Freaking out about going out

Family Difference's

      Yongguk couldn’t believe it. There in front of him was a text from Himchan asking him if he wanted to go get coffee, without their kids!

“What does this mean” Yongguk muttered to himself, “does he like me or does he just want to be friends”. “Omo what does it mean?!?, what if he does like me but I screw it up” Youngjae walked in while Yongguk was freaking out.

“Appa!!!” Youngjae screamed. Yongguk stopped freaking out and look at his older son. Zelo was in the other room having his nap. “Appa why are you freaking out, calm down” Youngjae exclaimed.

“ How can I be calm when Himchan asked me out!” Yongguk exclaimed. “What do I wear? How do I act? What if he thinks I’m a fool! What am I going to do” Yongguk started freaking out again.

Youngjae just sighed and walked to his appa closet. He took out a nice blue dress shirt, a white tank top and black jeans and told Yongguk to change into them. After he came out Youngjae climbed on the bed so he could reach his shirt. He undid about half the button and made him wear his maroon shoes.

“There, now you look presentable”  Youngjae said and Yongguk had to admit he did look good, great actually who would have thought Youngjae had such a good fashion sense.

“Okay just let me call your babysitter” Yongguk pulled out his phone but before he could find his babysitters, his phone rang.

“Hello” Yongguk answered

“Hey Yongguk it`s Himchan”

 “oh Hi Himchan”

“Jongup wanted to play with Zelo, so I was wondering if you wanted to bring him and Youngjae over while we`re out, My babysitter is already on his way”

“Oh, sure but do you think it would be okay if my regular babysitter came as well, Youngjae refuses to listen to anyone else”

“ Sure I guess I’ll see you soon, okay bye”

“Bye” Yongguk said then hung up. Afterwards he told Youngjae they were going to Himchans house and called his babysitter and told him where to go. He then went to get the now awake Zelo. He carried him out and Youngjae followed as they got into Yongguk`s car and drove to Himchan`s house, which took about 10 minutes.

 When they got their Yongguk was amazed at how pretty Himchan looked. Himchan was wearing black jeans like him but was also wearing a nice white t-shirt and a black coat.

“Hi Yongguk, Youngjae, Zelo ” Himchan said as he let them inside. “Daehyun is in the living room if you want to go see him” Himchan told Youngjae who afterwards ventured into the living room to find his shy hyung.

“Um, I guess we just have to wait for the babysitters to come before we can go” right after Yongguk said that the door bell rang. When Himchan opened the door two attractive men were at the door. “Well I guess we can go now” Yongguk said giving Zelo to his babysitter before leaving with Himchan for their coffee date.


Okay so here is the 3rd chapter I hope you like it. Sorry it’s so short but next chapter will be the kids playing(featuring a jealous Youngjae) then after the banghim date.

Who do you think their babysitters are? Aren`t you curious.

Thank you to all my new subscribers, enjoy!


P.S the outfit their wearing on their date is the same one on the picture above.

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farahhudasyamimi #1
Chapter 3: Please update author-nim....
Chapter 3: Mark and jackson frm got7 ? Kkkkk
I hope their date going well ( ♥͡▽♥͡ )
Chapter 2: Awwwiwiwiwiw daejae get along pretty fast than i expected, and the dolls's exchange is so cuuuuuteeee \(≧∇≦)/
Chapter 1: Oho so jaejae is the naughty boy in this fic, kkkk fits him well XD
I always love family fic, and this one is interesting!
Great work! ♥
Chapter 3: i'm wondering who are the two babysitters?? :3
Chapter 3: owh~ Youngjae finding Daehyun~ CUTE!!!!
Chapter 3: Today I'm just drowning in fluffy stories >w<
And to top it Im slapped in the face by this fluff
I LOVE IT <3 <3
Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 2: Ahww so cute <3
Chapter 2: soooooooooooooo cute~~~i'm in the cloud of this fluffy fic..thanks for the update author-nim..^^b
Chapter 2: Aww~ so cute!
Thanks for the update! ^_^