
Disaster with the family

IM Yoona kicked off her leg,propelling herself to the ocean surface with a final burst of adrenaline even as her lungs screamed for air.breaking through the waves, she looked around, focusing on the tiny stretch of south korea seoul coastline that she had called home for the last fifteen and a half years.The beach was still packed at 5 pm. she could see couples lounging on beach blankets while their kids dug in the sand or attempted to bodyboards,but beyond the roped-off swim area,yoona was flying solo, she had always perferred it that way. BUt that was befor she'd met kim jaejoong . as if on cue, he paddled his surfboard towards her."go ahead and gloat,yoon," jaejoong said, not sounding the least bit out of breath, even though he had just paddled over the breaking waves. He pushed a beat-up surfboard toward her.his favorite black wet suit, the one with his name on it, looked barely wet even though they'd both been in the water for almost half an hour.yoona or yoong as jaejoong called her (only her grandma call her im yoona when she called her anything at all) rested her arms on the bobbing board. she couldn't help but smirk at jaejoong."I didn't say anything"."you don't have to", jaejoong grumbled even though his brown eyes were playful.salt water dripped from his short dark hair and he wiped it off is face."you win,yoong.i'm man enough to admit you can swim fater than i can paddle out here BUT," he added before she could gloat, "let's not forget that i was carting TWO boards, and pelicans were nose-diving at my head.Yoona tapped her chipped purple nails lightly on the board, the bathlike water lapping at her upper back, which was the only part of her torso not covered by the unflattering blue speedo she wore for her job as a lifegaurd. YOONAS outfit:( After four, she was off-duty, but unlike some other gaurds she worked with, she didn't change into her own suit before going for a dip. why waste time? When she wasn't working there was no place she'd met who seemed to feel the same way. They'd only been friends since mid-July, but they had been meeting up practically every day since, and this was the best time of the day to do it. By 5 pm, the soupy seoul heat had started to subside and there was even a light breeze.The sun was still bright, but low enough that they didn't need sunscreen, and with the water wasn't overly crowded with kids goofing around or adults twice her size who could barely swim. Five pm was "ME" time and when me time included jaaejoong, it was that much better." It only took half of july and all of august to reralize I pretty much know everything there is to know about being in the water," yoona teased, staring at his woven rope neclace that had his nake dagling from it, " you surfers are all alike. cocky.""YAH!!" jaejoong argued even as he smiled an extra adorable grin,"Its not cocky; its called confident. There is a diffrance. YOU lifegaurds seem to forget that ." 

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