Park Jiyeon, T-ara.

Take A Deeper Look.


When I first debut, there was a hoo-ha saying about how similar I look to Kim Taehee.
Then there are people who bash on me saying how much my looks differ.
That I shouldn’t even dream about looking as pretty as Kim Taehee.
They even go to extend as to include my parents in their dissatisfaction.


That was an unpleasant memory but it passed although it hurts me now when I think of it.


Then came in the netizens talking about my face when I’m performing.
Just what the hell.
How was I supposed to keep smiling when I’m performing?
They bash on me telling me that I was acting all y by giving a blank face.
What? They want me to stay smiling like a mad man the whole three minutes of the song?
I thought a group needs variety. I was just volunteering to increase the variety.
And with that, people assume that I was being an by acting like I’m such big shot.


I don’t even know what to say.
I wanted to laugh at first but then again, when people curse at you, you can’t just let it pass with a smile.
I’m not yet insane.


I let that pass though, I just kept quiet.
Not giving much thoughts about what people conclude about the kind of person I am.


But it got out of hand.
It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and the number of people hating on me just keep increasing.
If I were normal and not this resilient, I can assure you, I would’ve ran back to my parents and give up being an idol.
But it’s for that small number of people who still stay by me, I stayed being who I am.


And since I’m already on this, let me just add on.
I may not be good enough for some people to like or to approve but I keep doing this.


Because I thought I should keep doing this since this is my dream. 




For @Jay1324 !

The part when people bash on her even to the extend of involving her parents are real.
She told the story on Strong Heart.
Personally, from T-ara, my favourite are Boram, Soyeon and Jiyeon herself. Heeeeeee. ♥

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raetravel #1
Hyunseung from B2st please?
__eccedentesiast_ #2
Loved all of the chapters <3
jay1324 #3
I love you for making the story~!!<br />
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I know, she geta so much crap, sigh...<br />
Hehe, can I request for Lee Sungyeol of Infinite? ^-^ Thanks!
SureThing011 #5
I knew it was Thunder that IU was inlove with... Hihi! :) i sooo love them to be together!! <br />
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Thank you! Keep it up! :)
It was great! So emotional and realistic! Thank you!
OMG!!!!!! the top was very very very GOOD!!!!! hehe can't wait for Yoseob's
can i ask for Top from Big bang and Yoseob from B2st it so good!!!!! love it