
The way everything started [currently on hiatus]

Jackson's POV

Mark remains silent for a few short seconds that seem like an eternity. Slowly, Jackson was lowering his right arm until keeping it now languid at his side. “Are you… like suggesting that I should be with you all the time?” The red-haired, with both eyebrows raised, knowingly emphasizes that ‘should’, showing an incredulous expression over his face -without being able to conceal it. 

"Th-that’s…,” the conclusion the elder draws from his own words makes the shorter’s voice tremble a little. Jackson can’t find the way to deny what his friend has asked him so, in the end, he chooses to just shake his head ambiguously while finally turning away his eyes to the ceiling for a second. In a brief moment, his gaze plummets to the ground and when Jackson gives his reply, the Hong Kong native adopts a forcibly carefree tone in order to take away importance from what happened before. “Look, forget it. It doesn’t matter anymore, do whatever you want. I’m just a simple crush anyway.” The brunette hisses that last sentence before being aware of it. In fact, he doesn't even notice the emphasis he put on ‘simple’, like if he was mimicking what the elder did a minute ago.

But of course, Mark has heard it. “Are you mad about it?” When the elder looks at him with his lost dark eyes, the redhead clarifies what he means. “About being a… simple crush.” The taller imitates shamelessly the way the other male has pronounced it, so the younger stays speechless for a fleeting second again. “No, no. No. I mean, it’s better for you, right? So you… can forget and everything. Yeah.” Jackson points at the elder while he verbalizes his doubtful thoughts, shrugging as if what he is saying is common sense. Mark nods once and bites his bottom lip before speaking.

"You know, Jacks. I wasn’t keeping the distance between us just because you told me or I was angry at you. I needed it. It’s… not easy, to be honest. To be like always after what I confessed and it’s worse if I must see you every day.” The brunette just nods a bit in agreement, with his head lowered a bit. “I know and I’m sorry.”

"I know you are and, believe me, I do understand your reaction from last night, it must... have been weird. I am sorry for what I've said. I-... I may have overreacted.” While the elder lowers a bit his voice at the last part of his speech, neither can Jackson find the words to negate the fact about how strange it was finding out his friend felt ually attracted to him. Well, yeah, blame me for being shocked. “Just… let’s forget about it, yeah?” When the redhead looks up at the clock hanging on the wall in front of him, he notices that they have been in this room for almost half an hour.

“Better if we go heading to the practice room, we might get killed by Ogrebum if not.” 

The shorter is the first one who sets off his legs to leave the room without looking back. Mark keeps standing in the now empty space for a few soothing seconds, trying to get a hold of himself after that everything but normal conversation. The redhead has no clue of what to think about it, and even less if what just happened means a positive or rather disastrous sign for their friendship. When the elder closes the door behind him, he finds Jackson with his back against the wall a couple of steps ahead, playing with the peak of his snapback. “Oh, I thought you had already headed to the practice room.”

The brunette raises his head and blinks twice, showing a nonchalantly expression and puts on back the accessory, the front of it behind his head. “Yeah, but I noticed you weren't coming so I waited.” Mark isn't aware of the shy smile that is growing in his lips. “I mean, it's always better being scolded with someone.” The redhead giggles after that sincere reason and both guys walk together to meet up again with their bandmates. They haven't even thought about some kind of story to excuse themselves in front of the boys (who surely are wondering where the hell are they), but they aren’t worried either. Honestly speaking, Jackson can't be more relaxed now (under the current circumstances); after all, Mark called him 'Jacks' again. 

Thanks God.


"And spare me pitiful excuses like you were lost and all that crap.” Jaebum is frowning, having the Chinese and the Californian before him, shrugging at their leader's words. We must have thought about something after all. . Both boys were missing for about thirty minutes, without saying a word or giving signs of life, and the members were starting to get nervous. Bambam and Jinyoung were about to leave the practice room in order to look for them around the floor for the second time, when just at that instant both friends arrived with their heads down, ready for the judgment. 

