Picking Stonecrops


Pluck a pedal, make a wish...


My father once told me that the stars might be closer to us than we all think. I never understood, actually no one ever understood. They all thought he was crazy but now I know what he meant.

There are more than just the stars in the sky that would give you hope. All people look at are those twinkling dots that they overlook the beautiful ones down below.


But not me.




The same stars I look at, are just as great as the ones above but better. I make wishes too everyday, but Dad always said that they won't come immediately, ony in time.



So here I sit crouching picking apart my stars waiting for that wish to happen. With each little pluck of a pedal I chant softly. And with the last pluck i open my eyes and smile. "My world will become better"


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