Let me help you spell it... It is H-E-B-E... Hebe, okay...."

Aaron: ?????(was still drunk and that is why he didn't say anything back to Hebe and plus he was about to be KO by Hebe push...)


Jiro: grab the phone from his pocket... "Hello... Oh! Okay.. We'll be there.. Yea... Bye.." Hang up the phone...

Wu Chun: "What is it, Jiro..."

Jiro: "We better get going.."

Calvin: "Eh! Then what about Aaron, he drunk.."

Jiro: looking at Hebe... "Hey, nerd girl.. We'll just leave him to you since we have to go somewhere.."

Hebe: "Eh!" shocked...

They started to run and left Aaron who was still on the ground and trying to get up....

Hebe: "Hey!.. Damn.."

Amy: "Hebe, what are we gonna do..."

Hebe: ".. Amy, come and help me carry him to the bench over there.."

Amy: "Okay.."

They were trying to carry Aaron to the bench that are close to them... They put him there laying on the bench...

Hebe: "Amy, go call a your butler to come pick us up.."

Amy: "Okay.." went over there to call a butler...

Hebe stay there quietly when Aaron grab Hebe hand and started to say something again...

Aaron: still drunk... "Please, don't leave me... Don't go anywhere that is far away from me.. Please..."

Hebe: looking at Aaron.. "Aaron, if you aren't the person that were bullying me then I would be your friends in the first place, but it is too bad that you are the one who is making everyone bully me.. And plus you really are a cute guy to be with but I.. Wait, did I just en say that out loud.. Damn it..."

Amy went to Hebe and Hebe was stop thinking about what she just say...

Amy: "Hebe.. The butler is here.." pointing to the butler who is call Bob...

Hebe: "Bob.. Take him to the car.."

Bob: "Yes, Miss. Hebe..."

He took Aaron and put him inside the car.. On the way home there were silence... They got to the house and Bob put Aaron on the bed.. Hebe just look at Amy..

Hebe: "Amy... Why the hell is that bastard in my bed?"

Amy: "hehehe.. Well, cause you know him.."

Hebe: "Amy.. Why can't you just put him in the guest room huh.. And plus why me.."

Amy: "Well! First of all, if we put him in the guestroom then mom and dad will found out about today... Secondly, You are much more stronger than me since you know how to protect yourself.. So, Bye-bye..." run off to her own room...

Hebe: "AMY.. ..." yell.. "Damn it.. Why the hell do you have to sleep in my bed... gosh..." about to walk to where her couches is at when Aaron grab Hebe hand.. She was shock by it again.. She was trying to break free from his hand, but he was too strong for her... So, she just got tired from it.. She pull a chair that were close by and then she sit down.. Hebe was looking at his face.. Suddenly, she was touching his hair and then toward to his lower lips...

Hebe: "Aaron.. So, the girl you have been calling is your ex huh.. Do you really miss her that much... I do know that you really hate me and all but I just wish that I would be that girl just for you.. 'sigh' I didn't even know why I am even saying all this anyways.. Well, I guess.." Hebe got tired and then she went to sleep.. She put her head on the beds side...



It was morning when Hebe was still sleeping on the side of the bed.. Aaron was the type of guy who wake up early in the morning... So, he just wake up and take a look around the room.. He thought to himself, "Who the hell room is this.. huh.. Where the hell am I.." He then look at his side and he was shock when he saw Hebe who was sleeping on the side of the bed... He was looking at her face and smile.. His thought, "hmmm. Why is she here.. Oh! Well.. She is pretty cute when she is still sleeping.. I wish that she would just sleep in my arm in the morning and I would be the one who was holding her tight when she is still sleeping...." He take a look at the desk that are next to the bed.. He saw a glasses that were on the desk and then he took it.. He try to wear the glasses to see if Hebe was really blind.. When he was wearing the glasses he thought to himself, "Eh! Why the hell is Hebe wearing a fake glasses.. Don't tell me that she isn't blind at all... So, she has been lying to the whole school and even me.. Huh.. You seem to be pretty good at this Hebe, but on the other hand I think that you are pretty cute with or without a glasses.." When he heard an alarm clock that were on the desk...


Hebe wakes up when she heard the alarm clock that goes on.. She left her head up and see Aaron who was looking at her..