"Didn't we agree not to stay more time with the fans? Everyone would love to stay but-” Yugyeom's sentence is cut when Jackson starts shaking both hands energetically, babbling an incessant string of 'no'. “Ania, ania, it's not like that; we weren't with them.” Mark, both hands clasped behind his back, keeps shaking his head, backing up in that way what the younger says. It seems that the theory they have thought as the most reasonable explanation has been annulled. “Well at least that also says that the idea of you two being kidnapped by crazy fans is also wrong. It was our second option.” 

Jackson and Mark don't even notice they drop a chuckle (along with Bambam, Youngjae -and Jinyoung's smile-), but the atmosphere becomes silent once again when the weight of Jaebum's silence gains ground over their jokes. The maknae coughs and Youngjae tries his best to impose peace at the picture in front of his eyes. “So... what were you doing?” Both foreigners look at each other for a brief second and the elder is the one who turns first his eyes for his reply. “We were just talking, nothing important. Like... family stuff and so.” 

"Family stuff?” Asks Jaebum, not really convinced. “Yeah, we were talking about... ah, plans with family and holidays and... well that.” The snort is almost general. That was clever, Markie. Their bandmates wouldn't be taken by surprise about the idea of both boys planning a short holiday together with one of their families. After all it wouldn't be the first time they do something like that, since Jackson went once to Taiwan with Mark and his family when they were only a couple of trainees. “What the... So you were all chit-chat while we were here waiting for you? I'm so done with you, guys. And next holidays aren't even close, in case we do have, by the way.” Jaebum sighs in a disapproval tone and takes only a few seconds to think about a suitable punishment. “Ok, next day you will be in charge of cleaning duties.” 

"Wait, what. It's not our turn until Monday!” Jackson whines, although he knows it won't make any change. He hates cleaning duties. “I know, that's why it's called 'punishment'.” To tell the truth, all the mess and the punishment have more to do with concern than with anger; it is the first time something like that happens in the team (people suddenly disappearing), so the five young males didn't quite know what to do. Of course the leader feels like making somebody pay for that hard time, and nobody better than the actual culprits. 

"With 'next day' you mean like... today? Or tomorrow?” Everyone can feel the delicacy Mark uses when he makes those questions, and it seems like something is hidden in his words. Jinyoung is the first one who notices what he really means. “Oh, right. Today the seniors will be using the practice room after us, so they will clean it. And tomorrow we will record Real Got7 9 and we have the scheduled appointment with C-Radio.” When the penny finally drops and every male realize what the 'omma' is talking about, JB nods and claps his hands, like he always does when his brain is working. “Right, so tomorrow we won't have that much time... Then you're in charge of next Monday and Tuesday.” 

The Hong Kong native widens his eyes. “What, two days in a row?” Jaebum raises one only eyebrow while looking at him. “And if you prefer it can be a whole week.” Jackson raises wordlessly his hands up his chest, showing the one in front of him the palms in a surrender posture. Better if I don't pull the trigger. Bambam and Yugyeom are sincerely happy about that unexpected decision: they were in charge of cleaning on Tuesday. Guess who will be resting until next week? 

"Well, let's work hard so we can recover lost time.” In no time Got7 gets cracking, everyone focused on keeping the coordination and not losing balance between strong changes of rhythm present in all their choreographies. The rest of the practice continues smoothly and, against all odds, they even manage to have time for martial arts exercises. 

Due to their agenda between the sudden fanmeeting and senior's schedule, today Got7 has changed their practice timetable. Because of that, the trainer who usually teaches them isn't able to be with the newbies of the company; so they decide to limit themselves to do not-so-risky movements, like the ones they usually perform. Youngjae has left because he needed to get some drinks so, while the main vocal is absent, his bandmates prepare the mates on the floor and, why not saying it, take a deserved break. When Jaebum's roommate finishes the shopping and returns, he sees from the outside everyone tired lying on the floor or sitting on the chairs that are scattered through the room and comes up with an idea: he will be the cheerful mood-maker for once. The dark-haired perfectly knows this kind of job is more Jackson's style, but the short confrontation before seems to get him down. So yeah, it's his chance. He has even thought of a cool sentence already.

