
The way everything started [currently on hiatus]

"Ah... I pity him so much.”

“Yeah, look at that. It's like being a .jpg in a .gif land.”

“I didn't know you could be that freak, Bambam.”

Yugyeom can't hold back a chuckle and Bambam looks himself dragged along, giving a little laughter. Both boys are sitting on chairs respectively, away from the scenery they are observing surreptitiously. Got7 has just filmed a promotional video about JYPAuditions, which are around the corner, and now the boys are waiting for their managers, who are finalazing some chit chat with secretaries and supervisors and several bureaucratic formalities they don't really understand. It should be about said video edition, but honestly they are more worried about the hard practice that is waiting for them. In only a few days they will be performing on a street stage and, of course, everything has to go perfectly.

“Yah, we shouldn't be laughing at it, poor Jackson hyung.”

As always, the maknae can't stop worrying about the situation; he tries to be discreet when he peeks at Jackson and Mark, but sometimes he wonders if he really needs to do so, since they both seem to stay recently in far away worlds all the time. 

“Do you think they had a fight?” Bambam murmurs after looking from one side to another, being cautious just in case someone else is around. He bends towards Yugyeom anyway, so the other can listen without problems.

“They must have had one, but the thing is what did they fight about? It's so rare seeing Jackson hyung out of the Mark hyung stuff.”

“Agree, it's like he's stuck to Jinyoung hyung lately and Jackson hyung can't... go through?” Bambam frowns because he's not sure he has used a correct Korean word. The language can be sometimes an obstacle difficult to jump off. Once Yugyeom's lips sketch his characteristic placid smile, as he nods giving his approval, the Thai continues what he was saying. “Yeah, like he can't go through the wall they are surrounded by.”

“More like he doesn't want to.” 

“Really? Is that so?” Bambam opens widely his eyes eyeing at the maknae, who really doesn't look like one. Yugyeom wrinkles his nose and shrugs slowly, pondering his own words. 

“Uhn, I think so, at least. I mean... Maybe the recent tension there's between them is not that new.” Now Bambam is listening, feeling surprisingly curious about what the other male could say. The young Thai doesn't even notice his lips are slightly parted. “You remember that night when we were practicing? I thought Jackson hyung behaved weirdly, since he didn't want to practice aerobatics.”

“Right... And Mark hyung came back earlier when they went out to get drinks.”

“Yeah, I didn't quite believe that excuse Mark hyung gave about being too cold outside.”

“Now that you say that... but when Real Got7 9 was being recorded, they seemed like always. Jackson even picked Mark in that paper game.” This time the maknae doesn't bother to warn Bambam that he dropped the honorifics; it usually happens, besides, they are the only ones talking.

“Maybe you're right. But to be honest I also saw Jackson hyung quite stuck to Jaebum hyung then.”

“That's not unusual anyway.”

“I know, I know. But don't you think Mark hyung was pretty quiet?”

“Well, that's also daily life.” Bambam blinks and raises both eyebrows, finding a bit strange Yugyeomg's arguments. The maknae shakes his head in a flash in hardly perceptible movements. 

Ania, I mean more than usual.”

Bambam covers his lips with his right fist as he giggles before replying. “I honestly think that's imposible.” Yugyeom skretches his mouth corners to show a grin despite his attempts to remain in silence or, at least, to hold in the laugh in that situation. Slightly grouch at being dragged, Yugyeom hits softly the other's right knee in his way of vendetta. When the Thai calms down and pats a bit his own leg after the touch, keeps talking, showing a doubtful expression. 

“I don't know, what if you are overthinking it? I haven't seen them behaving that strange if I give some thought to it.” 

Both friends redirect their gazes in a coordinated move towards the three boys in front of them, a few steps away. Mark, Jinyoung and Jackson are sitting following that line order on a row of seats screwed down to the floor. While the two former boys haven't stopped talking and in spite of the efforts from Jinyoung to include the Chinese in the conversation, it seems Jackson has remained kind of absent, checking his mobile phone about ten times per minute. Despite the brief contributions that Jr and Mark have earned from him, for Yugyeom's eyes it's more than clear that Jackson would prefer to be anywhere but there. 

