
Let's Try


It was just another typical night for me. I was alone in the house. Well not really, we have a few maids living here too. My parents always go home late because of work. I didn't mind though, I knew they were really busy and pressured of their work. I sat on my bed reading random texts from students from my school that I know.. and don't know.


Unnie! Is he there with you right now? Tell him I said hi!”

JinYoung! Let's hang out tomorrow. Bring him with you okay?”

JinYoung-ah! Could you hook me up with him next Saturday?”


Looking and hearing his name is driving me nuts! So what if we were close? It's not really a big deal or something. And who's this mystery person you may ask?


It's no other than Super Junior's Lee Donghae.


Yeah, yeah I know. It's pretty hard to believe that a person like him would be friends with someone like me. Who would ever think that I even became his friend? I was, obviously, a nobody in school until the whole school knew I was friends with him. People only took advantage of me to get to Donghae so I don't really have real friends. Disappointing right? Anyway, I already have HyeonMi. She was my best friend since kindergarten. And well, I met Donghae last summer to be exact. I was on my way to China and apparently, Donghae was seated next to me in the airplane. I didn't know who he really was back then but nonetheless, we became friends. We continued to text or call each other and see each other occasionally.


I stopped reading the messages since there were still 24 of them. I deleted every message.. none of them were from Donghae. I guess he was really busy these days. I haven't seen him for weeks and the last text I received from him was about two weeks ago.




I threw my phone on the carpet and threw my body into the bed. I stared at the ceiling not knowing what to do at 8 in the evening. I lied down for awhile and stood up immediately after. I grabbed my black jacket and went out of my room.


Ahjumma! I'm going out for awhile. Please tell my parents if they arrive. I'll be back soon!” I screamed to one of the maids but not in a harsh way though.


Okay miss.” one of them replied as I was about to walk out of the door.


I walked out of the front door and met our driver at the gate.


Are you going somewhere Ms. Han?” our driver smiled.


Yes, Mr. Kim but I'm not going to use the car.” I said smiling back at him.


Our driver nodded and assured me to call him in case I needed a ride. I smiled and walked out of the gate. I took a walk along the streets of a cold night. I planned to head to the beach near our place. It was a place where I'd go if I was confused or simply if I was bored. I silently walked with my hands in my pockets. I was looking at random stores and to my surprise, I saw a familiar face sitting in a cafe. I studied his face from afar and I realized that it was Donghae.


I got so excited that I saw him and planned to approach him


but something...


...or rather someone stopped me from doing so



Donghae was with someone. And by someone, I meant a girl.


She was beautiful. She has a perfect complexion and her eyes were sparkling. She had beautiful red lips which no guy could resist.


Suddenly, I felt something sank inside me when I saw them laughing together. I didn't know what to feel.


Should I be happy for him?


But happiness wasn't what I was feeling right now.


I should be happy for him because maybe...


...maybe that girl


could be the one he's looking for.


Maybe that was the reason why he hasn't contacted me these weeks. Too busy for his possible... girlfriend perhaps?


I gulped at the word girlfriend.


It didn't sound right for some weird reason.


Was I jealous?



It took me awhile to regain my senses back until..


What was I thinking?! I don't love him like that! Hah!


I was forced to slap my own cheek since I was really going insane. I left those two “lovebirds” alone and went on walking. I tried to smile but I couldn't. My mind was still stuck on the possibility that my best friend and that girl were going out.


I shouldn't be jealous, I just can't!


It became colder and colder as I took a step. Not long after, I arrived to my favorite place in the world.


It was still the same after months of not visiting due to my busy schedule. Now, I get all the time I want to visit this place for the whole summer.


The scene was breathtaking. You could see the city life of Seoul under a ravishing moon and hundreds of sparkling stars. I walked along the beach bridge and sat at the end where I could hang my legs to the open waters.


I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the cool sea breeze. I tied my hair so it won't be a mess when I leave. I thought about random things like school, my parents, HyeonMi and my thoughts eventually led me to Donghae.


Why didn't Donghae just tell me?


Is she more important to him than me now?


If they really were going out, would Donghae begin to ignore me?


Was I in love with him?


My thoughts were taking over me. A tear fell. And in no time at all, I was crying my heart out.


I couldn't control my feelings. I pulled my legs back up and wrapped both of my arms around it. I never cried like this ever since my parents forgot my birthday when I turned nine. I screamed at the open sea..




I angrily screamed at the waters.




I cried harder as I screamed my feelings out.




I continued to cry as I screamed every word that came out of my mouth.


W-WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT ...TH-THAT!” I stuttered. I couldn't speak anymore. My feelings were too much that I couldn't handle. I fell down on my knees and continued to cry.


Jinyoung...” a familiar voice whispered as it got closer.


I slowly stood up to see who it was but my legs were wobbly and I was standing at the edge of the bridge. I lost my balance and fell into the water.


JINYOUNG!!!!!!!” the voice screamed in pure panic.



(AN: I think that it's a bit of too much drama for the first chapter. Keke~ But it is still the first chapter and it will probably not end anytime soon. I'll try to make this longer. I'll update tomorrow since we do not have classes. Kamsahamnida for reading! <3)

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great fic, thank you!
deardiaryyou #2
lets try oppa
altopc #3
update when you can!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ~ DONGHAE IS JUST SO SWEET ! <br />
Hmmm ... Maybe confess to Jinyoung ? ^^<br />
Well , i don't want to be spoiler here . HEHEHE ! I admit that this fanfic is excellent ! ^^<br />
Do update soon ! Hwaiiting !
Superfishy #5
hmmm, i dont know :/<br />
update soon!
randomrainbow #6
Update soon please :)
Superfishy #7
Its sounds really goood! xD<br />
update soon!