Youngjae then takes a run-up in order to burst abruptly in the room and put everyone's eyes on him, but the only thing that steals the attention of his bandmates is the thud his body does when he falls hastily to the ground along with his messed phrase: “And now, martial art-Aahh!!” Well, bad luck is just a regular part of Youngjae's story so of course he didn't see the plastic covers (that they use to protect the mates when they are stacked in the store-cupboard) positioned near the room's entrance. His right foot slipped when he stepped on them, making his legs go ahead and, even though the boy tried shamefully to recover balance, the drinks he was carrying inside the bag worked as a weight making his body bend backwards. 

"It hurts~~” With his on the floor along with the water plastic bottles, the eventful boy incorporates himself, caressing his nape to look at his bandmates, all of them paralyzed in the middle of their ways to assist their friend. For a few second, the room stays silent, but guffaws don't make themselves to be expected. “Did you see that? Oh, my God, hyung that was epic!” Bambam is almost jumping and Jackson's pitched loud laugh is so scandalous they wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the building were able to hear it. Yugyeom is squatted next to Youngjae and embraces him, without holding his chuckles and even Youngjae's face isn't serious, because his lips show a wide (and a little bit embarrassed) smile. In his way, he accomplished what he had resolved, isn't it? 


Mark's POV

In the end, party didn't last long.

"Seriously, how clumsy can be this leader we have. Sometimes amazes me.” Despite the teasing smile that Jinyoung shows when he speaks, there is still that concern dose in the black-haired’s words. Or at least so thinks Mark. “Yeah, why did you even marry him, omma. This appa we have...” Yugyeom jokes and, despite his attempts for looking serious, the boy instantly bursts into laugher when he looks at the black-haired's face, along with Bambam, who is sitting next to him on the black leather sofa from the practice room. 

Jinyoung just frowns and pouts and keeps opening and closing weirdly his hands and everything that could make clear how disgusting does he find what the maknae said. The eldest in the group would say that was a bit exaggerated for his taste, but it’s the way he usually behaves. “Now it's the moment for Jackson's 'eeew',” comments Youngjae before taking a swig from one of the water bottles. Bambam stands up to approach the spot where the main vocal is sitting, on the floor, with his back against the mirror wall. Before the elder closes the bottle with the cap, the Thai grabs it and takes it to his lips to drink a little. 

"Are you sure it wasn't you who cast a spell on JB-hyung?”

Still with his jokes, the youngest moves his eyebrows up and down in a quick motion while tilting his head to Youngjae. “Whaaaat, yah, is it now my fault that he was mocking at my own fall?! My still hurts, you know.” With puffy cheeks, Youngjae caresses his buttocks with one hand, letting Bambam finish the drink. “Exactly.” Youngjae keeps with his accusations, even though he doesn't mean what he says. 

"Let's do some stretching or we'll get cold.” Mark, tired of not doing anything for today, stands up from the chair where he was accommodated, trying to get everyone go along with him. He achieves that with no effort. The redhead needs to move or do whatever he can; otherwise his mind would fly far, far away to the moment when he took the wrong decision. If I had just bitten my tongue. The fact that he still regrets having confessed that to Jackson makes in some way almost impossible to act normal when the guy is around. 

And yet he keeps thinking about him even though he went with Jaebum to get some bandages for their leather's finger. Did he go because I bother him? The Californian shakes his head covertly. Ania, I have to stop thinking like that. He said it wasn't like that. Keep calm, calm. Besides, the boy knows perfectly about the friendship that links those two, it's not strange at all from the Chinese being concern about Jaebum. Although Youngjae could have accompanied him too… agh, stop it, stupid brain.