The maknae has already spent some time a bit curious about the tension he noticed a few days ago between both foreigners. At the beginning he assumed that fatigue due to the recent hectic schedule was starting to wreck havoc in his friends; especially in those two, since they are clearly the new favourite ones. But as he paid attention more conscientiously, he seemed to spot a couple of quite strange things, which involve both Jackson and Mark.

Since the very first day Yugyeom met everyone who are his bandmates now, the boy was able to see the links that connect Mark to Jackson and vice versa. Those links are the picture of that kind of friendships that, if they don't arise, it can be considered as a tremendous waste. 

The AmeriThaiKong team was the first trainees placed in the buildings that were they trainee dorms back then. But owing to the young age of Bambam, he must spend in school and other activities a large amount of time, something that left constantly the Californian and the Chinese on their own. Two young boys living together, sharing interests and, more importantly, the language in a rather new and unknown country, which is far, far away from their homes. Friendship just grew strongly in a natural way. 

Yugyeom still remembers how jealous he felt then, wishing to find such a special friend somewhere in that risky yet exciting life; but he knew that, despite how much he wanted to be like that with Jackson, Mark's figure wouldn't be replaced so easily. In fact, he wonders if that's even possible, to replace him. 

Yugyeom has come to the conclusion that probably not.

It's not that the youngest doesn't think about Mark as a friend; they are, indeed (honestly speaking, probably Yugyeom is the one who values the most the friendship with every member). Even more, following his obvious sensitive personality, he considers all the members as almost family; but, like for many other people, Jackson's bright way of being has managed to attract him up to the point of wanting to share with the Chinese that type of inseparable connections. But some relations are always closer than others, such is life. And 'MarkSon' is one of the closest, or so seemed before.

Now the possibility that those connections have cooled is being weighed in Yugyeom's head. Although, after listening to Bambam, the maknae is (secretly) not sure anymore. After all, maybe the Thai is right and he's thinking too much about the matter. 

“Well... I hope so, to be honest.” Yugyeom starts talking again without turning his head, still looking at the trio a bit away from Bambam and him. “That will mean there's no big problem between them.”

“Who has a problem? Oh, were you talking about Jackson hyung?” When Youngjae suddenly pops up in scene next to the boys, both Yugyeom and Bambam jump a bit in surprise and eye at the newcomer. “Yesterday night I and Jaebum hyung were talking with him because he was behaving strange; he said he was just tired tho'.”

“What, did you notice it?” Bambam asks, totally amazed.

“If Youngjae hyung was able to see something, I can't be wrong.” Yugyeom asserts confidently as he nods and loosens his muscles after the short fright from before.

“Don't be so full of yourself. You just found out about it yesterday and thanks to me.” Jaebum approaches them in calm steps. “If I hadn't brought it up during dinner, you'd be still oblivious.”

“Well, that's right.”

Youngjae chuckles mischievously agreeing that the leader is right so the two males who were talking before nod, as if the world is clear and back to normal again, when they understand the whole story.

“So, what do you think... hyung?” Bambam asks, willing to know the leader's opinion; since Jaebum is like the closest friend Jackson has in Got7, after Mark. 

The mentioned only shrugs and rolls his eyes before answering. “Dunno, it wouldn't surprise me if he's really tired. That can put anyone in a bad mood.”

“But Yugyeom thinks that there's something out of normal between Jackson and Mark; like if they had a fight or something.” The maknae turns his head towards Bambam in a flash, giving him a killer look. Why did he have to say anything about it? What if Yugyeom is wrong, after all? He would feel so ashamed. 

“Why? I don't really think so.” Jaebum blinks twice as he crosses his arms; he hasn't considered that option. Yugyeom's cheeks feel a bit warm now. He's positive the pink in them has shown already, the youngest can't avoid being insecure about his thoughts. 

“I'm sure that if something like that has happened, Jinyoung knows about it.”

Everyone agree at Bambam's comment and Jaebum becomes strained instantly, but nobody has noticed it.

“That could be the reason why Mark hyung seems a bit more relaxed than Jackson hyung right now, because he told Jinyoung hyung about it. In the hypothetical case that all that stuff about the fight did really happen.” Youngjae says, giving a good point of view.

“Should we ask Jackson about it?” Bambam looks from one to another, looking for the answer to his question.

“I don't know... What if it's something really personal and nothing to do with Mark hyung? I don't want to bother him...” Maknae's concern is tangible in his low voice.

