Cupcake love - Part 2 [ final ]

Cupcake Love


The sound of heels clicking could be heard across the corridor, belonging to none other than Jun Hyosung. Hyosung knocked on the door of kikwang's apartment and got no answer. She waited for a while, but still no one answered. *That's strange* Hyosung thought to herself. She tried twisting the doorknob and to her surprise the door opened. she smirked *never fails to amaze me*. 

She put her belongings on the couch and made her way to the kitchen. Her eyes widened and clasped her hands over . 'What happened in here' she whispered to herself. She made her way to the counter, careful not to step on all the kitchen utensils lying on the ground and saw a recipe book open. HOW TO MAKE CUPCAKES. Hyosung looked around the kitchen once more.  The once spotless kitchen had flour all over the floors and counter. There was a faint smell of burnt cookies in the air. She made her way to the trash, where she saw a batch of burnt cookies that had been tossed and crossed her arms and softened.

Hyosung sighed. 'So this is what Kikwang was doing; baking cupcakes and cookies. She shook her head while smiling, *never fails to amaze me yet again*. She let out a small delicate laugh before rolling her sleeves up and heading to the sink to wash her hands. Just then a pair of strong arms wrapped around hyosung's waist and she stiffened in response. she turned around and looked up, only to meet eyes with Kikwang.

 "You actually came." Kikwang said smiling while tugging her closer.

Hyosung freed herself from him and crossed her arms, pretending to be upset. "So, you called me over just to make cupcakes, do I look like a free women to you?" Kikwang's eyes widened, taken back to what Hyosung just said as he followed her to the main counter area looking surprised.

"What?! babe.. I didn't mean.." Hyosung was trying so hard not to laugh at Kikwang's reaction, but couldn't help it and broke down into a fit of laughters.  The sound of a beautiful laugh could be heard, as hyosung crouched  down onto the floor, holding her stomach, trying to control herself. Kikwang on the other hand, stopped and softened as he smiled hearing her laugh. *I missed your laughter so much Hyosung*. Hyosung composed herself and got up, only to be flung into Kikwang's toned chest. She blinked and looked up at him.

She stifled a small laugh as she wiped off a small flour mark on his cheek. "Babo, what were you doing?" 

Kikwang was too preoccupied to hear her. His gazed was fixed upon her beautiful brown eyes, down to her nose and finally her cherry pink lips which were oh so irresistable. Kikwang his lips and leaned in, when Hyosung poked his forehead. "Yah, I'm talking to you, why were you making cupcakes?"  "Nothing, Dongwoon needed help for the fundraiser tomorrow and as you can see we all failed miserably." Shifting his gaze on the trash can. 

Hyosung poured a fresh new batch of flour into a bowl "No worries, I'll make it this time"  she put her hair up into a loose ponytail. "You can rest." she smiled at Kikwang and pushed him out. 

"But I want to help babe" Kikwang said. Hyosung shook her head. "You've already done enough with the guys, now go." 

"Can't I atleast watch you please?" He pleaded.

Hyosung was hesitant at first. She didn't like it when people interfered in her business, as she liked things done her way.

 "Mmmm.. Okay." She said.

Kikwang grabbed a stool and sat on the other side of the counter. His elbows propped up, ready to admire his blonde beauty. 

Hyosung added a large amount of flour, eggs, sugar, milk, shortening and baking powder into a huge bowl and started mixing them together. 

Meanwhile on the other side of the counter, some major checking out was being done. Kikwang was enthralled in his own little fantasy world as he watched Hyosung do her thing.  He was reminded as to why he loved his girlfriend.  He would be lying if he said it was only her flawless beauty that attracted him. Who wouldn't be attracted to a hot, beautiful, y, slender, cute girl. But it was more than that. Her innocence and pure natural personality. The way she smiled. Her dedication and love for small things. The list could go on. 

Hyosung took a peek at Kikwang and caught him staring at her. She blushed and put a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Am I that hot?" She teased Kikwang while she passed him to get frosting from the fridge. Just then a pair of hands grabbed her waist and she landed on his lap. Kikwang firmly secured his arms around Hyosung. "You're more than hot, you're on fire." He whispered in her ear. Hyosung blushed and tried to wiggle free. "Kikwang let me go, I need to finish."  "Finish it later, just stay like this for a while. You know, I didn't see you in the longest time."

 "You're not going to die from not seeing me." She again. "I might." he grinned while looking at Hyosung. Just then Kikwang's phone started ringing in the other room. "Your phone, Kikwang!" Now was her chance to break free and she did. Kikwang groaned as he headed to his phone. 

As much as she had a thing for muscles, she hated how he could trap her any second and not let her go. It wasn't that she hated being with Kikwang, she was never for showing skinship and being all touchy. It was one of her weaknesses because she could never express them in the right way. 

Hyosung finished pouring the mix into the many cupcake pans and plopped them into the oven. She gracefully smiled to herself and started making the frosting. First she added margarine, icing sugar and lastly vanilla extract and mixed them. Hyosung tasted a small amount. she scratched her head and pouted '*Am I forgetting something.. Ah! That's right, whipping cream*. 

