
A Prince's Simple Life

When he was around six, Jinyoung discovered a strange…ability. He had told his parents times before, but they brushed it off as imagination or entertained him and played along. He didn't see why no one would believe him, it was clear as day - to him - what he could do.


In fact he doubted himself, choosing to believe it's just some figment of his imagination. Because when does a book fall off a counter with a flick of the wrist? Never. It just doesn't happen, at least not to anyone he knows. But he tests it out anyway, just to see.


The first trial was in his room. He sat in the middle of his bed with the same book a few feet in front of him - he thought it would work if it was the same book, something he would figure out soon enough wasn't the case. With a deep breath, he stared intently at its rusty features and imagined it flying off the bed. It didn't work in the three minutes he sat there. He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and slightly wrinkling his robes.


"How did it work last time?" the boy muttered. Jinyoung thought and thought of the memory and finally remembered the key to the task. He flicked his hand toward the book and, sure enough, it flew several feet and landed with a thud on the floor.


"Yes!" he yelled and jumped on the bed with pure excitement. The mystery was solved though he still didn't know what it exactly is that causes this. But like any young child he cared less in the details and more in the results. His joy was short-lived when there was a knock on the door.


"Young Prince? Are you ok in there?" Said boy jumped onto his knees and answered with a yes. He couldn't risk letting anyone know of his cool new secret, so it was best to keep it to himself.


Jinyoung peered over the edge of the bed at the fallen book, open on its front sure to have bent edges on some of the pages. He didn't care really, not like it was an important book if his father let him have it. Another flick and he sent the book tumbling to the left near a pile of toys he had yet to put away. And it was then, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, that he decided to do more test runs.




Under the first dining room table - why wouldn't they have more than one dining room? - a small boy sat waiting for the right time to scare the kitchen staff as they set up for dinner. He had been there for about ten minutes and was slowly losing his patience. They would be calling the royal family in soon and he needed an escape asap.


Pondering as hard as a six-year-old can, he simply decided on flipping the tray out of the next person's hands. Yes, that was a good plan. Because of the white linen, it was easy to see the silhouette on the outside and that silhouette stop right on the opposite side of where Jinyoung was sitting.


He shuffled to move from under the table and barely peek over before he flicked his hand. The dish, luckily not consisting of anything scolding hot but messy sauces, landed on the front of the staff member. Other members rushed over to assist and that gave enough cover for the young prince to sneak away from the room. Laughing to himself as he left, he failed to go unnoticed by a pair of eyes.




The third time was an accident.


A few days after the sauce incident, Jinyoung chose to follow his favorite attendant around all day as she did her chores. There was no reason for him to do so and, honestly he didn't know why he thought to do this anyway. He blamed it on the lack of fun around the palace.


 During the afternoon, he watched her take down the laundry from the lines and fold them ever so gracefully in stacks. His dark brown eyes followed the movement of her hands every time and was captivated. It was soothing, he thought. He was so focused in on the motions of her hands that it took a wave of her hands and a raise in her voice for him to notice she was asking a question.




"I was asking you a question, Young Prince. Did you enjoy your day?" Her voice was as nice as her movements, he thought again.


"Mmm yes, it was nice. Now I know what you do on a daily basis," Jinyoung replied, kicking his foot in the air. "Looks way more tiring than my job."


She laughed as she bent over to place another cloth in a stack. He allowed it because she was his favorite; one doesn't laugh the Prince if you valued your life.


"For now, yes, but believe me by the time you're in your teens you'll begging to have my job. I've heard about the King's transitions."


He huffed at her, turning on his heels away from her.


"As if. I'm nothing like my father at all. And besides, being a prince is the best job ever. And I'm gonna be the best prince this kingdom's ever seen!" he exclaimed, lifting his arms above his head. But in that moment, the force of his ability caused the linen on the floor to be thrown in the air. The attendant yelped, which caught Jinyoung's attention and made him look at the mess he made.


The woman stood looking dazed at the clothes. It took a moment for her to come back to her senses and glance down at the boy near her.


"What…was that?" The boy looked frozen as he thought of his next choice of words. He could either A. tell her he did it on accident - and make that perfectly clear - or B. blame it on the wind. Yeah, B sounds like the better choice.


"Uh uh it was the um…the wind. Yea the wind!"


The look on her face told him that she wasn't buying it at all, but by some divine intervention, she chose to believe it. With a mutter of words that sounded awfully like "A sudden gust of wind? Yeah right", she set off to fold the clothes again. The younger boy let out a silent sigh of relief. His secret could remain a secret after all. He turned to his left and froze once more.


A ways off, a boy stood with a stack of books in his arms, watching him. He seemed no older than himself but his facial features made him look more…mature. The two stared at each other before the other walked off in the opposite direction. Jinyoung swallowed.


Maybe his secret wasn't a secret anymore.




It's been a while, I'm sorry. I was deciding on what this chapter should have and I got sidetracked writing future chapters. This is the baseline for his power. It's not, in any way, going to be the basis of this whole story. Only some chapters will show his power, which will develop over time. Who was that boy huh? I know lol but feel free to guess and thank you for reading~

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Hello~ I haven't forgotten about this fic, but I'm currently writing 2-3 other fics and yea. I'll try my hardest to have something up soon!


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Chapter 2: That was too CUTE! Little Jin-Young and his ability~
And I wonder who that is, though. May I know what the possibilities are?
Anyways, update soon!
*makes heart shape*
Chapter 1: Awe, Prince Korea!
I love this already~
*makes heart shape*