But it's not like mind can be controlled. Mark was very aware of the narrow mentality that a general amount of civilians from Korea and other lands around still have, and he knew he promised himself to keep his uality hidden; that moment back then made him forget about everything though. Idiot. The Californian will need some time to forgive himself. 

Mark has always trusted Jackson, and maybe that is the cause of his big mouth. The elder can’t avoid thinking how comfortable and homely it is when both guys spend time together. In some way he feels free and more like himself. Sadly, what the redhead fears the most now is the possibility of Jackson telling somebody about it. Surely not as something to gossip about, but maybe... as a situation to ask advice about. Mark wouldn't be surprised. Jacks has a lot of friends, anyway

But he is not jealous, by the way.

"Hey, it's almost time for us to leave the room. Seniors will be here right away.” Jinyoung is the one who takes the elder out of his own thoughts. “Ah, we have to tidy everything and the mats...” When the redhead looks around, the male can see Youngjae, Bambam and Yugyeom dealing with it already. He understands in a second that he was spacing out again, although his goal was precisely the opposite. What did I miss

"You come with me; those two haven't still come back. I'm sure they aren't able to find the bandages by themselves.” 

Without a word, Mark lets the younger drag him along, heading to the closed door of the tiny room where they keep the first aid kits for everyone in the enterprise. Mark isn't sure of the picture he could expect when they open it, but surely he will see dumb and dumber still looking around, one almost screaming while the other doesn't stop complaining about the pain. He chuckles by just imagining it.

"Uhm... sorry, do we interrupt something?” The widen eyes on Jinyoung's face make Mark blink, without understanding his words. Before saying or asking anything, the elder redirects his eyes towards the now open door of that little room. And Mark can almost feel his jaw dislocating. What the... A sharp and undefined pain crosses the boy’s chest.

Is he really seeing it? Jackson and Jaebum.

Both of them.

Hugging tightly. 

Like very tightly. 

Well, definitely that was unexpected. And no, Mark is still not jealous. Not at all.

(A/N): Hi again one more week~ I want you to know that I take notes from your comments and I have in mind some ideas that come from them, so I decided to take this fanfic in a more serious way. I mean, I'll try to write longer chapters and lot of things you can't know yet so maybe I'll need more time for next updates. Sorry about that, because of Uni and stuff I'm really busy too ;-; As always, thank you for following this little story!

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(27/03) yo! I'm leaving here a message to inform you that I'll put next chapter (4th) on Sunday surely~ (if not before) Sorrysorry I'm busy as hell. LOVE U ALL


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May143 #1
Chapter 11: I feel kinda late since it is 2016 but uf
rrpkyg #2
Chapter 11: Where is the new part? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: I feel like Lena will definitely suspect something.. Mino "slurping popsicles" rofl
Chapter 11: Nice so far :D I mean, sometimes I just want to jump in and correct your sentence structure and grammar, but I like it (^-^) I'm interested to see what happens. They are such jelly monsters XD
IMAkpoper #6
Chapter 11: Yes!! You updated ^^ !! I was waiting for an update, and it was summer so its really understandable that you were enjoying your holidays! I am happy that you updated though. I really liked reading the Mino/Namjoon/ Jackson hang out, I really like their friendship. Plus I cant stop myself from picturing them having similar conversations in real life. And well , it seems like Markson's relationship is getting more complicated o_O xD why don't they just date and, and... Whatever... And there's always the girl who comes in the middle of everything, like seriously... No one needs you, go away xD LOL Sorry and thanks for the update!
15fatfatdbsk #7
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way
15fatfatdbsk #8
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way
15fatfatdbsk #9
Chapter 11: your story is go0d but the m0re i read it the m0re it bec0mes complicated:(how long will they realize that they really into each other bc0z its bc0ming m0re c0nfusing.:(.plz update s0on i love ur st0ry by the way