
Twisted Fate


 Chaerin slowly turn to Jiyong, thinking maybe this is the right time, it’s really now or never.


“Chaerin! Sorry but the client is waiting, they arrived early but they do not want to wait” Kris suddenly interrupt them

“Can you please handle it, we have more important things to discussed” Jiyong said while standing up to face Kris

 Even if Kris is much taller than Jiyong, Kris can’t help but feel intimidated with Jiyong. Not knowing what to do, Kris just looks at Chaerin, after all Cherin is still her boss.


“Jiyong, I have to work now let’s talk later or I’ll call you” Chaerin said while looking at Jiyong

Going to up to Kris and holding on to his arm for support while walking back to the venue. At this point she really wanted to run and hide from Jiyong.

But she knows she would have to talk to Jiyong but not now she need time to prepare herself or it. Right now she needs to focus on the event and deal with Jiyong later.


After the event, Chaerin was tired and is now resting in one of the chair and has remove her shoes to ease her aching feet. She was supposed to wait for Bom in the lobby but she just too tired to move and opted to wait inside the venue.

Closing her eyes for a few seconds, to try and have a few minutes of calmness before Bom’s arrival. She know she would have to tell her friends about Jiyong, she needs their help on how to tell it to Jiyong.

She suddenly felt someone touching her feet, when she open her eyes, Jiyong was now sitting in front of her and has picked up her feet and put it in his lap.

Feeling conscious, Chaerin tried to remove her feet, but Jiyong maintain his hold and now start to massage her tired feet.

“What are you doing? Why are you still here” asked Chaerin, sweats are now starting to form in her forehead.


“We need to talk and if I let you leave today then you might find so many excuses next time we meet” Jiyong said without stopping her foot massage

“I take it, that it is my baby” Jiyong now looking at her face

“You could have said no but you didn’t. And it got me thinking more and more. So I walk and walk and walk till I got back here. I waited for you to finish your work so we can talk properly” Jiyong slowly explain while looking at Chaerin


“What are you planning?” ask Chaerin

“We will talk but not here, go get your stuff and I’ll bring you home” said Jiyong

“Bom unnie will be picking me up, we can talk again next time… please” her heartbeat is beating so bad, she hopes that when she told Jiyong she will be at upper hand.

She assume that Jiyong would deny the baby and run away but this so far from what is happening.


“Kris!” called Jiyong “Can you please get Chaerin stuff, we will be leaving now, she’s very tired” Jiyong explained to Kris. Naively Kris followed Jiyong and hand over Chaerin her bag.


“She hasn’t eaten yet can please bring her out to eat. It’s not good for pregnant woman to skip meal but we were so busy we didn’t have time.” As Kris told Jiyong, all Chaerin could do is open to this unbelievable situation that is happening.

“I’ll just call Bom unnie, she’s on her way here” Chaerin explain, she knows when Bom arrived unnie will save her and make sure that Jiyong will not be able to take her.

“I’ve called Bom nuna, Dara nuna and Minzy, I told them that I will be bringing you home. They were actually surprised when I told them but I told them that I wanted to be friends with you and they let me.” Jiyong said while escorting her out of the hotel.


“Jiyong, I’m tired, I can’t talk right now, please let talk some other time” Chaerin is uneasy with the whole situation. This has been so out of her control and all she is asking is for time, why can’t Jiyong gave it to her.

Once they are outside the valet has brought his car over. Jiyong then escorted her inside and they drive in silence.


“Jiyong this not the way to my place, where are we going?” asked Chaerin

“We are going to my place to talk, where we will not be disturbed. I already brought food and you can eat there” Jiyong said without looking at Chaerin


At Jiyong place, Jiyong prepared Chaerin food and let her eat first before they resume their talk. Once she was finished with her food, Jiyong made her sit in the living room and have brought her warm milk and coffee for him.

Jiyong waited for Chaerin to speak first, he wanted to talk but he need to hear it directly from Chaerin.


“You told before that I’m an easy girl? What make you think the baby is yours?” ask Chaerin looking at Jiyong

“I don’t know, I’m surprised myself that I have said it.” Jiyong look straight back at Chaerin “And I want to hear from you, is it my baby?”

“Yes” Chaerin whisper looking back down at the ground


Chaerin was waiting for Jiyong reaction, to shout at her or nag her, be back to being a jerk but all she hear is silent. Not hearing any sound, Chaerin look to where Jiyong is and found him gone. Getting confused Chaerin look around and found him back in the kitchen drinking water, after which he went and walk around, going back and forth, back and forth.