Hebe: "Ah! You are awake.."

Aaron: smile.. "Yep.. And you look cute, Hebe.." staring at her face that just woke up from her sleep...

Hebe: rubbing her eye... "Eh!"

After she was finish rubbing her eye she saw Aaron wearing her glasses.. She thought, ".. I totally forgot about my glasses.."

Hebe: "Give it back to me..."

Aaron: "Nope.." putting on a flitting sound..

Hebe: got angry... "Hey! Don't just take something that doesn't belong to you okay so give my glasses back to me now..."

Aaron: smirk at Hebe.. "Well, I was wondering why a girl like you who is pretending to be a nerd when you are not one of them..."

Hebe: "Give it back now.." got impatient and also angry at the same time...

Aaron: smile at her... "Nope.."

Hebe got mad and she went to get her fake glasses back.. Aaron doesn't want to give it back to her cause he just wanted to see Hebe more and more without her fake glasses... Hebe was trying to grab it, but Aaron keep on moving around so that Hebe get have it back... Suddenly, they both fall into the ground.. Hebe was in the bottom and Aaron was on the top of her... Hebe were shock by the way they were at.... Hebe was blinking her eyes and her heart started to beat even faster... Hebe has never fell like that before in her whole life.. Then Aaron was moving closer to Hebe and their face got even closer to each other.... When their lips just got touch with each other, but then they both heard a door knock.. Hebe suddenly push Aaron away from her and was making him hide somewhere so that nobody know about it... Then she went to open the door... When she open the door and saw her auntie and uncle who was standing in front of her bedroom door....

Hebe: smile at them.. "Yea.. What is it, uncle and auntie.." looking at them...

A.V.: "Hebe, we were just wanting to say that your uncle and I will be going to a business trip.."

Hebe: "Really.. When..."

U.B.: "Right now.."

Hebe: "Eh! Isn't that just too fast..." shock..

A.V.: "Well, yes... But we just wanted to say that, and also take good care of Kathy and Amy for us while we are gone... Okay.."

Hebe: smile at them... "Okay.. But when are you guy coming back.."

U.B.: smile at her.. "We are coming back next weekend.. Okay, so bye.."

Hebe: "Bye and have fun auntie and uncle.."

A.V.: smile at her... "We will.. Bye, Hebe...."

When they just left and went down stair.. Hebe close the door and lock it, so that nobody can open it.... Aaron was looking at Hebe and he were shock that Hebe just got her glasses back....

Aaron: "Eh! When did you got your glasses back..."

Hebe: "None of your damn business.. Okay.."

Aaron started to walk straight toward Hebe and Hebe was walking back.. Then she felt that her back were against the wall.. Aaron put his two hand next to each of Hebe shoulder that were on the wall... When Hebe put her hand on Aaron chest for stopping him from going any closer to her... Aaron put on the smile that where looking at Hebe and somehow she was started to blush very hard then she really can't take it anymore..

Hebe: still trying to stop him from moving closer... "Aa-Aaron.. Don't come any closer.."

Aaron: "hmmm.. Why, since you look so cute without your glasses but why do you put your glasses back on...."

Hebe: still blushing... "St-stop.. I just say that don't come any closer you heard.."

Aaron: moving even closer toward Hebe... "hmmmm... Why don't I take off your glasses for you, Hebe.." Aaron take off her glasses and throw it to the ground softy..

Hebe: shocked by Aaron action... "Eh! Gi-Give it back to me.."

Aaron: smirk at her... "Let me spell it for you N-O.. Means no..."

Hebe: "Aa-Aaron.. Just give it ba..." got interrupt by something...

When she could finish what she was saying, Aaron suddenly grab her chin and started to kiss her lips... Hebe was shock by what Aaron was doing.. She was trying to push him away from her, but he was just too strong.. Then she got tired from doing all the pushing then she suddenly started to close her eye.. Then Aaron were started to put his tough inside .. Somehow, Hebe started to feel good by kissing Aaron so she started to kiss him back.. She was shock by it since it was her first time kissing a guy and it was also her first time having a french kiss with a guy and that person was the one that she hated the most.. They have been kissing for about 5 minute then Hebe heard her door knock.. She then trying to push Aaron back to the ground then she went to pick up her glasses and open the door.. Hebe saw Amy who was standing at the front door..

