Chat 4: It's so hot (All)

GOT7's Chatroom


JB: not_justinbieber

Mark: reMarkable

Jackson: king.jackson

Jr.: official.jyp

Youngjae: i_hate_cucumbers

Bambam: bambamming you

Yugyeom: yugyums

 yugyums started a conversation with not_justinbieber, king.jackson, reMarkable, official.jyp, bambamming you & i_hate_cucumbers.

yugyums: it's so hotttt

not_justinbieber: the AC broke

king.jackson: it's hot because i'm here.

i_hate_cucumbers: you wish.

yugyums: someone fix itttttt

reMarkable: i'll just call our manager.

reMarkable: ....if i had a phone.

official.jyp: i knew the cellphone ban was a stupid idea. 

bambamming you: it's only april, guys. the weather is perfect.

bambamming you: but then again, i've experienced hotter in Thailand. 

king.jackson: how is it even possible our dorm is 38 degrees celsius. 

i_hate_cucumbers: more like how is it possible to be this hot in april. in korea. 

official.jyp: 2 words. global warming. 

yugyums: someone do something about global warming. 

not_justinbieber: for 5 years i prayed to be hotter. this isn't what i meant.

reMarkable: ...

reMarkable: why don't you guys just drink water or take a cold shower?

i_hate_cucumbers: it's too hot to even lift a finger.

official.jyp: it's so hottttt

king.jackson: will you shut upppppp

not_justinbieber: i think i've reached maximum hotitude. 

bambamming you: oh my god. for the last time, it's not even hot.

i_hate_cucumbers: i'm so hot. 

i_hate_cucumbers: this actually gives me pain.

reMarkable: your nonstop whining gives me pain.

yugyums: if no one does anything soon, i'm gonna die.

king.jackson: i'll plan your funeral. 

yugyums: ....seriously, it's so hot i'm gonna get a heat . 

official.jyp: we need to contact our manager. 

not_justinbieber: thank you, catherine obvious. 

bambamming you: 

official.jyp: what

not_justinbieber: i said "thank you, catherine obvious."

i_hate_cucumbers: ...did he just say " catherine"

king.jackson: LMAOO

yugyums: it's captain obvious.

not_justinbieber: huh?

official.jyp: the expression is "thank you, captain obvious"

not_justinbieber:'s not catherine?

yugyums: no.

reMarkable: who would catherine be?

not_justinbieber: catherine could be a captain. 

reMarkable: i am surrounded by idiots. 

king.jackson: i am actually pretty hot.

king.jackson: ....ain't that the truth. 

reMarkable: disgusting.

reMarkable: i'm gonna do something.

yugyums: you're gonna fix the AC?

reMarkable: no. i'm gonna log off, take a cold shower and drink cold water. 

reMarkable: bye. 

reMarkable has logged off.

A/N: LOL THIS CHAT WAS INSPIRED BY "Survival of the Hottest". I totally stole the catherine joke from it, too. :c Comments and subscriptions would be greatly appreciated! ^^ Thanks guys

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Chapter 4: Nice one! Hahaha... Poor those guys... they don't use to hot weather... unlike our Kunpimook Bhuwakul who is originally from Thai...
angelica #2
why would you do this?! T_T I cry okay I cry beause I laugh so hard my throat hurts. TTILOVETHIS!
Micassie #3
Chapter 1: Omg XD this cracked me up
Chapter 1: Hahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck Jackson, you vine addict. XD Thanks for this authornim, and keep 'em coming~ :)