Having heard what he actually knows, still gave him shock and now he doesn't know what to do and all he can do is walk around.

He’s now a father, sure he wanted to have one but not this early and not planned. This situation should have make him mad but he felt relieve of some sort, it’s like feeling of coming home after being away for so long.

He now has stop walking and is looking directly at Chaerin. Chaerin stood up and look back at Jiyong.


“You don’t have to worry about anything Jiyong, I’m not holding you responsible. I will have the baby and I will take care of it. And now that you know, if you would want, you can visit the baby after the baby is born.” As she can see that Jiyong is struggling and he seems to not want it.

Jiyong seem to have woken up to what Chaerin has said, he now stood in front of her.

“Do you think so little of me that I will run from my responsibility” Jiyong is furious with Chaerin for even thinking of him in that way.

“What are you going to do?” Chaerin ask but scared of what Jiyong will say


Looking straight to Chaerin eyes “We’ll get married…”




“Are you crazy!!! We can't get married!” Chaerin is now the one walking back and forth. It’s the least thing that she expects him to say.

“What is crazy about it? You’re pregnant with my baby” Jiyong exclaimed, he was hoping that Chaerin would appreciate her proposal.

“I will not get married to you Jiyong, just because I’m pregnant”

“I will not have my baby be born a bastard! You should be happy that I’m doing the right thing here”

“Right thing for who, Jiyong? For you or for the baby? Will a baby be happy knowing he’s not a bastard but his parent do not love each other. Is that how we would raise the child Jiyong?”


Unable to say anything, Jiyong can only look at Chaerin, then walk to his bedroom and bang the door. As it seem Jiyong will not come out anytime soon, Chaerin has turn to door to go home but when she tried to open the door it was locked. The door dead bolt lock has been set and she will need Jiyong to open the door for her.

She waited again in the living room for Jiyong to come out.  She is tired and would want to wash up and sleep in her bed soon. After 30 minutes, Jiyong has still not come out, Chaerin wanted to knock on his door but also afraid for another confrontation with him.

Holding her tummy, she begins to ask her baby if she is doing the right thing. She knows now that they need to at least be friend for the sake of her baby.

Resting her head in the arm chair of the couch, she is sure that Jiyong will come out soon.

Chaerin unknowingly has fallen asleep on the couch while waiting for Jiyong.

Jiyong has come back to the living room expecting Chaerin to have left, he has taken a cold shower to release his frustration. He keep debating with himself on what to do, he decided to for now follow what Chaerin would want. They will talk again when they both have taken time to further think things through.

As soon as he comes back to the living room, he saw Chaerin sleeping uncomfortably on the couch. Slapping himself for not taking care of her, he then proceeds to carry her and lay her down to his bed. Looking at her and seeing that she seem to have grown thinner that the last time he have seen her then looking at her tummy where a small bump can clearly be seen.

Putting his hand on her tummy Jiyong start to feel different emotion, like finally realizing that he is indeed a father now. His baby is real and their child is growing inside of her.

Looking back at Chaerin face, he is now more convinced that they need to get married. He would need to part of his child not from outside looking it but together as family.

He would just need to convince Chaerin of this as well.

Taking out his phone, Jiyong begin to device a plan...



What will their future be?

Are you excited! hehehe

Haven't have time to proof read anything, so I'm sorry if there any mistake

But please do comment with your reaction and suggestions, I'll try to incorporate as much as I can from your ideas.

Thanks again!!!




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Alia91 #1
Chapter 13: It's cute..
Chapter 13: It's nice! ^^...
fandhate #3
Chapter 13: wow, this is so fast,,, need something more ^^
Chapter 12: acccckkkk so cute~ even cuterr than the previous chapteerrr
Chapter 11: Update soon.... please..... T____T
HeroAce5 #6
Chapter 11: what do you mean that 'one more chapter and this will done' ?
You mean this fic will be complete soon?
I wish you make it longer...
And also add more sweet scene..kekeke
Update soon, authornim ^-^
Chapter 10: cute cute cutee
Alia91 #8
Chapter 9: Aaah..., can't wait author-nim....
and please don't put too much drama
fandhate #9
Chapter 9: thanks for the new chapter author-nim ^^... I hope they will meet Chae family soon...
Chapter 9: update soon please....