Amy: "Hebe, are you okay.." looking at Aaron.. "Don't tell me that he did something to you.."

Hebe: shocked by Amy words... "Eh! Ah! No.. He didn't do anything to me... So, you don't have to worry about it.... Amy.."

Amy: "Are you sure, Hebe.."

Hebe: "Yea.. I'm pretty sure..." putting on a fake smile..

Aaron: "Awww. Honey.. Why do you have to lie to her like that we didn't do anything huh.. We were just having a passionate kiss that is all right, honey.."

Amy: got angry and started yelling at Aaron... "EH! YOU BASTARD... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO TO HEBE.. HUH... YOU EN HOE..."

Hebe: push Amy away.. "Amy.. Why are you taking his stupid joke seriously... There nothing between me and that jerk okay.. And plus why the hell would I want to kiss this jerk... If I have a choice to choose from between kissing him and death.. I Hebe Tian who just came from America would choose death over kissing a jerk..." pointing at Aaron..

Aaron: "Eh!" shock by Hebe words...

Amy: "Yea.. That is true.."

Hebe: "You both needed to go out, since I was about to change..." looking at both Aaron and Amy...

Aaron: "Really.. Then I would choose to stay here and watch you change.."

Hebe: putting on a fake smile... "Really..." looking at Aaron...

Aaron: smirk at Hebe... "Yea, really.." looking at Hebe up and down...

Hebe pull Aaron up so that he can stand and then she just push him toward outside of her door and Amy of course went outside of the door as well.. Then Hebe close the door and lock it so that nobody can open it..... She started to change her clothes.....

Aaron: "Damn.. Why the hell do she have to kick me out too.. Jeez.." staring at Hebe door.

Amy got mad by the way Aaron was saying so she hit Aaron in the back of his head..

Aaron: "OUCH! What was that for, Amy.."

Amy: "That is for warning.. If you do anything to her then I'll just have kill you understand.. Even though, you might be a gangster but I doesn't even care as long as I could protect her from the people like you... Okay.." walking back to her own room...

Aaron was there staring at Hebe door.. When he just heard a girl who started to yell at him..


Aaron: shocked by what she was saying... "Hey! Hey.. Can't you quiet down... I am not a ert, okay..."

Diana: "Then who the hell are you.." taking thing seriously...

Aaron: "I should be the one asking the question too.. Who the hell are you huh lady.."

Diana: smirk.. "Me.. You are asking who am I.. Well, let me tell you who am I okay... I am the maid of this house and that is not all... I am also Miss. Hebe personal maid who are now taking care of her.. And who are you mister..."

Aaron: "Oh! So, she has a personal maid.. Wow.. Well, I does go to the same school as her..."

Diana: "Really... Well, I heard that a group of guy who call them self a Fahrenheit who are bullying her in the school....."

Aaron: "Eh! Ah!.. Well, Yea.. I guess.. So, if you won't mind me asking.... Can you tell me something about her..."

Diana: "Well, sure.. Since you do go to the same school.. Well, you can say that ever since she came here she always been lonely.."

Aaron: "What do you mean by that.." having a confuse look...

Diana: "Well, I do feel sorry for her though.. Her parents just pass away not long ago and she do knew everyone in America, but when she came here she doesn't have anyone to be with or talk to..."

Aaron: shocked... "Eh! Really.."

Diana: got very angry just by thinking about what is happening at Hebe school.... "Yea.. And ever since she started going to that stupid school just because she look like a nerd doesn't mean that she should get bully by the entire school.. Damn, if I ever found out who those Fahrenheit bastard are then I'll swear to god that I'll en kill them.." turn back to a sweeter voice.. "So.. Umm.. What is your name.."

Aaron: got a little scare of Diana (think that she doesn't know his name..)... "Umm my name is Aaron Yan.."

Diana: "ahahaha.. So your name is Aar... 'pause for a minute' EEEEEEeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. So, your that damn bastard who has been bullying Miss Hebe huh.. You little boy.. Who do you think you are to bully her... Not just that you can tell the whole school to bully her didn't you....."

Aaron: "Eh!!!"

Diana started to walk straight toward at Aaron and she looks like a madwoman.. Aaron was scare even though he maybe a gangster and all but he doesn't wanted to hit girl.. So, he was starting to walk back when Hebe door suddenly open....

