Scene One

Quickly cast a spell on me

Night fell. Jongin wasn't back yet. Baekhyun sighed and decided to give up the wait and took heavy steps back to their room. 

With droopy eyes, Baekhyun finally raised a white flag with his inner battles, he closed his eyes shut. He could feel the wind blowing into the room as a gust of chilly night air blowed into the room. I might as well sleep since he still isn't back. 

After a while, he fell into a deep slumber.


 "Look! That's Byun Baekhyun!"

"Him? Oh God why him!?"

"Sshhh he might hear us!"


They must've thought I'm deaf or something. Sigh. This all started after the popular Kim Jongin confessed to him during the school's annual festival hosted by the Interact club. 

Byun Baekhyun! I, Kim Jongin, am in love with you! Will you accept me?

With that, Spellbound started playing and so did his body. Dancing gracefully to the song. I really wanted to say yes but I remembered he had tons of handsome and pretty fans out there, why would he choose me? Plus, it could've been one of his'games'. I sighed at that thought and quietly left.

Right then, rumours started spreading about me being a by seducing their 'prince', how Jongin was just using me and how I broke his heart by leaving.



Jongin's toy.


I lived by those words each day, and each day, they got braver as they bullied me physically. 

I was walking down the stairs when his fanclubs' president ran down the stairs and pushed me down. I swear I felt like I was flying, like it's the end.

When I expect the cold hard painful thump of the ground on me, I felt something warm and muscular. Like.. a body? I looked up and so him. Kim Jong freaking In. The fear in my eyes was so visible that he smiled at me, calming me.

Before he went to her and gave her a cold glare, that was when the whole corridor gasped. Kim Jongin just said Jealous . I dont accept someone like you to be the president. Back. Off.

And he grabbed my hand and brought me somewhere, leaving the crowd in awe and the girl sobbing. I panted hard as he walked really fast until we finally came to an empty lecture room. He sat me down and sat opposite me and stared into my eyes.

"I know they've been bullying you and I'm so sorry for taking action really late. You didn't deserve that. I also heard about those rumours.. please Baekhyun, I swear, I'll never trick you into being one of my 'toys' but I've never liked breaking people's heart. I'm only interested in serious relationships so I'll never play with your heart. As long as you say yes, I'll protect you. You must be wondering why you out of my admirers right? Simple. You're different. Different in what ways? I dont know, that's why I fell for you."

He ended his speech with a soft smile before standing up to leave. 


I croaked out as tears brim my eyes. He slowly turned with a shade of red dusting his cheeks. Before he realised I was about to cry, he quickly ran to me and extended his arms to embrace me. At that moment, I felt safe.


He felt someone shaking him awake, he heard someone calling his name. 




Baekhyun quickly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Jongin's chocolate orbs staring right into him. 

"What's wrong Bae? Sorry I didn't come earlier, I was so caught up with my work so we can spend the whole month together, that's why I'm always not home early, please don't think wrongly of me. I just-" he sighed "I saw you crying and begging someone, maybe, to stop... I was so worried!" Jongin yelled.

"Jjong why are you angry? I'm sorry..." Baekhyun said, the glow in his eyes vanished as quickly as it came.


"You.. sounded mad?"

And Jongin just breathed in sharply, trying not to squish his adorable Bae right there and then. Just then, Jongin realised that Baekhyun was wearing his t-shirt which seemed too huge for his frame but Jongin quotes

"Baekhyun looks best in my t-shirts.'"

 Baekhyun in his black nerdy glasses. Baekhyun in an oversized tee. Baekhyun wearing an underwear only. Baekhyun's long milky legs. Baekhyun's innocent puppy eyes. Baekhy-

"Jongin! Stop spacing out!"

 "Aww baby, why are you pouting?" Jongin said playfully as he saw the pout becoming visible.

" weren't listening to me.."

"Well I am now so cheer up!" Jongin said as he ruffled his Bae's hair, making him look extra cute and so, Jongin tried so hard to bite back a squeal at the sight of his baby.


"Hmm?" Jongin said as he made hinself comfortable on the bed before turning on his back to cuddle with his boyfriend. He breathed in the scent of peaches and strawberries that Baekhyun uses as his shampoo. 

"You know, I'm still.. insecure... of our relationship....?"

"Baekhyun." Jongin stared into Baekhyun's brown orbs sternly. "We've been through this topic like, a zillion times."

".. I'm annoying right? My question annoys you, my insecurities too.. I'm very-"


But Baekhyun just looked away and turned his back on Jongin, forcing himself to fall asleep before they start arguing. He heard Jongin's soft sighs as he closed his eyes. Just then, Jongin said in a soft voice, 

"I swear Baekhyun, we've been together for 5 years.. I'll never get tired of you. No one is born without flaws, you aren't perfect, so am I. Stop trying to be perfect.. perfect, for me. I don't want you to be someone whom you aren't Baekhyun." He heard Jongin in a deep breath, Baekhyun slowly turned to face Jongin and Jongin took his hand and interlaced their fingers.

"One day, I will get down on my knees, somewhere, sometime with a ring in my pocket as I say those words that will change your whole world. One day, we will walk down together, matching my steps and yours, locking gazes with each other as we seal our love."

"That one day, will be soon, Kim Baekhyun." Jongin whispered. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Baekhyun's forehead and he looked into Baekhyun's eyes that was b with tears. Jongin chuckled and pulled Baekhyun's head and buried him onto his chest.

"Baekhyun, I love you."

"I love you too"

"But I obviously love you more"

"No! I do!"

And Jongin chuckled, watching his pup saying I love yous to him.




Oh Baekhyun, what did Jongin do to deserve someone like you?







Author's freaking damned note : I lost my spark. Gah. Read the crappy . Gah. I'm not satisfied. 

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Chapter 2: the whole story is great! ^^
I love it~ and this story is make me love kaibaek more XD
I'll wait for ur another kaibaek stories~
I really like ur stories u know? :) =^^=
Chapter 2: BECAUSE I'M SUCH A TEASE AND A MEANIE. I CHANGED THE STORY TO COMPLETE. I have two more stories in draft mode so yeaaa, theyre all kaibaek
Chapter 2: So cute..did u eat cotton candies b4 writing dis..too much fluff..>.< N Kaibaek is so adorable..<3<3 Loved this chapter...^o^
kaibaekkk #4
Chapter 2: So cuteeeee.........
Baekhyun is so adorable
Update soon
Chapter 2: Seriously...I wanna eat cotton candy & Strawberries now~~keke
So cute~~^^
Oh..oh..neomu joah~~cute KaiBaek love ♡
Chapter 1: May u r nt satisfied by i mit was lovely..Baek is so adorable n squishy that no one can resist him..>_< My Kaibaek feels...<3<3

Keep up the good work author nim...:D