“Bambam, you dropped the honorifics again.” And the leader earns an 'oops, sorry' from the Thai after his warning. The fair-haired allowed it before and he really doesn't mind, but better if his bandmate learns about it fast so, when they are in live programms, he won't make such mistake. 

“Whatever, I'm going to, at least, keep him company. It's sad seeing Jackson hyung off. Let's see if I can cheer him up~” In a lively mood, Bambam stands up when everyone in the circle agree with his attitude and idea, letting him approach the boy who occupies their thoughts the most right now.

“By the way, Yugyeom you can go in now for a brief while before heading to practice room, since you wanted to check your shoots for the video. Youngjae will go with you.”

“Great!” The maknae leaps up and stands next to Youngjae, waiting for him to set off along.

“Maybe you should talk to Jackson hyung, I think he trusts you a lot.” Youngjae says, looking at Jaebum.

“Uhn, yeah, maybe... I think I'll do it later.” And before giving Youngjae and Yugyeom a slight yet worried smile, he follows the Thai's steps to go next to Jackson, Mark and Jinyoung too.

When Yugyeom and Youngjae walk towards the private room where managers and other workers are, Yugyeom suddenly sees the point of something. 

“Why didn't Jinyoung hyung go with Jaebum hyung? Aren't they usually the ones who take care of Got7's representation in this kind of decisions about video editions and so?”

The main vocal only shrugs, being honest as he shows an indifferent expression. “No idea, Jinyoung hyung said he didn't feel like going inside the room, so I went in his place.”

“...” Yugyeom takes some seconds to reflect on it. “You know, I think he really knows what's happening so he didn't go to stay with Mark hyung and Jackson hyung, in order to avoid disasters between them.”

“You must be really sure of that doubtful fight.” Youngjae ends up chuckling. “Sometimes I see ourselves as a real conventional family.”

“How is that so?” Youngjae drops a short laughter before asking.

“Yes, yes; Jinyoung hyung is clearly the omma who takes care of his two naughty children. Jaebum's the father and you must be the daughter.”

“What? Why me?!”

“Well, you're the one who likes watching doramas, besides your favourite books are love stories. And you can be a crybaby about them; don't try to deny it, we live together.” Neither of them is able to hold back their laughters as Youngjae points at the maknae with his index finger, after giving those accurate reasons.  

“Then Bambam should be the super cute baby or something; and he also watches that kind of doramas, by the way.”

Both boys remain silent for a few seconds, pondering in their insides that crazy idea about being a family which find quite funny; it's then when Youngjae asks, out of curiosity. He also wants a comfy place in that family picture.

“What about me?”

Yugyeom grins, spotting his revenge. “The hamster.”

Tsk. The super duper cute hamster, you mean.”

At least his cage will have a sofa, he hopes.


“Let's look for Jackson, Jaebum and the others. You coming or?”

Mark doubts how to answer to the question Jinyoung launches. But it's not like he has a choice, right? Not unless he wants to raise up suspicions; well, grounded suspicions, he means. “Sure, let's ask them.” 

Mark and Jinyoung leave the closest convenience store to their practice building, where they were getting some snacks; it's the usual place to go for the boys when they are in the middle of their break after spending a quite good amount of time practicing singing and rapping. The manager from the little store already knows the seven boys and he always serves them with a warm toothless smile, although he is not as nice as the ahjumma in charge of the restaurant where they usually eat. Well, nobody is like her, full stop. 

They are finally able to relax a bit and recover some energy before starting with dance practice, and there's no better way for it than ingesting a lot of sugar. Even though Jinyoung looks already pretty lively. The black-haired puts his cellphone inside his hoodie pocket, he has just received a Kakao Talk message from a friend who works as a back-up dancer in the company, JYPEnt. It seems that tomorrow night a party will be thrown; not a big one, rather some intimate gathering with some known workers from the enterprise, so of course they are invited. Even trainees will be there, although he doesn't really know the reason for that party; Jinyoung looks radiant before the idea of having a good time.

“I wonder where Jaebum is?” Once both boys enter the practice building again, Mark tries unconsciously to meet the leader first; today... today we will talk. Gosh. His hands just start shaking at the mere thought of him alone with Jackson.

“I think I saw Jackson sneaking into the composing room before. Let's go.”