Hebe: got mad and started to yell.. "WHAT THE EN ARE YOU GUY DOING.. CAN'T YOU GUY KEEP IT DOWN IN THE EN HALLWAY.. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU GUY ARE TOO DAMN LOUD..." looking at Aaron and then saw Diana who was standing there quietly.... "Eh! Diana.. Welcome back..." smile at Diana and then hug her tightly....

Diana: smile at Hebe and also hug her back.... "Yea.. My mom told me to come back early.."

Hebe: "Eh! Really.. OMG.. I really glad you are back..." smile at Diana..

Diana: smile at Hebe.. "Yep.. I am happy to be back and plus I miss you Hebe.."

Hebe: "Diana.. Why won't we go down stair and cook me your favorite food... Ever since you are gone I have been missing eating them.. Okay.."

Diana: "Sure.. But tell me Hebe.. Why the hell did you bring a guy who have been bullying you into our home..."

Hebe: "Well, I just feel bad for him since he was drunk last night and his friends just ditch him on the street and then they just went somewhere... So, me and Amy were nice enough to bring him here...."

Diana: looking at Aaron.. "See.. As a guy like you who are bullying a girl that just took you in her auntie and uncle home.. Do you think that you can find someone as nice as her huh.."

Aaron: "Eh! Ah! NO..."

Diana: "Yea.. That right you better watch out little boy.. Anyway.. Come on, Hebe.. I'll just cook you something to eat okay.."

Hebe: "Okay..."

All three of them went down stair.. Diana went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for everyone to eat... While Hebe and Aaron were still sitting there watching any kind of show that just show up on the T.V... They were staying like that about 30 minute when they heard a doorbell ring.. Even though, Diana was still cooking the breakfast, so she just went and open the door.. She took the guest into the living room where Hebe and Aaron where at....

Diana: "ummm.. Miss Hebe.."

Hebe: "Yea.. What is it, Diana.."

Diana: "You have a guest.." speaking formality toward Hebe since there where guest who are inside the house...

Hebe: "A guest.. Who is it.." confuse for a minute...

Danson: pop out from behind Diana.. "SURPRISE..." looking at Hebe...

Hebe: '' "Da-Danson.. hahaha.. How you been.."

Danson: "Ah!! I'm doing good so how abo.. 'pause for a minute' Hebe.. Why the hell is Aaron doing here..."

Hebe: "Eh! Umm.. Well.."

Aaron: smirk at Danson... "I spent a night over here.."

Danson: "Eh.." shock by the way Aaron is saying...

Hebe: "ahahaha.. Danson, why won't you join us watching television..."

Danson: "I would love too..." smile at Hebe...

They went to sit at the couch that were near the television.... It was another 30 minute.. They heard another doorbell ring... So, Diana went and open the door... When she also took a guest inside the house.. She went to were the living room were..

Diana: "Miss. Hebe.."

Hebe: "Yea, What is it, Diana.."

Diana: "Well, you have another guest.." still looking at Hebe...

Hebe: "Eh!" shock by Diana words....

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Hello, everyone! Sorry that I haven't writing my story cause I really have been busy with things. So, just to let everyone knows that I will be coming back to my story very soon. Hope everyone will be looking forward to my story. Thanks again for reading my story. ^_^
really cant wait for next update
Wasashi #3
heyyy!!! cant wait for your next updates!<br />
cherish_dreamer #4
Please update ASAP!
Princ3ss_BubbLee #5
yay she choose aaron! they so cute together especially when she tries to pull away from the kiss and he keeps pulling her back :D<br />
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oooohhh, im kinda sad the danson is moving :(
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http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/22980/i-want-to-be-with-you-romance<;br />
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Princ3ss_BubbLee #7
double update?! YAY!<br />
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becky is leaving? :(<br />
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omo, she is going to choose, please tell me she chooses aaron!!!!!
Princ3ss_BubbLee #8
now aaron knows she cried over him!?<br />
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wow and aaron and danson both still ove hebe :)<br />
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update again soon :)
i cant for the next update..<br />
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Princ3ss_BubbLee #10
an update yay!<br />
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poor aaron :(<br />
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i want aaron, s.h.e.r and farenheit to find out the truth about hebe soon, so that way her and aaron can be together ;P