Dream boy.


Uffi's POV:

At first she sees a blur in the corner of her eyes.  When she looks for a clearer view, she freezes because he is the guy ... the very guy who had been visiting her in her dreams for a whole month. She had just believed that he was her imagination but seeing that he is real and now right in front of her is pretty shocking!!!

And right now she was doing the exact thing she hates. She’s staring! However her thoughts are interrupted when the cashier asks for her order.

"What would you like to have? ... Ms."
"Ahhhh can I have that guy in black shirt?"
"Excuse ME???" The barista looks at her like she just grew another head or something.
"Oh nonono I mean ... I'd like a berry blast and a caramel coffee."

She pays the bill and gets on the line to pick up her order. That's when she realizes that the boy whose with her little dream boy has been staring her down with his gloomy eyes ...


Kris's POV:
 After waiting for what seems like hours, Kris finally gets his order. He heads to where Tao is sitting. However, on his way there he notices that Tao has been staring at some stranger; so when he gets to him and gives him his drink Kris reprimands him. 


"Zitao, in Canada it's considered rude to stare someone."

"Oh really? Then why has she been staring at you the whole time when you were on line??? It was like your eyes were magnetically attached and you were the metal. She is pretty cute, though." 


Tao's reply shocks him because he didn't realize that someone was looking his way. He is now use to it, being a singer and all. (Also, he’s heard that 24/7 his -face is quite the site.) Anyhow, he turns to see who this girl is.

"She is average not too good not too bad." Kris replies to Tao’s last sentence when he turns back at Tao.
"Ohhhh ... Well I think she is cute, she looks like my style too. I wouldn't mind making her my girl."
"Sorry to break it to you you cant see her. I mean, since I’m the leader and all it’s my duty to remind you that our agency doesn't allow dating so don't even think about it!"

For once Kris feels happy about this stupid no-dating-for-5-years rule. When it comes to Tao he tends to be a little possessive and he doesn’t like the way Tao was looking the girl’s! 


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