It's Hard Being a Blackjack

February 2014: K-Pop Awards

Manager hyung scolded me today. I think I'm a little too obvious. 

He told me, "Chanyeol-ah, you have to be professional. You can't let your emotions show- especially when 2NE1 is performing. You're still a new face in this industry. Just focus on your own thing." 

I obviously got really frustrated at this. 

Anyways, when we arrived at the venue for the K-Pop awards, I ran into Dara noona while walking past her backstage. I bowed as she walked past.

"Annyeong, Chanyeol-sshi!" Dara noona greeted. I was surprised at this. In fact, my heart beat faster than it should beat. She was looking at me with those sparkly eyes of her's. How is she thirty? 

"Annyeong, Dara-sunbaenim." I greeted back. She flashed a smile before going on her way. Kris hyung came walking towards me and started shaking my shoulder. 

"Yah," Kris called. "You two are familiar with each other?" 

"Not really. I just introduced myself to her one time..." I replied.

"Just don't get your hopes up." 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't expect to marry her one day like you used to say during our trainee days." Kris said. He was always so blunt. "Just remember, you're SM. She's YG. Oil and water don't mix."

"It's not about the company name you're in that determines whether you mix or not. Isn't it about genuinely liking that person....?" I countered.

"Yeah," Kris hyung continued. "But having a different company name can limit everything."

"Why are we even talking about this? I just greeted Dara sunbae and that's it..." 

"I was just trying to help you out." 

"Well your help is nothing but , Kris hyung! Gosh! It's not like I actually expect to marry her one day." I shouted and stormed past him towards EXO's dressing room.

At this point I was pissed. Kris hyung was not helpful at all. I actually like Dara noona. I know that it's probably impossible for me to marry her and that my wishes to marry her in my trainee days will probably not come true. I could always just admire her from this distance. I can't even get to know her or anything because well, I'm from freaking SM. I'll just cry myself to sleep every night. Just kidding, that's kind of pathetic but I guess I'll just have to live with this bull of a reality.

Anyways, it was time for all of us to sit out in the artist area and when 2NE1 performed, I suffered and endured by showing no emotion at all while they were up on stage.

Do you know how hard it was? Try going to your favorite K-Pop group's concert and try not to sing along or scream or tap your foot to the beat. Yeah. Can't do it? Thought so. 

I hope you all understand my dilemma here. 


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Charmie #1
Chapter 3: I wanna see how Chanyeol will react after seeing Dara and Donghae's selfie :))))
ifyouseekhaye #2
Chapter 3: yes, yes, i understand you Chanyeol.

I don't want to see this ship sinking. . . *sigh*
maryfairy303 #3
Chapter 3: ahhh its so good! please keep updating :3
ShaiRa1009 #4
Chapter 3: fighting chanyeollll
2ne1Sara #5
Chapter 3: I love this!!!! :) It is so heart breaking to see Chanyeol suffer!!!! ;( tear tear....
msdeathstalker #6
Chapter 3: thank you :)
Chapter 3: I feel your pain chanyeolkeke~~ but keep your spirit! ^^,
mm0923 #8
Chapter 3: thanks for the update
Tabimuchere #9
Chapter 3: awww,poor Chanyeol he's suffer,thank u for the update:)
msdeathstalker #10
Chapter 2: haha chanyeol :p