But they don't meet Jackson, at least not only Jackson. When Jinyoung opens the door, the Chinese male is sitting with his elbows against the white table in front of him. His right fingers are playing taking a pen from one side to another of his hand while he keeps his eyes down to a sheet of paper, full of crossing-outs. On his left, Jaebum keeps his head leaning against Jackson's shoulder. The leader only looks up at the door when he hears the metallic sound from the crank opening.


Only when the fair-haired incorporates himself, Jackson raises his head up and his eyes meet Mark's, finally. The redhead tastes suddenly an already known strong bitter flavour through his throat, and his mind presents him with a vivid image, a memory from a couple of days before, when he went to the first aid kit room. Again. It amazes him how the desire of wanting to find Jaebum first not only has disappeared in a matter of seconds, but Mark doesn't want to see him now at all.

“Hey, what are you two doing?” 

Jinyoung approaches Jaebum and Jackson, ending up standing by the Chinese's right side. Mark remains a bit behind, letting the other taking the lead in the talking.

“I was just trying to compose something.” And the one who answers is that raspy and dry voice Mark identifies on the spot. 

He sounds tired

“Ah, are you writing something new? Can I see it?”

Knowing that they are talking about a Jackson's creation, the issue catches in a moment Mark's interest, who also peeks in case he could see something. But the Hong Kong native hides the paper under his arms at once, avoiding the black-haired to look at it -and with that, the red-haired too.

“Hey, it's not fair. Jaebum can see it!” Jr pulls out all his aegyo in his whines, but the paper keeps hidden.

“But I'm helping him with his mental breakdown. I deserve at least that.” Says the leader in his defense, chuckling.

“And he gave me the idea, anyway.” Jackson adds, with a hint of a smile on his lips. Mark would swear he has seen Jinyoung's expression darken a bit. 

“It's a secret, secret.” Jaebum teases at the other with a huge smile sketched on his face. Now Jinyoung looks cutely pissed off.

“Whatever... I came to ask you if you wanna come to a party, tomorrow night.” And the black-haired regains his smile, but it doesn't seem as bright as before, nor as lively. “There will be the trainees and some friends, everyone from the enterprise; so, what do you say?”

“Are you two coming?” Jaebum asks with both eyebrows raised.

“Sure! Isn't it?” Jinyoung then puts his arm over Mark's shoulders while he looks at him from a very short distance.

“Yeah, sure.” Replies the eldest. He doesn't sound convincing, though. 

“Then count me in; Jackson?”

The mentioned one shakes his head showing a nonchalantly expression. “I'll pass. I don't think I will feel like going; besides, I'm really into the song I'm composing.”

“You sure?” Jinyoung looks really surprised; he definitely thought that Jackson would answer a loud 'yes'. “Lena is coming too.”


“And she asked about you... twice. Or so told me my friend.”

Uuuh...~” Jaebum moves in a quick motion his eyebrows up and down as he raises his mouth corners to dedicate a very naughty smile to his friend.

It's an open secret that Jackson had a something in his pre-debut days with Celena Ahn, a current promising trainee from JYPEnt., who recently has tasted Korean stages by collaborating in the new song from their senior Sunmi, Full Moon. But it's also true that, since the debut's date for Got7 became known, they didn't keep that much in touch due to hard practice sessions and the new   schedule b with activities of all kinds, typical of an already debuted Kpop group.

Anyway, it's not that their relationship was something serious; more like... friends with benefits.

“I'm still passing, sorry. Next time. Keep her good company in my place.”

Eish, I'm sure she doesn't really want our kind of company.” Jaebum chuckles at his own words, along with Jinyoung. Mark forces himself to grin in order to concel what he feels; although he doesn't truly wants to know what he feels.

“Let's eat something before starting dance practice; Mark and I have brought a lot of stuff. Even your favourite chocolate cookies, Jackson.”

The redhead keeps his mouth shut, but he feels like screaming that he was the one who picked those cookies because he knows how much the shorter loves them. Damn me.

“I'll do it later, I wanna finish something first.”

“Really, are you ok?” Now Jinyoung is totally worried, since when Jackson behaves like that? 

Since I ed it up, clearly. Mark guilt doesn't stop growing inside him.

“Well, well.” Jaebum stands up and starts to push Jinyoung and Mark towards the door. “Let's leave the 'glorious' composer some time in peace alone; he's just focused. See you later at dance practice, buddy.”

