Training-Taeyang's POV

Brothers: New Journey's End (SEQUEL)

It's been three days since GD and Melanie saved the rookies from the drones. If that happened back at Celeste, it would be no big deal considering Helen's healing powers. But now that she was still gone, Taeyang realized that they had to be more careful with their bodies. Jordan and Noah were the most injured and had to spend that time resting. As they recovered, GD was able to get a small cabin for the rest of the team to live in. Taeyang still had to share a room with his brothers, but at least now they all had more space to breathe. He was in his room, laying on his bed with Oinkers on his stomach when Electra walked in.

"Hey," she greeted. "You busy?" Taeyang looked down at the big snoring on top of him.

"Not really," He replied. "Why?"

"I need your help," she answered. "Come with me." Taeyang nodded his head and gently got up without disturbing Oinkers. He left the room and followed Electra outside the cabin, where Seungri was waiting.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We're taking the rookies to train," she said. "If they can't take on three little drones, then when they face their first Dark Celestrian they'll get killed for sure." Taeyang couldn't disagree with that. None of the rookies had fighting experience, except for maybe Bom and twins, but that was onlt because they were in Celeste when it was attacked. They still had no training, and they've yet to face a Dark Celestrian themselves.

"Where's GD and Melanie?" Taeyang asked. They were walking outside the town limits into an open space to train. The rookies had already showed up. Jordan and Noah were bandaed up but the fact that they were standing shows how much they've healed.

"They're with Luna and my dad," Seungri answered. Taeyang gave him a look. Since when did his little brother start calling Changsuk dad?

"We'll be fine without them," She replied, turning to Seungri. "You go work with Noah, Jayden, and Bom. I'll work with Minzy and Jordan since those two seem like the powerhouses." Seungri nodded and approached the rookies he was supposed to train.

"What about me?" Taeyang asked.

"I need you to work with Dee," Eletra replied, glancing at the girl. "She's scared easily, which is why she needs someone gentle like you." Tayeang scoffed.

"Who says I'm gentle?" He demanded. Electra rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, Reimy talked about you guys getting it on all the time. You're like a giant teddy bear," She teased. Taeyang imitated being hurt.

"Teddy bears can be rough!" he defended. "Did he tell you that one time I got him and-"

"Focus, man!" Electra snapped, slapping him up the head. "We really need Dee to get her skills with water down as fast as she can."


"Because if what you and GD said about River is true, then she could use her water powers to help negate his ice," she explained. Taeyang never thought of it that way, but it made perfect sense. Afterall, ice is just another form of water.

"Fine," he said. He walked over to the tall girl sitting down and smiled. "Hello, I'm Taeyang. I'll be the one helping you train." The way the girl's lower lip quivered, Taeyang tried to sound really nice and gentle. Electra was right, he was a big teddy bear.

"I don't want to waste your time," Dee mumbled. "When I get out there I'll just freak out again."

"But I want to be here," He said, still smiling as he sat next to her. "Why do you think you'll freak out again?"

"Because it's scary!" She squeled. "Those things could kill me, why would I go up to them and try to fight?"

"They are pretty scary," he agreed, thinking back to the first time he fought a wolf drone, which left Seungri really injured. "But not all of us have to fight them face to face. Some of us are really good at fighting from a distance."

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking up.

"Well, with our powers and the right training, we can take out a drone that could stand several feet away from us," He explained. "Plus, a good defense is the best offense. I can help show you how to use your powers to protect you, Dee, and in time you'll figure out ways to attack drones yourself."

"You think so?"

Taeyang stood up and held out his hand. "I know so." Dee stoo quiet for a moment, biting her lip as she debated what to do. Finally she nodded her and took his hand. They spent the next few hours training. Taeyang tried to get her to relax into her powers and at the end of practice she was able ot produce a water whip similar to the whip he forms through his light manipulation. Now she wouldn't have to worry about a drone getting too close. When training was over, Electra walked passed him.

"Good job, teddy bear," she said under her breath as she continued to walk. All of a sudden Seungri passed by too.

"Yeah, you were really gentle," he teased. Taeyang should've known he would have heard the entire conversation between him and Electra earlier. He didn't do anything though. He just smiled and walked with the group back to the cabin, to go see his favorite pig in the world.

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aldimia #1
Chapter 26: Goddd! I really miss Gd and Melanie being sweet like this!love this couple so much..I hope they will be more interactions between them:))
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 24: He's alive! But it seems like he has memory loss.
Ashleybswt #3
Chapter 20: This is getting better
Ashleybswt #4
Chapter 19: Wow! I wonder what will happen next. Maybe river will join them
aldimia #5
Chapter 17: Omgg
Please survive
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 17: Omg! I hope they survive
Ashleybswt #7
Chapter 15: I could not stop laughing when Seungri walked in on them