As she closed the fridge door and turned around, she met eyes with Kikwang who had cornered her, with his arms on either side of the fridge. "What are you doing now Kikwang!" She exclaimed. He smirked "what do you think." He moved his body closer to her, just enough so that she had no place to move. 

Hyosung's eyes widened and she blushed hysterically as she realized the minimal distance between her and Kikwang physically. She looked up, only to meet eyes with his plump luscious lips. Hyosung gulped. How she hated those lips at times like this. 

"See something you like babe" Kikwang smirked as he pushed his one knee in between her legs, so now she couldn't move at all. 

*Control yourself hyosung, Don't let him get to you.* She remembered the last time when she got caught staring and it led to a session she would never forget. She cleared and gathered up her courage. "Let me go kikwang, I need to finish up." she gathered all her strength as she pushed his muscular chest but failed miserably.

Meanwhile Kikwang was just enjoying this moment, amused by his girlfriend's self-resistance. He knew her all too well. The day he caught her staring at his lips, he had hit his jackpot right on. He knew one of her weaknesses was his lips and it amused him to no end. 

Kikwang inched closer and closer. Hyosung who had whipped cream in one hand, sprayed it all over his left cheek by instinct. His eyes widened as he did not see that coming, but still didn't budge.

Hyosung let out a muffled laughed, covering with her hands. "This looks funny to you?" Kikwang questioned, peering at her.

Hyosung just looked up at him innocently still laughing and nodded.  "NOW GET OFF ME" She tried pushing him the second time.

Kikwang smirked even more now and gripped her waist tightly. "I'll let you go, if you clean it off". She pouted and then sighed. If there was one thing about Kikwang she knew perfectly, it was that he was just as much stubborn as she was. Her hand made  way to his cheek, when all of a sudden Kikwang took hold of it. " Not this way babe... it" he whispered. 

Hyosung's eyes widened, "W-what". She blushed furiously at Kikwang's remark. 

"I-I will do no such thing.." She stuttered as she tried to compose herself from the hot atmosphere surrounding them. Her cheeks were now on fire as she gripped on to her skirt. 

"You won't? That's fine. But be prepared to let your cupcakes burn". *That'll get her.* He smirked. 

Hyosung gasped and realized her cupcakes were almost done. "Kikwang!!" She sighed. His stubborness was too strong for her and so she gave in. She hesitantly inched closer to his cheek and lightly the cream off. She had cream on her lips now. Kikwang's eyes glistened and Hyosung was dumbfounded as to why.

"Perfect." He whispered. In one swift move, he kissed Hyosung passionately and deeply. Until the front door opened to Dongwoon and Yoseob strolling in.

"HYUNG, get a room please." Dongwoon yelled. 

Hyosung pushed Kikwang off of her and fixed herself up. 

Kikwang groaned in frustration. "You just had to come in now." Annoyed at Dongwoon's presence. 

She pushed kikwang out of the kitchen. "Get out and stay out." 

She finished the remaining touches and packed the cupcakes into small compartments into the fridge. She cleaned up the mess and tidied up the kitchen. Hyosung had extra cupcakes left so she put them in a tray and headed to the main living room. 

"Hey guys, here's some extras." She put the tray down on the table and sat down on the couch next to Kikwang. 

"Well, Someone's lip is a little bit too swollen, don't you think so Kikwang?" Yoseob nudged Kikwang in the ribs, looking at Hyosung. 

Hyosung blushed and covered her lips as she gave kikwang the look. Kikwang just smiled and interlaced her hand in his. 

"Thank you so much Hyosung, you're a miracle worker, no kidding." Dongwoon said while gobbling down the cupcake. "And it taste absolutely amazing." 

"It's no problem." She smiled and looked at Kikwang who squeezed her hand. "Thank you baby, I owe you big time." Hyosung just rested her head on Kikwang's shoulder.

"What will you 'owe' me?" Hyosung teased. 

"I'll owe you in bed" Kikwang whispered. 

Hyosung grabbed the nearest pillow and repeatedly started hitting him.

" bastard." Kikwang just laughed as he tried to duck from her hits.

"I was just kidding babe."  

"You better be." Hyosung said in annoyance, sitting back into her original position. 

"..Or was I?"  Kikwang whispered.






I can’t believe I just wrote this. Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing. I am so embarrassed from writing this. I really am. Sorry for making you guys wait, if any of you did.  Deeply sorry. nonetheless hope you enjoyed it. I love you for even reading this. SO THANK YOU :)  & I LOVE YOU :)


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congrats on the random feature :)
Alexiz119 #2
congratz on getting featured~
babyexotics103 #3
congrats on getting featured^^
congratulations :) \o/
Congrats on the random feature~
congrats on trf.
Chapter 2: that was a hilarious chapter! I can just imagine the situation! Well done!
Chapter 2: I am so surprised that my story has been featured *-* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! THANK YOU for your comments <3
congrats :)