The brunette says goodbye by shaking his right hand, even though his friends give him their backs already. And like that, Mark, Jinyoung and Jaebum leave the room. A room full of Mark unable to stop looking at Jackson, and a Jackson putting his gaze at anything but Mark.


Mark takes a deep breath. Let this happen quickly and painlessly

He doesn't want to, but the fact that he feels really anxious is pretty clear in all his being. The redhead looks at the clock; he has been already ten minutes in the changing room. I should go. Feeling like a coward is hateful, but facing Jackson is something terrifying. The possibility of losing a friend scares him to death, because he honestly doesn't know what will happen in the imminent conversation that is waiting for him. 

Recently, the Chinese hasn't been himself; he was sometimes off, sometimes rough and he has been able to fake his cheerful attitude towards life in a small number of times. And Mark's ty behaviour towards him hasn't helped at all. The bomb that is Jackson Wang right now could explode anytime and Mark fears it will explode in his face.

The elder inhales and exhales one last time, before entering again the practice room. 

“Sorry it took so long; I was sweating like hell.” Mark pulls a slight smile that tries to widen, but it becomes a little grotesque grin. The other only male with him just nods, in a low motion.

“No prob.”

The excuse Mark gave before to be off of there wasn't exactly an excuse, since he was really sweating and needed to wash his face only about a hundred times or so; although the reason for it was not as much the physical exercise while cleaning as the pressure for being left behind alone with the one he considers as his best friend. As strange as it sounds, it's like that. 

The redhead curses at Jaebum in a hiss when he remembers the leader stopping Jinyoung in the attempt of the latter to replace Mark in his cleaning duties. 'He looks really tired after aerobatics, look! I can take the place of my dear friend.' That was the motherly reason he spat out before. Then the red-haired thought it would be a dirty move to take advantage of Jr's best intentions; now he wishes he would have done so.

“What are you doing there, you're really sluggish today.” Jackson's gruff voice wakes up the elder.

Mark was that lost in his thoughts he hasn't noticed the other male has approached him to be able to wipe off some drops that were falling non-stop through Mark's face from his forehead. The first reaction from the taller is to jump back a bit, freaked out.

“Jacks, n-no, don't... worry.”

Jackson keeps drying his skin a bit with his hoodie long sleeve before putting it on. “It's nothing. I was worried you couldn't see with that amount of water falling on your eyes.” Now that Mark thinks about it, he hasn't dried his face before washing it. I feel stupid.


Mark looks up from the floor to meet suddenly Jackson's black and shiny eyes piercing his. They remain looking at each other what seems years, although they were only a few intense seconds where both gazes struggled to keep eyeing at each other as long as possible. For once, Jackson loses and Mark heart stops for a brief moment.

“Well, I'm done with my part so... I'll wait you to go back together.”


The taller nods and takes up his duties again; there isn't much left to finish. He wiped my... And despite that, Mark can't concentrate on only cleaning. Like he was worried, that's a good sign, right? After all, Jackson, Jacks, has just taken care of him. Because friendship is something like that, and they are friends. Or does it mean something more... Mark sighs and erases immediately that more than extravagant idea of his. Stop being a delusional. How could he even dare to get his hopes up? The redhead bites his bottom lip and feels how his pulse is racing. The silence is starting to weight too much.

“I swear tension is killing me.”

Jackson raises his head and blinks a few times, surprised at what his bandmate has just said. The Chinese is now sitting in a corner of the room, with his back against a side wall. “What?”

Mark drops the mop and in a couple of ticks is next to Jackson, sitting on the floor by his side. His knees are flexed and his arms around them, looking at nothing in front of him. “You know what I mean.” The elder gathers then all his courage to turn his head and direct his eyes to the younger.

Jackson sighs in relief. “I honestly thought you weren't going to say anything.”

“Well, if we are being honest here, I was secretly planning to do so.” The brunette's chuckle sounds like music for Mark's ears. I missed it. Suddenly he feels a bit embarrassed for thinking that; thanks God he doesn't blush easily.

“Just for you to know, I was planning to bring it up in case you'd do so.”

“I knew it wouldn't be so easy.”

For a moment, the ambience is full with cheerful laughters until silence expands again. The seriousness of the situation wraps up instantly the boys one more time.

“I just wanna know what did I do that wrong that you don't even sleep in our room anymore.” Jackson is the one who talks first; it took so much effort to not go all the way now.

“I told you I just needed-”

“Time, yeah; I heard it the first time.” Jackson makes a dramatical pause before carrying on. “But I don't get what you should forget; you yourself said it was a passing crush.”

“I dunno. I just... it's a bit complicated. I mean... I'm sorry. I know I've been behaving like a lil' with you; I didn't mean it. It's just... I don't... know how to do it. How to remain being your friend, to forget what I so carelessly said and everything with the members, I mean the schedule, and tension and... , it's driving me crazy.”

He was resolute to say that, but in the end Mark seals his lips; he can't confess how much he thinks about Jackson as more, pretty more than a simple friend.

“Well, I'm one to talk, to be honest.” Jackson shrugs and Mark pays all his attention to him now. “I haven't been exactly the best friend either recently. And I was thinking, really hard; only that I need to prove some things, but I couldn't spot the right moment.”

“What things?”

“...” Jackson rolls his eyes to the ceiling and then looks at his friend again. “Can I say something? It has to do with that 'experiment' I'm talking about.”

“U-uh... I guess? Go on.”

“Frankly it's more like doing something.”

“Whatever Jacks, what is it?”

“Ok, but punching me is forbidden.”

Before Mark is able to answer back, the redhead finds his lips covered by Jackson's in a simple and chaste kiss. The elder can't close his eyes and, even though at first he considers to back off, he manages to stay still until the other breaks the touch. 

They look at each other again, and this time the tension is rather different than before. Their eyes are intense, reaching each other beyond imagination and, for once, and despite the brushstroke of doubt and fear Mark can see in Jacks' pupils, the taller is sure they want the same.

“Do you feel like... experimenting again?” The blood pounding painfully through Mark's veins doesn't allow the boy to think clearly, and less speak better. His voice comes out lower and deeper than ever.


And this time both boys leans to find each other, devouring their tender and wet lips, drinking the other's saliva as if it were the water from an oasis in a dry and infinite desert. When they tilt their heads towards opposite directions, a first sneaky tongue seeps between the other's lips only to find its twin and dance together in endless loops, eyes closed as they allow the waves of lust and passion to carry them away. Mark can't remember who was the first one to go more deeply in the kiss, he just knows that, finally, he's embracing Jackson with one arm, while his other hand is the Chinese's lank and smooth hair after getting rid of his snapback.

Finally tension is fading away.

(A/N): yep, you're allowed to kill me, in fact I beg you to do so orz... Sorry, It's been around two weeks without a new chapter but I was hella busy as I said before. Ahh I hope this chapter will pay for all that time ;-; Thanks a lot for all the comments and likes and subscription... as always you're amazing people <3

I'm so sorry to say that but I can't guarantee next chapter won't take me that long again T_T I hope you will still follow this little story anyway...~

Feel free to comment what do you think about the plot, heuheu. See you~ (soon I hope)

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(27/03) yo! I'm leaving here a message to inform you that I'll put next chapter (4th) on Sunday surely~ (if not before) Sorrysorry I'm busy as hell. LOVE U ALL


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May143 #1
Chapter 11: I feel kinda late since it is 2016 but uf
rrpkyg #2
Chapter 11: Where is the new part? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: I feel like Lena will definitely suspect something.. Mino "slurping popsicles" rofl
Chapter 11: Nice so far :D I mean, sometimes I just want to jump in and correct your sentence structure and grammar, but I like it (^-^) I'm interested to see what happens. They are such jelly monsters XD
IMAkpoper #6
Chapter 11: Yes!! You updated ^^ !! I was waiting for an update, and it was summer so its really understandable that you were enjoying your holidays! I am happy that you updated though. I really liked reading the Mino/Namjoon/ Jackson hang out, I really like their friendship. Plus I cant stop myself from picturing them having similar conversations in real life. And well , it seems like Markson's relationship is getting more complicated o_O xD why don't they just date and, and... Whatever... And there's always the girl who comes in the middle of everything, like seriously... No one needs you, go away xD LOL Sorry and thanks for the update!
15fatfatdbsk #7
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way
15fatfatdbsk #8
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way
15fatfatdbsk #9
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way